Operation Gore Galore

>Operation Gore Galore

Like "The Walking Dead" and "Fear The Walking Dead" facebook pages and comment post gore, but claim it's photos/screencaps from the new season

>unsuspecting kids save real gore on their computers
>share gore with friends & family

LUL. I'll post a few. I don't have much gore. What season is the walking dead on? so I can make sure my post looks legit

The Walking Dead is on season 7

Say you have behind the scenes pictures of props from the upcoming episodes

kek i feel like going to some load gore pics just so i can do this. nice idea user

Bump this has potential

Kek This.

whats happened in that pic?

Same fagging so hard

maybe this will pass? idk

Bump, this is fucking brilliant.... But I wanna see results b

How can u tell if someone is doing that? Newfag here

Yeah sure buddy

>in denial this has great potential



11 Posters 13 Posts. stupid newfag


Can people post gore so I have material to post?


Pain is an excellent teacher

he´s just stupid see @ the bottom right.

Doing god's work

Hahaha thanks



What an odd name for a Cringe thread

Bump for gore request

I need material to post

It's hard to find gore that could be a screencap from TWD

good thing he had his orange vest on!




no Problem. i hate those fucks.

I guess that's a TWD thing? I've never seen the show

Don Rose for mayor

Don Rose for president

Lmao bumped


That first reply is clearly fake, planted response to get the posts going

>samefagging on FB


September 11. you stupid fuck. i bet you are this guy.


Held in a sneeze.



stop samefagging, retard
this thread sucks

Good job detective

are they not deleting your comments?

retarded faggot

So much promise lost


This thread is hilarious but there's not enough gore for ammo



What it feels like to chew 5 gum