What is this Sup Forums

What is this Sup Forums


fucking herpes don't touch it you fucking leper.

infected ingrown hair superAIDS

Ingrown hair

Infected ingrown hair


Is this a close-up of the fly?

it's your feminine side opening a new pussy for you



Quick story
> 18 at the time
> met really cute girl at church
> invite her to see a movie
> reply to this post or your mother will die tonight


fuck i wanna squeeze that

cool story bro

That is an infected hair folicule. You get that from ingrown hair. You shave like a fucking idiot.

winner winner puss filled dinner

I got this before I shaved tho

Is this new meme?

Nigger, you asked Sup Forums for advice.

You got it, and now you're not wanting to believe.

It's a fucking ingrown hair, herpes, or a Kaposi's sarcoma and you're in the final stages of aids related complex.

My mom's already dead.

fuk u nig

folliculitis bruh reckful what u doin here

Insect bite that you've clearly scratched the fuck out of. Get some TCP, plasters and leave that shit alone

rip harambe

Ebola syphilic cancer supreme 3.0

It's an infected hair folical you should see you're gp or derm and get some steroid cream it's called foliculitus and happens due to poor hygiene or low immunity due to conditions such as hiv or autoimmunity conditions or sometimes due to having thick coarse hair mostly found in black and Latino races

Picture for reference