Tfw smoking nearly 80 cigarettes (4 packs) a day

>tfw smoking nearly 80 cigarettes (4 packs) a day

has anyone managed to quit smoking?

>has anyone managed to quit smoking?
Yes. Addiction is a state of mind

Wow what a fucking puss man, I go through 4 lighters a day dude.

I go from 2-3 packs a day.


How are you still alive? I roll my own, and smoke like 12 cigs a day and feel that's bad enough.

Trying too hard to be edgy user..


I want to know how you afford to pay for that, that's about $40 a day here..

Here in canada if you smoked 4 packs a day that would be 100 cigs. 25 cigs in a pack. You can buy 20 cig packs but you're wasting your money. YOU CAN QUIT! You have to take up a hobby. Something to pass time and that will ease your mind from smoking.

I quit just to show these faggots at work that it's literally not even hard, I used carry the original pack of cigarettes from the day I quit in my front shirt pocket although they are quite stale now so I tend to keep them in my nightstand. Seriously I think that people who can't quit smoking and really want to are just lazy.

I smoked 2 packs a day and I was sick of always spending my money on cigarettes so I decided vape like a faggot because I hate my life and after a good year or so I was down to 3 ml of nicotine and after that I sold my robot dick and now I don't smoke.

Over here the pack of smokes I smoke are almost $13 a pack.

get a vape

I used to smoke 30 rollups a day. Being swedish I quit by using snus. Now I go through a can of lös snus every day...I guess it beats smoking.

I moved from chewing a tin a day to smoking cigs... I guess we have our differences.

holy christ. I was once about a pack of day smoker. I smoked the first four years I was in the military, I bet if I'd never joined I never would have gotten nicotine addiction.

anyways, I quit once for a good 2-3 months. Then everyone I worked with dipped so I started dipping for a while. Then I switched to vaping but I swear it started affecting my lungs, like it felt like there was fluid in them. Also vaping makes it really easy to sit there and do it all day and I'd have headaches at the end.

Then I started dipping again, did that for like two years. Bought a pack of fucking cigarettes like two weeks ago while I was drunk and I'm smoking again. God damnit.

I was a 2-3 pack a day guy. Read Allen carrs book quit a year and a half ago cold turkey

Get the patch or the gum?

nova scotia reporting in. cigs are 14-15 a pack here

Get a nice vaporizor

yeah...I should have gotten chantix while I could get it for free.

The gum is so god damned expensive though. And right now I'm at the point where I'm telling myself I can just smoke another pack and be done. You know? The whole "eehh I've only smoked 3 packs, I can quit again easily, it's just for enjoyment"

Hey Bill

Röker själv, är inte en dosa om dan jävla mkt?

How are you fags still alive?

I smoke about a half a pack a day and pack a lip of stokers every morning

Chantix. Turns the addiction brain chemistry off like a switch.

Lol it's $20 a day here in loserana.

Javisst...Så javla gött!

va för snus?

Here a 20 cigs pack costs like $4, i go through 1+1/2 a day.

Get a hobby, do something, i can go even a week without smoking if i'm busy


i quit awhile ago after smoking for around 11 years. you know what helped me? dont listen to the norm. dont count how many days its been, dont have conversations about quitting smoking, when ppl ask if you smoke its not "no i quit" its "no i dont smoke" just forget smoking all together and replace it with something. i spit sunflower seed shells everywhere but im atleast not smoking. counting how long its been since you quit always killed me. also, switch to a pipe or something for a bit of you smoke dope. joints are too much like a cigarette

Who still calls cannabis "dope"?

someone older than you.

How silly of me. I meant to write Ku$h420$w4g and not "dope"

do you keep a cigarette lit in your mouth from wake to sleep?

there we go

>Smoking for 9 years
>Switched to e-cig for 1 year
>Switched back to real cigs

Anybody like tops i been smokin them since i was 15 still smoke em now go through a pouch in a week or 2 mix it with weed a lot tho

4 packs a day? user, I'm worried about you!

Quit shooting meth (four years) quit shooting Heroin (for less than a year), drink very occasionally and don't take any drugs, all of these were easier to quite than SMOKING (and I have been smoking for about 15 years).

Sucks, user. I want to be freed from this demon :(

wtf dude, you posted the same thread yesterday at 3 packs, you ok?

The patches are great, user. I've tried all of them. Chantix is a scary motherfucker that had me having raving nightmares and one morning, doubling over in the garden spewing my fucking guts out and feeling like I was being stabbed in the stmache with a red hotmpoker. Quit after that (chantix I mean, still smoking :()


I managed to do it, because I had a tooth pulled. If you smoke after having a tooth pulled, you can develop dry socket, which is supposed to be insufferably painful. I didn't want that, so I got myself on the patch and quit.

The patch will take the edge off of the cravings, but you must truly want to quit to actually quit. It takes willpower.

I read somewhere that 40% of people who smoke only do it for oral pleasure. If thats the case, I have a proposition. Why don't you get down on yout knees and just suck a cock everytime you need a cigarette. Think about it. Your at work and need a cigarette. Instead suck your bosses cocok. You might even get a bonus. Your at the store and need a cigarette. You get down, unzip the clerks pants and suck his dick. You might even get free groceries. You see if you suck cocks instead of smoking down a cigarette you'll save your health and you might get free things and bonuses. Your welcome Op. I hope this helps.

not OP, but what kind of patches did u use? I'm smoking a pack a day and want to quit, I have already been smoking for 3 years now so better to quit as early as possible.

I have tried cold turkey before, and made a few days before I was getting pissed off with everyone at work, getting anxious ectect.

Anyway, what kind of patches faggot. Ty
