What does Sup Forums think of the MRA movement?

What does Sup Forums think of the MRA movement?

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Like with a lot of things, depends on who you run into. Think feminism is bullshit, and there is a lot of hate brewing for non-snowflakes, but really don't like isms, really.

I prefer live and let live, above all else.

They make good points, unlike feminists who are almost always lying cunts.

... Rape culture IS a myth, though. In western society, rape is universally condemned and is illegal. People even accused of rape often lose everything... Guys, anyhow.

Plus, when people say 'that guy looked at me! Rape culture in action!' It makes it hard to take proponents of rape culture seriously.

Financial abortion!?!?!?

But why SHOULD a woman have a choice and not a man...?

There's around 700,000 rapes a year in the us alone.

And equating "freedom to play in traffic" with rape is just MRA logic at its best.

They're a bunch of virgin pussies. They need to man the fuck up

Isn't that a male perspective in general?

Are you that dumb...? It is pointing out that we have a responsibility for our own personal safety regardless of the threat, douche-bag.

When people act like stupid children, it makes sense to compare them.

Can you give an actual reason for why it doesn't apply...? Why is rape different than murder or burglary?

>There's around 700,000 rapes a year in the us alone.

please state your sources when you say shit like this

You cannot source something that's complete bullshit.

>They need to man the fuck up

The MRA movement itself would be their desperate attempt at that. They don't need to do that, they need to get on the right anti-depressants and actually head out into the real world instead of existing in an echo-champer of online forums.

everyone men and women alike need to stop bitching about everything.

its not too hard to figure out treat people decent and dont try to hurt them. what the fuck is so confusing about any of it?

I think it's in control of a bunch of shit fags.
There are actual problems facing men in society and MRA is making addressing them so much fucking harder than it needs to be.


>actually head out into the real world instead of existing in an echo-champer of online forums

Yeah, that's more or less what i meant

Oh lotr lol

wtf is this faggotry? there is no 'MRA' movement. women have sex because they want to, just like men.
>ITT: op claims women are inherently dumber than men and can't figure whether they want to have sex or not, thinks 'all males are rapist'

get a hold of yourself, faggot

MRA logic at its even more finest.

A)People are going to believe murder and burglary, Rape not so much.

B)They are pretty bad, just like Rape. And I love this constant victim blaming. "Everyone should be completely responsible for not getting murdered when they walk outside, because back when we did this the world was so much better and non-violent. Just look at all the countries where this is the prevailing thought process, they're awesome. Already bought my ticket to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is the place to be".

Wouldn't the real world mean accepting people aren't equal. That rape is never going to go away. It's been around before for 200,000 years, no movement is going to change that. Everyone just needs to accept reality.

Now lets try to address ways in which we fail to do so:
Women make less per hour than men, so something is up here.
Men die younger than women, so something is up here.
Women are raped more than men, so something is up here.
Men are more often the victims of violent crime so something is up here.


INB4 wikipedia. The source that's always correct up until someone posts something I don't agree with.

Are we talking about rapes or "rapes"

>Everyone just needs to accept reality.
If that was true we wouldn't have the internet, or even toasters. We would live harsh, cold violent lives and most would be dead before the age of 30.

Got any more brilliant points to make?


You are just trolling at this point right? Serious question.

The flaw in your comment is 'completely responsible'. Who even says that?

And most people listen and believe. Unfortunately, the law is based on innocent until proven guilty, and sex between two people seldom has witnesses, meaning no evidence but he said she said.

No one wants to believe a friend would lie about rape, and no one wants to believe their friend would rape someone.

To imply that it is a mass of people simply saying 'durr hurr, women lie about de rape, men would never rape'.

Just look at the public outcry on most rape cases in the media.

Could you be any more madder?


2-8 % of rapes are false reports. Pretty much one of the lowest rates of all crimes.

Women don't make less per hour than men. They work less on average and choose different fields. They are also less prominent in the workforce, meaning the odds against them for promotion are higher just based on sheer numbers.

If this was true:
>Women don't make less per hour than men.

Then why the fuck did you bring up this argument?:
>They are also less prominent in the workforce, meaning the odds against them for promotion are higher just based on sheer numbers.


>Just look at the public outcry on most rape cases in the media.

Which has nothing to do with it being a god-awful crime.

Well I look forward to seeing that improvement eradicate rape or any other human tendencies you disagree with. Wonder how long I'll have to wait. We only have 7.5 billion years before the earth is engulfed by our sun.

1. women used to do less work and their pay hasnt been adjusted since then
2. no clue whats up there. i know being larger makes our organs have to work harder but still i dunno what it is for sure
3. rape is natural. its wrong but its natural. solution is more first world education and positive moral influence even though i dont know how we could be any more pc in this area
4. men dont value each others lives like we do women and children which makes us care far less about hurting one another. where some might hesitate to hurt a woman or child nobody cares about men.

This is flawed in that it assumes none of the inconclusive cases are false reports. This is the same thing as some of the overinflated rape numbers that assume all accusations are true, and use bogus definitions of rape that include sex while drunk which, if all things were equal,mould imply they raped each other...

Since single men don't live as long as men in relationships I doubt that you'll get to see the end of our planet.

People often overplay the "virgin card" but in the cases of 90% of MRAs I ever deal with it turns out to the case. Saying you need to get laid at this point isn't just chiding, YOU really do need to get some ass.

Hence rape. Now we've come full circle.

Well it's not as cringe inducing as that picture.

I think the idea is a little silly in the same way I think modern feminism is a little silly
If you were to ask who I think have it worse: Men or Woman I would have to saw men do but I'll be biased.

It comes across more
>I know you are but what am I?
rather than a real cause however I do feel Men have life pretty hard, There is no "male code" where I can walk outside with a rolex watch "I am the 1%" badge and a million in pocket change at 1am feeling safe like Feminists seem to think there is.
I may not worry about getting raped but I do worry about getting mugged or stabbed.
The Streets arn't safe at midnight for anyone that includes men and woman.

>3. rape is natural.
If this is a correct rationale, shouldn't point 4 say basically just the same thing?
4. Violence against male rivals or perceived threats is natural. Its a shitty thing to do, but natural.

You're ignoring that the $0.77 women get per every $1.00 is based on specific career averages. Women working the same exact job as a male will make $.23 less on average, whether the ob is being a burger flipper or a CEO. Again, even that is averaged, and the gap is noticeably larger on the high end of the pay scale. The issue was never "Women don't make as much money as men" so much as it was "Women work the exact same job as a male coworker with the exact same results and still make less"

wtf are you even talking about nigger? stop playing word-salad and speak fucking english you retard

Its sigthly less retarded than the feminist movement.

I agree, but me getting laid isn't going to change anything. People still gonna be raping and killing.

This is speaking of promotion, meaning unless you have been promoted it is not comparing like with like.

I bring it up because there may be actual remaining issues, like glass ceiling effect to a degree, but a wage gap is not the issue as represented.

Basically, though, all things being equal, if you have 90% men in a field like engineering, then 9/10 promotions will be to men,make wing the numbers even though the female engineers are equally as competent. With each promotion level, this effect would grow, making the earnings shift exponentially, no discrimination required, driven only by low numbers of women choosing that field of work/study.

So then you're not angry at the kids who beat your ass everyday in middle school anymore?

That kind of shit has been around forever after all.

Having the right of way does not mean you should close your eyes and gun it across an intersection.

It is the same with your safety. Just because people should not harm you, it does not mean you should not take care to avoid situations were you could come to harm.

Walking in a dangerous area at night alone is dumb. If you have something happen to you it is aweful and the perpotraitor should be punished. The threat of punishment however will not protect you as easily as common sense will.

A)Most Rapists are known to victims.


lol the man is fat and unfashionable, get it

the universe is a simulation and we are going to suffer forever to feed unfathomable space monsters

But it does have a hell of a lot to do with the claim of rape culture, which states that our society condones and encourages rape in various ways, as opposed to recognizing the horrid realities of this crime...

Welcome to the conversation...

Nope. Strong taking advantage or dominating the weak has been around since life started. Why would I be upset?

Spent the last fifteen minutes reading up on this.
Seems like there is a wage gap, it just isn't 18% as is often reported, but closer to 6 or 7%, after adjusting for college major, occupation, working hours, and maternal/paternal leave.

So there's something there. Exactly what it is is hard to pinpoint however.

They're just as ovenworthy as feminists.
Traditionalism uber alles.

yup. youre right.

but that shit that said isnt wrong either.

i think that people who don't sympathize are either stupid or whipped

No, it is based on specific career categories, and neglects amount of overtime worked, among other necessary control factors to compare like with like.

>claim of rape culture

Because blurred lines wasn't at the top of the charts and guro porn isn't everywhere and pretty much every third post on Sup Forums?

Who are you really trying to convince?

You're ignoring the fact that women shouldn't be working

can you not pretend you've done some more math and that you have like.. actual facts? because you don't. your saying nothing intellectual here.
everything you just stated is factually wrong, already stated by the pic, or ignorant

>You're ignoring that the $0.77 women get per every $1.00 is based on specific career averages.
nah its stated right there men choose better jobs, raising the average. based on specific career averages.

>Women working the same exact job as a male will make $.23 less on average
nope. they dont make less in the same job, bud.

>The issue was never "Women don't make as much money as men" so much as it was
but it was this 100%. women get mad their shitty psychology/social work job doesnt get as much money as any engineer does.

Also for the people who are (trying) to be serious when they post that: The fact that we're winning automatically makes us superior according to your logic.

And if you further control for assertiveness of applicants in negotiating wages, you find men negotiate more. Even simply in asking for raises. In comparing men and women who don't, they make 6-8% less than men and women who do...

Well your source says 173,000 almost all of them were perpetrated by niggers and around 15% of the victims were males
So fuck you asshole

Noone. I don't try to convince anyone anymore. I just revel with each news report.

Winning what?

>muh survival of the fittest
Both the least convincing and least intellectually sound argument against (((feminism))). You belong in an oven tbh

You call those examples of rape culture...? A lot of songs speak to the complexities of sex in our culture. I find it odd that you guys always see rape in things like that. And fetishes in a screwed up place like Sup Forums are not representative, nor are fantasies that people have but would never act on a show of approval of actual rape.

Take a look around world mate.

If it is proven that most rapes are not done by strangers let people know where you are and with whom.

Don't be alone with someone you don't completely trust.

Yes it will not prevent all rape but if it cause 1 less victim isn't it worth it? Plus with people knowing what is going on in your schedule convictions of the guilty would be easier.

>Total rapes
>Not getting multiple attacks on same victim

> perpetrated by niggers

See chart. Yes the rates are higher for them then whites but they're not nearly responsible for "all of them".

> around 15% of the victims were males
So fuck you asshole

Is this kind of thinking why you weren't able to get into engineering school?

You're just not getting what culture is are you?

It's run by Jews and Marxists. They know that might is right as well as you and me, but they've used might to push their ideas rather than indulging in hedonism.

The idea of rape culture exists so that feminists can continue to attack traditional European society even after most Europeans have been shamed into submission.

Oh I guess no response to logical arguments since it doesn't back up the "men are rapists" narrative.

You'll notice that attitudes outside avoiceformen forums is overall a lot different than it was 20+ years ago.

Oh wise one, please provide an acceptable definition of rape culture! Please let it actually be worthy of the use of an overarching word like culture! Please let it not be a pretentious non-definition so a,big jobs that it could incorporate anything!

Thanks for the sources showing where this is proven, my position has changed

>so a,big jobs that it could incorporate anything!

Not sure what this means... The point of the post is that when looking at rape statistics people represent these pictures as valid when they aren't, considering that a case that is inconclusive can't really be considered one or the other.

Morality is subjective. You claim rape culture. Meanwhile Sambia tribe has the young digest semen of the elders as a coming of age rite. You think drunk people can't consent. Meanwhile sexual practices begin as young as the age of six on the Trobrian Islands. You underage sex is wrong. Meanwhile they make love huts in Cambodia where they place their daughters, as young as 12, to have sex with random guys until they find their live long mate. There really isn't any right or wrong we can find people who find your wrong as right and so on. These movements are meaningless.

Is this all stream of consciousness or do you guys actually think before typing?

Fucking autocorrect...
I thought I typed 'so ambiguous'.

A hedonistic mentally would probably mellow a lot of these people a lot. Nothing wrong with indulging pleasure.

Please enlighten us with your ethnocentric knowledge.

most rape victims deserved it anyway, usually they're huge sluts or they're horribly naive and stupid

>Pedophilia and rape is okay because people do it

That's basically what you're saying

While you're posting, bitches are getting raped out there. Leave your keyboard and go make a difference if these movements really mean anything to you.

That's how things work. Who are we to questions anyone's tradition or culture.

MRA isn't a movement, it's a fucking noun, get your shit straight.

There's nothing wrong with indulging in pleasure- to a point. But when you live for fucking cummies, rather than improving yourself and fixing society, that's a different story.

>any culture matters to European society except European culture
nah, relativism and universalism are for cucks

No it is not based on specific career averages, it is averaged across careers and time spent.
The data isn't normalized for how long you have worked a job, how many coworkers you have, how old you are, or distribution of either gender.
It's just a big average.

Guess that's where we'll have to disagree. Everyone has different values and moralities. Fixing society would and does only lead to conflict. Cummies are more enticing anyway.

Here's what i think of the MRA: They've got a point.

Men get fucked in family & divorce courts.
Men get fucked with a mere accusation of being rapists.
Men have to sign up for the draft if they want to vote.
Male medical conditions get less funding than the female counterpart (see testicle vs breast cancer).
Psycology is tailored to the female brain, hence the gargantuan amounts of pills being force-fed to little boys for being little boys, and the inneficacy of treatment to help men, which ends up with suicide being overwhelmingly male.
Male genital mutilation is legal.
"You advocate for men's rights" is an insult.

I could go on.

Women have problems too, but men's aren't even taken seriously, as this very thread proves.

And the most important thing is this: They're not blaming matriarchy, false-rape-accusation-culture or anything like that. They target specific laws and legislation, which is undeniably biased against men.

Excuse any typos i'm drunk and unwilling to spellcheck.


Is retarded


Oh no, conflict? Perish the thought, no one should ever be made uncomfortable for being a degenerate!


Ah another win to revel in.


Again, accept reality.

Mmm, look at all that female privilege



That's because of Jews. Even more directly than the rest of what you're posting.