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So how do I stop being a jealous insecure fuck?
I cannot even see that the girl I like atm like the photos of another dudes in facebook without getting annoyed, we are not even properly dating or anything and I feel insecure as fuck how do I stop this? any tips?


help a betafag bro out

well since this girl looks very attractive she's probably hit by one or two guys a day so I wouldn't say it's illigitimate fear that been said, as she is use to it the fear is not neccecarry founded, but you can't be sure untill real dating

It's easy to let your mind get caught up in silly things like that and get upset about them if you don't have something else you're more passionate about. There was a period of my life when I just wasn't doing anything other than some general education classes for the earlier part of my degree. At the time I had a girlfriend and I freaked out about the same shit, never wanted her talking to other guys, liking pictures and whatnot. Now that I have school projects related to game design and a part time job, (not to mention a lot more experience in actual relationships) there are things in my life that take precedence over most other things. Something like that could take your mind out of the state of being so concerned about things that don't impact your immediate life experience so directly. Find something you're passionate about and dedicate yourself to it, fucker. I'm in the last few months of a bachelor's degree and not a thing in the world could stop me from achieving it. I have an entirely dedicated submissive girlfriend that I love with all of my heart, and I would stop that process in an instant if it meant I could save my passion/career, but I don't have to, because I waited a long while before finding a girl that actually SUPPORTED me in that passion. Who the fuck is this girl you're talking about? Seriously? She's nothing dude. Be your own person and make her and everyone else wish they had admired you when they had the chance, ya feeeeeel me

yeah she´s been hitten a lot but I think I cant be jealous all the time, its irrational, how do I stop it?
I mean at this time with all the smartphones and shit pretty much all the girls are hitten a lot all the time..

I mean she´s nice and all but I think that the problem its me because Im the insecure one and as I said before we are not properly dating or anything, just bums the fuck out of me being this insecure

What the fuck has the world come to?
Why is this a thing?
What kind of spoiled pampering did your parents give you to make you so god damned fucking gay?

Exactly, it's not like you're a couple or anything. It's normal to like people and no one can blame you for being moderately upset if she involves herself with someone else or anything like that when you have feelings for her... but you can't let THAT alone get in the way of your own life. Being depressed sucks but it's okay. It's when that depression controls your productivity and lifestyle that it becomes a major problem. I know it's hard to consider it this way, but she REALLY is just a girl, man. Big picture thinking, she won't be around forever. YOU will, though. Work on what matters in the long run.

actually I was WAY overprotected by my mother and I could not date during my teenage years, Im an 23 year old virgin, I mean im not insecure about that but I hate being a jealous fuck I wanted to know how to get rid of such a pathetic feeling

im starting to lift and meditate dially btw haha

The reason you're an insecure fuck is because you either don't trust her for various reasons, you have very low self confidence, or a combination of both. The best way to fix this is to reflect about yourself or to talk it out with this person you're into.

not even OP but thanks, user.
hard to find legit advice on Sup Forums

sex with overprotective mother is the only way to repair years of psychological abuse

I hope it helps. Best of luck in whatever is troubling you buddy c:

Self esteem* I'm fucking retarded

step 1. ask her out
step 2. she says yes or she says no
step 3. go out with her, treat her well. Or get over it.
Don't be a jealous "niceguy" fuck.

prob this, thanks man!

I do have low confidence but one of the mayor reasons I have this jealousy its because a friend of mine had been talking to her recently and he just wants to fuck her... she commented that he started talking to him but she told me that she said nay to him because she get to know that my friend looked for her because he taught she was an easy woman and im seeing on facebook that she still likes his posts and im paranoid about it... I think Im making to much drama because as I say again we are not even dating but im still a little pissed

Just don't give a shit. The more you do the more needy it seems and to be honest, generally not giving a fuck helps in a big way. Keep your values but see the significance of what is and isn't.

IRL I can be quite the decent human being, you've caught me on a good day on the internet. We all have the capacity to be a monster, beta, cringe, sociopath, mentally ill being when it doesn't matter: Just find out when it does and just roll with it.

I´ll try to not log so much to facebook
good advice bro thanks

That's not a friend and you don't trust this female. Build some trust if you want to stop being a jealous cuntsteak. Communicate with her about how you both feel you stupid fucknugget. And work on your confidence you French fagguette

The reality is she is probably having sex with at least one other guy, right now. She is a young, fairly attractive girl and that is pretty much what happens. You being a beta jealous kid only makes you seem less attractive than the guy already plowing her. She has a line up of men and if you come off as a beta she'll just give you a pass and go out with someone else.

You are putting too much value in this one woman and it will ultimately lead you to a bad time. As a guy you have the ability to approach women whenever you want. Society gives you this power. So stop worrying about what this woman does with her spare time and go out and start approaching other women. When you have 4 or 5 womens' phone numbers you'll find that you care a lot less about this one chick and her fucking Facebook.

Then u might, maybe, get laid

words of wisdom

it probably helps that I do not rant in front of her and Im not messaging her all the time so prob my betaness doesnt show... not yet at least

Women can smell a beta a mile away. Just think, why is she texting your friend when he wants to fuck her? It's because you have all but taken yourself out of the dating pool for her. She will keep you around for validation while still having sex with other guys.

Women are NOT attracted to neediness and she can definitely tell that you want and need her more than she needs you. Maybe you compliment her too much, maybe you reply to texts way too quickly and too often; it can be a million different things but men can not hide the beta. It shows, it always does; and sooner or later you will realize that you are in a losing situation and the only way to win is to not play.

I used to wait about 3 days between replies haha

Find the source of your rejection issues, do intensive retrospective therapy on that. It probably started with someone you needed kept failing/ violating your trust as a child.

Stick your left thumb up your ass until you feel something

Eat your gfs shit

fuck I really hope you are not right user :(

I mean i cant really tell if they are messaging or not... she told me that that friend of mine started messaging her but she said she stopped because she got annoyed of the rumour
I only have my suspects because she had liked some statuses of him and a couple of photos

Well its because women are whores user, she is fucking those dudes and there is nothing you can do about it.

Stop being a beta faggot and dont swoon over whores

You know, I feel this, the best thing to do is avoid her. It gets to the point where you don't even like her anymore, you just like the idea. When it gets to this, it's best to drop it. Allocate your time and focus elsewhere and just let her do what she will. Stop rejecting the sadness, stop rejecting the anger. Let it take over and see how you feel afterwards (as in a few weeks later). If you still like her, give it another shot and don't be a beta pussy. If you realize that it was unhealthy and more of an obsession than anything else, move on.

stop being a little beta bitch? that might help.

How do you make a narcissist not be self-centered? How do you make a psychopath have empathy or moral understanding?

What you're asking is a how-to on how to change the fundamental nature of how your brain operates. Whether it's nature or nurture, you can't unwind the hands of time. You have to accept who you are and figure out how you can live with yourself. Even for people who had to kill another human being by order of being in the military have trouble living with themselves or even sleeping at night. Being able to accept the nature of who you are is the first step to being at peace.

If you really think you can change something that is hard wired into you, then perhaps you should consider changing what you're attracted to altogether. It's your life, no one is going to tell you how to perform a type of conditioning that will make you what you want to be, no such psychology or neuroscience textbook exists. You're an adult and it's too late to teach an old dog new tricks.

This guy gets it.
you probably feel insecure due to your virginity and the pressure to lose it. it's no big deal really and you can always find another girl. I'm a fucking anti social mess and some girls still talk to me. As long as you got something to offer someone will take interest but you should never go out of you're way to chase something that isn't there. But like homie I quoted you are who you are accept it and grow instead of trying to change