What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Is this what you call


that piercing

No, it's what we call

"A nasty ass bitch"

What's the difference?

Everything changed when the fire nation attacked

we were warned about the consequences

She actually reminds me of a girl i went to school with minus the piercing. But its been awhile since i saw her and i doubt she made herself look half as good as that

He was right. She's definitely not the same.

Well, everything except the meatflaps. Those are pretty much the way they were.

Any of the porn trickled down to us poorfags, yet?

this isnt real


bitch is to expensive

Well, she really posted it on her Tumblr. If you mean that she was bullshitting, we'll see.

Shitty parenting plus a lack of beneficial genetics.
She's now doing this whole "Tranny" thing to fit in but really she's a dumb ignorant girl that's currently being pampered by multiple sugar daddies online and sometimes in person.
She'll die by the time she's 35 or be living in a trailer park.
She's gonna get addicted to heroine her first time and that's what will kill her at 35.

>currently being pampered by multiple sugar daddies online and sometimes in person.


>blue hair
>black lips

Just about everything.

I still want to slap her fat tits around.

>jessi and limp bizkit
My two guilty pleasures.

This is real.

She got fat


She dun goofed that is what happened.



Not until I fuck jessi in the ass.

How the fuck have I been in a come when I've only been alive for 18 years? Fake.

i haven't scrolled through this thread at all, but surely somebody has posted a picture of Vito Jr. looking like a Puerto Rican who-ah, right?

real life is much different.
In fact in real life your brain is so powerful you can simulate time in your own brain and predict other peoples emotions,thoughts,accidents, or even which choice would be best.
In reality when you go into a coma you simulate other human beings so you don't go crazy in your own mind.

your in a coma and your life is a lie you arnt even you its the matrix and your the chosen one but not the chosen one red pill or blue it dont matter it ends the same

No, I mean how have I been a come for 20 years if I've only been alive for 18? Where did those two extra years go?

>18 isn't almost 20

I know it sounds confusing please wake up

The internet and the trailer park.


It's not. Almost would be around 19,5 years or 20,5. 2 years is a long ass time.

your in a coma, your dreaming your current age. you arnt really 18


What the fuck are they teaching you kids in school now?

I miss mister you don guffed


Show asshole please

And she has a Chaturbate account but hasn't gotten on cam yet.

Top tier

The consequences will never be the same.

what is that


She had the potential to rival the vaunted Cat Goddess and threw it all away...

He hasn`t been out of the Coma but at least we made some small progress.

If she just lost the goddamn weight she'd be cute in a ugly sort of a way.

wouldn`t all we ?

I'm already mad cute though, and not in an ugly sort of way.

for me or for you