No one told me every girl on OKCupid is ugly as fuck. Oh well, I'm looking for easy pussy and I was told this is it...

No one told me every girl on OKCupid is ugly as fuck. Oh well, I'm looking for easy pussy and I was told this is it. Pic obviously not related.

You live in North Dakota or something?

Yeah, no fucking shit. There's a reason they're trying to hook up online.

No, OKC along with every other dating website is shit because you're not going to get crap off there. The women are in control of that shit


You live in Antioch or something?

Nah in you wanna know? Anyway, my roommate basically told me exactly what type of women use OKC so I'm deleting my account.

yeah dude that's the point the ones that msg you are the ones want ur dick I've pulled mad variety of that shit, little sexy bitches curvy bitches filthy cunts classy ladies, they fuckan come at you no hunting required just stop drying vaginas up with your personality

Check 'em


Free pussy, go for it man

you tell me if you wouldn't fuck these chicks, bc I fucked em all and pulled em all online











cmon dude what u think?

just admit ur a gameless ugly fuck and you should stick to your own kind

all this effort for what? Look I just made the account and didn't actually look through enough. There are some good stuff but still a lot of ugly.

you're wrong, I saw it and had to re-educate you, you're fuckan welcome.

Yeah dude I didn't even get onto the average ones, put the effort in and you will get your dick pussy blended easy af

Sage quads my ninja


looks familiar

Learn English. We don't understand what the hell you are saying.

baked af

They're ugly because you're ugly. When you get rated highly your profile gets upgraded and you get access to the hot women.

auzzie translation.

"I took personal issue with the premise of this thread and felt obligated to share supporting materials to persuade your attitude to the contrary, lest you actually achieve your goals. I also didn't bother including some of the more 'average' looking females, because nobody has time for that. However should you invest reasonable effort into your latest scheme, I feel you have an above reasonable chance of finding your penis inside some attractive vagina/women'.

I just use OKCupid for SJW cringe...

'i identify myself as a feminist'
'do not message message me if you're Islamophobic, homophobic, misogynistic or other kind of bigot' - cause you know, Islam is great about woman and gay rights

It's all about volume guys.

Online dating is not the place to score 9's or a great wife (unless you're a 10)... but it is the easiest way for a regular joe with a modicum of game to build a harem.

dude its like 50% pulling chicks 50% trolling feminists, it's fuckan perfect

this, take what you get but fine bitches come along every now and then if you keep it up

I'm on OKCupid right now, actually. I asked a guy if I could suck his cock and he was like "ew go away" after we liked each other.

What the fuck? Are you not male? Do you not like getting your cock sucked? I'm convinced that OKCupid is a fucking illuminati scam full of people looking for attention but no one who actually wants to meet each other in person.

What do when you aren't attracted to normie chicks but it seems like the only choice is between painfully normy chicks and horrible sjws?

Am I just waiting on a snowflake?

he wanted a relationship not dick warts, that's not a bad thing.

cause you ugly af probs

Girls like this almost NEVER look this good in person. At least not on dating sites

yeah man that's true they mostly don't, most girls don't upload ugly pictures of themselves so they're always a bit misleading. I was even slightly disappointed with a few but for the most part they were fucking amazing roots, would you say 'no' if any of those chicks were dtf? I don't think you would.

My experience on OKC has been alright, but it's been mostly shit. The first girl I met ended up being my girlfriend for a few months. Then when we broke up, I went back, and it was just the usual shit of getting ignored or the messages stop coming in after a while. Then a girl messaged me and we ended up talking a lot and went on a date. Nothing much became of that. I was once messaged by swingers? polygamous couple? Not sure. Anyway, they both thought I was hot and wanted to meet or something. Another girl who had a boyfriend messaged me about hanging out because they were new in town. I don't have an account anymore, but yeah, dating sites and apps make me more depressed/stressed than happy.

I would fuck some but not all, it depends how on good they look in person

not that bad actually, never more than 10% less in person

Check em

this one was off the chain hot!

How long did it take you to get laid from okcupid?

Fuckimg ash

like 2 weeks

Im going to open an okcupid profile tomorrow thanks man

Did you message like every girl you saw or did they message you? What did you put in your profile?

put the effort in, make a good profile and don't be a creep, also persistence and humor

never even got a reply from any that I messaged first, rape the like button and wait until they come to you. Normal shit, either really detailed or vague and mysterious, but make it interesting. Good profile pics to, look good in them and make them interesting and funny

I dont think you banged any of them

think what you want, I know.

Insecure virgin detected

keep going its funny

>10/10 would pregnant booty

>rape the like button

you could fist her thigh gap ffs

I see your fuccboii powers are strong. But what proof have you?

They're actual not, I'm avg at best, I know guys that fucking SLAY 9-10/pus

I have no pics of me railing these chicks, wish I did hide a cam tho..