This cunt makes indie numale pop rock for indie gays. He's literally no different from shit like Mac DeMarco

This cunt makes indie numale pop rock for indie gays. He's literally no different from shit like Mac DeMarco.

Why is he so acclaimed here? Are you all gay?

Other urls found in this thread:

>OP isn't gay
lol faggot

Have you listened to his early stuff?


The biggest crime of Ariel Pink/Mac DeMarco in my eyes is that their popularity drove Tame Impala to copy their sound. Fucking tragedy

Some songs from house arrest and it was fucking trash that hurted my ears

fuck you whoever rec me that

>not being gay

Ariel Pink is a hack who ripped all his songs from old pop songs and obscures them with funny voices and fart noises

Ariel is the most insincere artist working today

At first I was mad but now I just feel bad that you're retarded

just the fuck up

examples? genuinely curious

>indie numale pop rock
weird of you to think that since ariel pink is one of the least politically correct indie artists out there

> someone does something
> OP is fragile so he gets offended and becomes defensive
> OP posts a thread hoping others can validate his feelings

that's called sampling, retard

Ariel Pink made some endearing lo-fi recordings 10 years ago, not sure why he's relevant at this stage at all. Loom Loom was a very tough listen for me, and this is coming from someone that actually mildly enjoyed his earlier work.

Mac is le goofball, but he plays the guitar with some actual dexterity and has some charisma to go with it. I'd much rather listen to DeMarco than Ariel Pink at this point.

sampling and stealing are basically the same thing tbhwyfam

don't ever attempt to discuss music again

Pom Pom a 8/10 get fucked

>indie numale pop rock

that and hip hop are the most popular genres on this shit board

>loom loom