More songs like Souvlaki Space Station? I think MBV is the better band of the two...

More songs like Souvlaki Space Station? I think MBV is the better band of the two, but this track is easily the best shoegaze track ever made. Anyone got songs that have a similar sound?

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Moussaka Chaos

SSS is the worst track on the album imo. I can't stand the excessive delay, plus i don't the the feels like any of the other tracks.

Not saying you're wrong, it's just curious how much that track stands out I guess

>i only listen for the feels
This is why you're a fucking pleb.

Shoegaze is purely feels for me, even the heavier stuff. Guess that's why I slightly prefer Slowdive to MBV

Funny how you think the only actual shoegaze track on Souvlaki is the worst track, then.

>shoegaze is only stuff I like

get a grip guy

The rest of the tracks are more dream pop, this is widely agreed upon.

Yeah, no.

Different guy but yeah, they aren't really that shoegaze-y

Yes they are. Vocals with reverb, roaring guitar walls. There are more jangly elements to Souvlaki than Loveless but it does't make it less shoegaze-y. With the same argumentation you could call Curve more dance pop than Shoegaze

>With the same argumentation you could call Curve more dance pop than Shoegaze
It is, though.

Try the most obvious next step you fuckin tard

None of the tracks there are like SSS man, I'd honestly question whether you've listened to it at this rate.

have u tried the verve

Can't say I have, should I just start at the beginning of their discography?

yeah start with the EP

Start with the EP and end with A Storm in Heaven if you want Shoegaze Verve.


Yeah, mbv is pretty much the blueprints for any future shoe gaze acts.
Slowdive are shoegaze/dream pop and Ride are shoegaze/britpop. Mbv has dream pop elements due to the relationship of shoegaze and dream pop but other than Isn't Anything their releases are far more shoegaze than the other big shoegaze acts.
This isn't to say this makes them automatically better, but out-of the the big acts mbv are the only ones that persistently use the wall of sound in each song which is more accurate to say than 'roaring guitars'.

>skipping voyager 1 and no come down

>Ride are shoegaze/britpop
Stop this meme right now, Ride predated britpop.

Yeah this. Ride was form like around the late 80s. Long before britpop became a thing.

Plus ride takes their influence directly from behinds like MBV and SY. The members of the band have stated this numberous times.

Jesus I forgot how fucking good the Verve EP is
Gravity Grave and A Man Called Sun are 10/10

>not feel

They definitely sound like it though

horrible post

SSS is top tier

you dont need audible lyrics or easy listening for feels from SSS

Yeah, because they influenced the people who would go on to create britpop. The Stone Roses were an equally big if not bigger influence, but you wouldn't call them britpop, now would you?

>but you wouldn't call them britpop, now would you?
I would. Stone Roses were probably the biggest influence on what would later become Britpop.

Umm, proto-britpop then?

That's like calling a band like Cocteau Twins Shoegaze. Because it influenced a genre doesn't mean it's a part of it.

Well, I would argue that Stone Roses gig at Spike Island 1990 started the whole Britpop scene and that Second Coming is a Britpop album.

Stop calling ride Britpop that's all I want. It gets on my fucking nerves especially when people try to use that to discredit the band.

From Carnival of Light they were definitely Britpop. Not before in my opinion.

>SSS is the worst track on the album
How can one man be this pleb?