What are your thoughts on white teen girls only dating black boys?

What are your thoughts on white teen girls only dating black boys?

people do what they want you insecure faggot

Fuck off kike goldstein




>What are your thoughts on shitposters only using shit .gif?

Get branded like filthy nigger Jews for fucking monkeys so everyone knows they are worthless sluts

Single mother

There's nothing "insecure" about having a problem with women who date black guys.

Do you know what is being screamed when a woman shows that she's okay with the behavior of black men?

She is showing she's okay with butchered speech

She is showing she's comfortable at the fucking bottom

She is showing that you have just about the same level of looks as a fucking monkey. A MONKEY COULD COMPETE WITH YOU

That is why nobody wants women who go with black men. It has nothing to do with insecurity. I don't want some shit scraped off the side of the dumpster.


It makes my diamonds honestly

>Not being racist
>Not caring about what teen girls do
>Agreeing with each other
This isn't the Sup Forums I know

I don't give a fuck. White girls have no asses and loose pussies. Filipinas, Latinas, and black chicks is where it's at.

That's more like it

sounds pretty insecure to me


Moar slutty underage girls, please.

enough with the bbc shit


Here are my thoughts. Other than that, I don't care. I just don't like shit shoved in my face 24/7.

yeah man if you feel secure over some chimp swallowing your girls face with their lips then more power to you

Only if you just look closely, you can see the gif is fake. Also fuck you all

Op is insecure and secondly some paid vids you saw on blacked.com don't reflect the entire population kiddo. Thirdly that image is a shoop dumb asses.

>black chicks
>fat stored in asses
>negro lips
>flat noses

god no

I love it. It's the future. Black men are superior and usually have way bigger and thicker dicks than white/b/ois. They also cum a lot more. White girls know this and white/b/ois don't stand a chance.

Flat noses are a turnoff, but the ones with regular noses are fucking hot.

I loved lenny kravitz daughter before she became self aware and whent all Afrikaanz on our asses



Paige Hurd is also fine as wine :D

Redhead girls have the jungle fever too

If you're truly comfortable with who you are physically and mentally you don't really give a shit who has sex with who.

wasting time fretting over something that is inevitable is sad and pathetic.

It's fine. Probably just United States thing. Let them do what they want; they can get AIDS or become single moms or both.

She's fucking beautiful

i for one am happy about the work these girls are doing to slowly cleanse the gene pool


It's fine, breed all the niggers to extinction.

i dont care because i'm not a white cuckboi


There's nothing wrong with me NOT wanting a girl whose standards are as low as niggers. Nothing.

I'm sorry, but if some nigger can shout to a girl in broken english and somehow obtain her, that's not a girl I want, whether it be purely sexual or to bring home to my mother.

It's not even a fucking joke that you go wrong when you go with blacks. There wouldn't be a societal stigma for no reason.

My scenario up above would never happen with a girl who's worthwhile, because a sensible woman wouldn't respond to such bullshit.

If a girl has been with a black guy, I can only assume that she's easy as fuck because MUHFUGGA IMA KANG can unzip her pants. It isn't satisfying to claim something that even the dirtiest person could get - and we all know that niggers are the DIRTIEST.

You know what a girl is when they go for a nigger? Fucking stupid. Nobody wants a stupid whore.

Don't have any pics on hand right now but Daisy Ducati is perfection.

Someone I know went to high school with this chick. Said she was a real uppity bitch.

Shopped. Guys right arm moves separately from the rest of his photo on the inside of the girls arm that's holding the phone.

Small dick white boi detected

Triggered nigger detected


I guess we can't stop them from engaging in bestiality, but They should be sterilized to prevent gorilla genes from being mixed with human genes.

>Be me
>Be 17 years old (2012)
>Be depressed, an alcoholic, self destructive with a deathwish
>Be alone, nothing to lose
>Then you find Sup Forums
>Then you find the pleasure of saying whatever you want
>You find a community nichilist as much as you
>Then you discover that this comunity became a bunch of edgy 12 years old
> Rekt thread, trap, cocktribute, YLYL
> The fuck happened?

I tell you what happened: We starder living on revenue only.
"Oh shit don't fuck with the Sup Forumstards!"
Bullshit, is that shit still true? They are making fun of this community every day while we are here making trap threads.
We did every kind of things for the lulz, EVERYTHING.
Now look at us how patetic, how miserable we have become.
We need to stop and make this the most important comunity of the internet again, WE need to make Sup Forums DANGEROUS again.
We need to reborn from ur ashes.
We are here because the world don't undestand us, we are here because we hate humanity and the world, we are here because we need a place to do shit only for the LULZ, without rules, without compassion.
Rutless, like we were. Like we liked. Like we needed.
The iphone 7 shit was lid I have to admit, but wasn't at our old standars.

I think that we need a return in great style.
Fucking Onision is more edgy than us today.
Let's raid that fucking bitch.
Let's make his fucking cunty and edgy teenager fucking cut for him, cry for him, let's fucking destroy him

Not as a personal army for someone, Not as an army of edgy teenagers borderline racists.

But a bunch of sociopatich motherfucker that don't belive in nothing but destruction.

It's time to rise again Sup Forums.

Let's do it for the Lulz, nothing else.

I ain't mad bruh but obvyiously you are


Any more like this? Girls like that in general?

that is a porn stat violet blue or nonamejame.


Once they've done it once it's a pretty much only thing from that point on anyway.

Don't you start that shit





Need sauce



Recipe for single mothers?

Obviously a fucking shop
Plus this

This is actually more common




What are ypur thoughts on reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Only whites can save you from this.
Tough luck nignog

My fav thread

fake plastic dick

Everyone ITT should feel bad for having these pictures saved on your computers. Both sides, cucks and unironic racists. i guess cucks are also racist if you think about it

As a white guy who loves black girls, I couldn't give less of a fuck

>inb4 race-traitor or any stupid stormfront shit


Sauce pls!!!!