Kpop general


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*absorbs semen through the air*

geum nawara wara ~

are there any idols that can cure my crippling depression

who took gold in the isac retard championships, v or sehun?

they know what's good



i remember seeing a seolhyun webm like this recently...

Hows suzy and seohyun doing right now on the charts

Nayeon is pure

People like this crap? This isn't even real kpop, all these progressions and melodies are obviously western as fuck. This is insincere on so many levels that it hurts. I mean if they used traditional Korean tonalities for the melodies and progressions and applied them in a modern pop environment, that would be understandable, but this isn't that. It's the same shit you here talentless hacks churning out all the time on American Top40 radio, but by people in Korea. What is the fucking point? Their execs fuck these sluts everyday, girls are all dumb, ignorant and retarded. The entire industry is fake and manufactured.

They're controlled by their agencies. Agencies just need some pretty boys/girls, they're gonna program. Agencies write everything. Not only their songs, but their personalities too. BIGBANG and 2NE1 have no talent and it's just the people at YG Ent. and Teddy carrying them. People who think GDragon actually composes all those songs they say he does (when it's obviously all ghostwritten) are stupid. GDragon doesn't produce or write, he doesn't even know English, he isn't clever enough to put English lines into songs.

Also, I can't stand it when retards start claiming that "TOP is a genius of style" and has a great sense in fashion. He does not. He knows nothing about fashion. His company tells him what to WEAR. Look at this picture. What a bunch of fucking poseurs. Wearing Misfits and other punk bands' jackets, even though they don't even fucking know who the Misfits were. 2NE1 were also wearing the Misfits jackets before. This is just another proof that YG artists don't have any freedom at all, don't decide what they're going to wear or sing about, and their entire personalities are fake and written by their agencies.
Also, it's funny that YG's owner (through his mob connections) got TOP to star in IRIS and 71 Into the Fire, because he needed to boost his reputation. One of the producers involved in these was found dead the other day in his car.

based OP



Devine Channel does it again
Another fucking banger
why wasn't this the title again

forgot your gaypop avatar

you'll have to stop sooner or later



i take comfort in knowing that your kind will never have the opportunity to procreate

>music conversation

>mfw some chink 5head thought she was good at gymnatics near me

post doyeon's face when she gets rejected by a white guy



unlike choa who will absorb semen through the air forever

Well I guess it's not "purepop" but it was still very inoffensive (I like Pepe though) and they had all that crystal clear image thing going on


Bona posters wya


is this some kind of ancient kpg copypasta?

I got the one where she spots a white man

Guys lets discuss music


>wake up
>realise cub hair was not a dream

harsh but true

cute even when she cries, what a goddess




are you really going to try act cocky after last year?

why must you do this


I never thought I'd say this but CLC has AOTYSF

Banger of 2016

Runner up: Jinyoung's banger

Third Place:

Honorable mentions:

Any more suggestions?
Twice is ineligible because they can't sing

choa is very cute and i appreciate her


*vomits Twice*


stan mina instead, she will never go butch on you i promise


opinion discarded

>b-b-but this happened last year!!
better keep thinking about the past because 6head and her entire group dont have much of a future

>Any more suggestions?
scrap the entire thing

the new concept could be a tough sell. i think it's gonna be hard to convert 4minute fans into CLC fans. lets hope for the best, it would be a real shame if they disbanded now

yujin's hair is pretty silly but she's still cute. other than that they've never looked better (except for sorn, poor girl lol)

I really liked Why

*steals mask*


why must she?

and choa would appreciate your post

I recently got into bona

>better keep thinking about the past because 6head and her entire group dont have much of a future
Did she even place this time rofl?
The only time she won gold last time was because Starship paid for the victory


>savage Mina poster

o shit

don't ever reply to me again you obnoxious cunt

look at all that semen she's absorbing from the top left corner

fuggin rekt


>[INFO] 170117 Somi confirmed to join as a cast member for KBS2 'Sister's Slam Dunk 2

shut up and post her minas

Hopefully Cheng Xiao keeps with Chinese tradition and hangs herself for failing to take any medals for gymnastics

4minute doesn't have any fans to convert to CLC fans




cute, it talks

was she as tight as you expected?

that's their music video on a PROJECTION SCREEN

Because all MVs should be Vetements ads kek. I see, that makes sense. 4minute changed up their sound too though, idk I guess I wasn't expecting them to sound exactly like Crazy era but I'm okay with it.
>don't count on sales
Curse you Koreaaaa...stop disliking what I like


More of this outfit

What's this new absortion meme? Did I miss something important these last few days?

This should be tied with 1st


nope that's definitely semen. look at how happy she is to be absorbing it

one guy

>twiceshitter samefagging
wow who would have thought, this is such a surprise

i'm actually the other chink shitter though

its from an earlier thread
someone said Choa looks like she absorbs semen from the air around her

y no nana?

it's just fistdump and some mina autist

just when i thought i was starting to like this.... jap


you fucked up now

Kill yourself Cheng Xiao
Your 15 minutes of fame are over

cause of this shitty fucking meme

absorbing semen from the air around her? how does that work exactly?


>Cosmic girls

that would make a lot of sense actually, based on their visuals