Hillary Clinton has released her medical records

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records.


It has been confirmed that there are no major health issues, so hopefully the conspiracy fags will watch this and see how foolish they've been. I know a few of them won't but they're simply proving that they're morons who will never believe the truth, even when it's right under their noses.

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>believing anything they say
I know this is bait but come on now.

She's in perfect condition!
I saw it on the news it has to be real

>Believing ANYTHING regarding this
If her doctor would confess that she has major health issues (Which she DOES) That doctor would later the same week be found dead by "apparent" suicide.

I am sure she released ALL her medical records, just like she handed over ALL the emails.

Libtards will actually believe this.


Unfortunately the Trumpfags won't believe it because "muh biased mainstream media."

>actually shilling for that lying cunt on Sup Forums

Or she just wouldn't release her medical records. She is the one releasing them, not her doctor.


I know they take us for morons but this takes the fucking cake

Still waiting to see her, until then, it's still a black out.

They are not real,Everything can be faked. i mean seriously look at all the evidence proving otherwise.

Don't believe the shills

Then why are Hillary's legal people trying to get all copies of her 9/11 video taken down? (pic related)

They are working overtime trying to cover this thing up, and once the get rid of all of these videos under legal threat, the media will be like "what videos, it's just a conspiracy theory".

Hillary and her team are filthy, and tyrannical in the way that they attempt to mute free speech.

>"these are certainly not a release of medical records and we don't know if there's more to come"
Did you even watch the video you gigantic faggot?

Oh cool. They cloned her again ...

Thank you for correcting the medical record.
$0.02 has been deposited in your account.

That's shit from months ago, when she was skinnier.

doubt they'll believe it. the hardcore basket of deplorables are just delusional anyway. so who cares really?

case in point

oh some asshole with a shitty avatar, it MUST be really hillary.

come on fool,. wake up

ITT: everything Trump says is true, everything Hillary says is fake

This is how you argue with 5 year olds.

>Heh heh she's not sick guise she's just allergic to Tramp! How dare yoos make such accusatins!

>She is okay guise I sweer she just tripped was all haha!

>Guise relax is was just a little bit of heat exhaustion haha she's fine!

>Oh well guise she just has a little bit pneumonia is all haha she's no where to be seen or heard from but she's just fine though! Really her illness and being carried and thrown into her bullet proof car by several huge men is actually a testament to how stronk she is as a candidate and women! Tune in later for more CNN!

That's funny, that guy with the shitty avatar has already succeeded in having the video removed from quite a few channels. The video content said that it was removed due to copyright violation.

But hey... "nothing to see here, now move along" right?

yeah they'd definitely post a fucking youtube comment threatening a takedown instead of just filing for a takedown with youtube.


Trusting anything Satan says ever.

You must be new to politics.

Well shit, if user anonson from anonville says that she has serious medical issues we have to believe him. How could one faggot in the middle of nowhere possibly be wrong?

Yeah bro, the woman who rigged an entire party convention, escaped unscathed from treason, and is a underling of Soros totally doesn't have the means to provide some bullshit papers.

anyone can do it. what's your point? it's up to the site whether they want to cave in or not. literally anyone can write a cease and desist letter.

yeah because someone is dumb enough to pay for posts on /b. dream on faggot

I said evidence, Meaning the dozens of incidents caught on camera of her acting strange with symptoms directly linked to numerous serious deceases.

oh yeah and with an obvious avatar like that too. how dumb.


you don't take down videos by commenting on them, you file a DMCA request. If they wanted to do it quietly they wouldn't publicly post legal threats in a comment the channel owner will never even see. are you stupid?

>there are no major health issues

nice try CTR shill

you mean bad eyesight for shit close up? she's old.

How did you hear about this place?

if your not shilling then you're just plain retarded

>yeah because someone is dumb enough to pay for posts on /b.

Hillary is pretty dumb

She's pregnant.

Listen carefully, you've been fooled!!!

I just learned from another user (who assured me he didn't like Trump either) that Hillary has a body double. The medical records that were released were for her double.

you're hte one that believes in complex, ridiculous conspiracy theories but i'm retarded, sure.

.. Did not know bad eyesight causes people to collapse from "heat" in 21 C weather.

You mean standing in the blazing heat might give you heat exhaustion? Wow, what else Dr. Anonson? Next, you'll say that this clip is her having a seizure.
>am epileptic
>no seizures look like this and ive had every single type
inb4 you bring up myoclonic jerks
>not what those look like in the slightest either

Even if she was perfectly healthy she's still a pathological liar.

nice try faggot. but she stumbled, and the video clearly shows that.

Dang. I'd be more inclined to vote for her if I thought she might croak before being sworn into office.

and pneumonia. i didn't realize your serious life threatening disease was that. she already admitted that. case closed. mystery solved.

If you're stupid enough to believe what you say, then you're stupid enough to vote for shillary

At her age? That fucker will have downs.

and even if she succumbs to her various diseases, dies and becomes a flesh eating zombie she'd still be better than trump

Did you know that locking your knees while standing can also make you faint, regardless of the temperature outside? Let alone a temperature thats pushing 70 in the humid jungle that is New York?


>inb4 some fag posts the edited version again

she just tripped you racist,sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic deplorable!

I actually keked at this one

>hillary clinton hiding health issues
>ridiculous conspiracy theory

If they're lying about the name on the records... why does the person have to... look like Hillary? They could post any woman's records with Hillary's name and photo on them. Why is the double required for that plan?

>blazing heat
>78 degrees
>blazing heat

Yeah, I'm stupid enough to know what a seizure looks like after having them 4-5x a week for the last 12 years. Way to go, user. You caught me. I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, do I? Fucking hilarious.

Secret surgery and a brain scan was conducted. We trust that everything was released.

You need help. The bubble you're in is so thick you may be in danger of suffocating.

>the curse of the poorly educated

давно в ебасос не получал, мудак?

Alright... Sure...

Again. it was 21 C at the time.
Also Just last month i cycled 30 kilometers without a drop of water in 35C. I was fine just drinking when i got home. inb4 age difference who gives a fuck.
She's not fit to be president. that's really all i care about.
Pneumonia usually lasts between 1-2 weeks.
Hillary has been sick ALOT longer.

>Specifically states these are not her medical records that have been released
>"hur dur conspiracy fags BTFO"

>baited this easy

>It has been confirmed that there are no major health issues
yeah fucking right, because this is perfectly normal.

Did you ignore the Blood clots?
Did you ignore the fainting?
Did you ignore the putrid smell from her vagina?
Those kinda sound like major issues to me!

when you trip do your legs go limp and dangle as youre chucked into a van like a sack of potatos? cuz mine sure wouldnt.

I kind of want to learn Russian.

Nahhhh, that actually does look like she fainted. Her feet were already dragging by the time her body weight collapsed onto them. Doesn't matter what caused it though, I can't believe what this election has turned into. One gigantic ad hominem attack. The issues aren't even being properly debated anymore. We're just throwing insults across the aisle and yelling at each other.

First off fuck trump Second, Not the first time she needs help up anything higher then 5cm.

Last week if you mentioned Hillary's health, you were a right-wing sexist conspiracy nut.

This week, libtards are working overtime on damage control covering up Hillary's heath issues being exposed for all to see.

You can't make this shit up....

i had it, it took me a month to recover. but i was pretty dumb about it. the thing is, it gets worse when yhou seem to actually be better. it got to the point where i coudln't say a sentence without taking a breath in between. so dumb. i was young.

Pneumonia in the elderly can permanently weaken them.

She was leaning against a pole you retard.

That's fucking rich! If this was YLYL, I just lost...

78 degrees in 76% humidity feels like 90% in 12% humidity. You'd know that if you actually LIVED in a humid state before.

ahhhhh, there's that edited version

...I did this thing in my 20s, why can't she do the same thing in her 60s?!
>makes perfect sense you should be a scholar

even the normies don't trust the establishment soap box anymore

yes, i didn't realize the president's job was to run marathons. i'm glad we never had one, say, confined to a wheel chair or anything.

i guess we should just make lochte president huh? or that spindly big-assed swimmer babe.

>Being from VA Beach and living in Georgia now
>MFW 78 degrees and 76% humidity is high

>no major health issues
>hillary suffers concussion/blood clot in her brain in 2012


>Hillary took half a year in recovery


>Hillary says she has memory loss problems due to her concussion



who's name, obviously, i can't be bothered to look up. the one that dated the football player.

she was standing there for SECONDS, and humid jungle of like 25% humidity? KEK

>washington times

oh lawd

>you can't lock your knees when you're leaning against something

pic related. thats not how the human body works whatsoever.

I've also had it. Was gone in a week and a half.
I used to lock my knees when i stood up from i was born till my late teens, I never fainted, Never even felt a little unbalanced.

or she lied.
Wouldn't be the first time

No you fucking Rubtard. Nobody believes it you stupid shit. Get out of your own bubble faglord

>can barely stand/climb stairs assisted
>fainted in 82 degree weather
oh yea shes the symbol of health and those documents weren't forged in any way shape or form



If you're not a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic they do.

>been confirmed
>not by a doctor

Let's see if we can work this one out.

A person is running for president. They are somehow doing well, despite being a comeplete fucktard. Uh oh, she is sick. People don't want a sick president. Idea: tell them i'm not sick, despite evidence.

Oh I see, you thought I was pulling that statistic out of my ass. Try again, I know you can do it.

i let it go way too long. they told me they didn't know how i was even still standing. i think i had like 20% lung capacity. so dumb.

the fucked up thing was i felt fine. the flu that had caused it was long gone.

i think i just let it go too long.

anyway, her issues stemming from the pneumonia are only the last few days so i'm not sure what you're talking abuot.

>reporter specifically states that those aren't actual medical records
>"medical records" state that she is even more healthy than her last check up despite even now having pneumonia ATM
Oh holy shit, do they think people are this stupid?

Except she didn't do exercise in 35C
She was mostly just standing around or being socially engaged in a nice refreshing 21C

>76% today
>must have been exactly the same 3 fucking days ago

LOL, you're a fucking idiot. She was being help up like a sack of potatoes against that pole. I guess you pass out every time you lean against something? Being this fucking stupid in 2016