So how does Sup Forums really feel about leafy? Sup Forums honest Sup Forumsros

So how does Sup Forums really feel about leafy? Sup Forums honest Sup Forumsros

Not a fan of the 15 year old antics

I enjoy his videos

He's not 15, lad

fairly good at satire, but not really that engaging. good for background noise, though.

his newer vids are getting tedious real fast... his story time videos were awesome

He does select some pretty good non copywrited tuneskies

I fucking wholeheartedly agree with you

Do u Sup Forumsros think he's dead?

that's the joke

That he's not 15 ? He's in his 20's my Sup Forumsro.

He's a no chin kinda guy. Does that deserve murder by that omission guy?? Man that guy, I swear to poop


Honestly Sup Forumsruh eggs would have said a few words..............

I think of leafy as a kind of human advertisement. Every one of leafys rants or "roasts" on a certain youtuber, become gold for the other youtuber . Wut u think?

He's cancer but he know he's cancer and does it on purpose so he's alright in my book

he's making a lot of cash in an easy way, and will probably continue to do so in the future with higher worth

nothing else much tbh

I honestly have no fucking idea who he/she/it is.

Search "leafyishere"

No, Thanks.

Ok you fucking paranoid fuck

He's a huge faggot

Maybe true I have no fucking idea. Maybe he's a huge nazi faglord I have no idea of what this man is capable of.........

He's an awkward, chinless, man child in his 20's that still uses buzz word humor such as 'cuck' and 'fucking kill yourself'. I would have no problem with this if it weren't for the fact he does it in every single video. Seriously, each and every leafy video is just him telling different people to kill themselves. He also repeats his points 5 or 6 times so that he can take advantage of the video length algorithm. He's fucking shit.

U don't have to be such a fucking faggot about it you cuckwhore feminist pig bitch.

Get out of the thread Leafy.


I think he's cool

0 / chin


Fill your bong up with sirracha and hit it

CRINGIEST KID ON THE FUCKING FACE OF THE PLANET why you gotta click bait me, this kid isn't even cringe.

Acts like he is.

Bitch, please.

Makes no sense man

Did youtube demonetize his videos and that's why he makes no cents?

Good pun you fucking little whore


This fuckin jive turkey brony



Maybe, you wanna rape him with me, Sup Forumsrooo

Sometimes when I need a dose of cringey clickbait or some quality cs_surf gameplay, I'll check out his stuff. Alright in small doses, but not really bingeable.

This is going nowhere

So is that guy "leafy" creating all those "wat u think bout leafu, Sup Forumsruhs" threads/