Storytime Sup Forums

Storytime Sup Forums.
So my roommate is a theme park mascot and he takes pictures all day long with kids and families and shit.
Sometimes people leave him small toys or special gifts to take home.
This magnificent specimen was given to him by a grown man well into his thirties who goes by the name Super-Josh. Apparently he smelled like eggs.
Please enjoy the harrowing tale, of Muscleman


What the fuck even is Bruty?

Bumping. Post moar!


Poor Simon :(


I'm thinking that, maybe, this is a ripoff of the origin story of Iron Man.

facebook josh.lockwoodwewer?fref=nf

That was easy


So many influences

The Daily Ham!


In the center, my friend. This is your glorious Super-Josh.

It's Mayor Banana-Peel!


What a racially diverse police force!




The thrilling conclusion!


oh that art style seams familiar

This is gold


