Whats Sup Forums eating for dinner tonight?

whats Sup Forums eating for dinner tonight?

pic related
>tostitos salsa con queso and extra toasty cheezits

it's like 2am, how the fuck should i know what im going to be eating in 16 hours

then what did you eat for dinner smartass


avacado? turkey? or just blt

just blt. fuck all that other shit im not gordon ramsey


How do people eat "cheese" that is like that? it makes me want to throw up every time. I can physically feel it cucking my body with how unhealthy it is.

honey oat bread i made the other day

its not actually that unhealthy. i read the label. its mostly real cheese

sounds dope

it will make a turd

ur a turd

I just ate ads shit was nasty.

To fuck up this royally

i wont argue with that


Your thread is a failure

i know

doesnt help that its not dinner time in america

This is now a get thread, check em

it's always dinner time in america

off by a post. you suck

ran out of cheezits. now its spicy lime cheetos


wow this tastes like shit

that isnt food you fucking american piece of shit.

its going in my belly. it is sustenance. it is food.

4:30 am, cant sleep. Fuck this im making nachos


thats the spirit