Im schizophrenic

>im schizophrenic

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can you distinguish reality from thought?
like do catch your self tripping out?

most of the times, sometimes i cant, like last night when i literally ran home because i suddenly thought i heard something in the bushes


ye boi, shits tite

I just woke up ask me nothing

i am too but i don't believe you what else happens?


what else happens when?

you're done.

how did it start?

Is your alter ego a 6000 year old magician or a rough guy named Hank?

I am schizophrenic too.

No I'm not.

How do you feel throughout an average day?

tell me all your symptoms now

tell the damn fuckin stupîd symptoms already

maybe i'll tell mine if anyone wants.

it started when i was like 15, i just stopped feeling and started hallucinating nearly constantly, not long after this started i started to see things moving around, then i got extremely paranoid, and after that i thought everything was fake for a while. Then i got meds, they helped for a while but then i stopped taking them because i dont trust them

What's this pic from?

have you ever had a conversation with someone you made up in public? what did you talk about

No, you're an attention seeking faggot on a anonymous message board.
Get fucked kiddo.

youre an idiot. just take the fucking pills kid

what things were moving around? Like spirit, vision or object irl?

What were/are the visuals in your hallucinations in other words?

i have constant mild hallucinations, they spike sometimes and then i start seeing animals/people lying on the floor where there are none
i am quite delusional, i never trust anyone because i think theyll report what i say to my enemies
im paranoid, i never go outside when its dark because of how afraid i am of it
im emotionally numb
i cant think properly/at all

thats about it i think

i havent, i talk to myself sometimes, but thats mostly in my head

nigg i dont want to

i think this answered my question. im guessing no?

tiny balls of light and objects irl

I need sauce on the Christian Bale pic lad

i just googled schizophrenia in google images lel


Could you believe what people told you when you were a kid?

kid like 10 y/o?
most of the time i think
cant really remember much before the age of 12

No you're not. You're an edgy teenager fishing for attention.

Ronnie Montrose ftmfw

Is it just you in this thread?

and you think this because?

just ignore the the 16 posters, its just me

Feels like the whole world literally revolves around me. However someone called me a clown today and I was like "alright."

Wouldn't Ian Hunter's "You're Never Alone With A Schizophrenic" been a more thread-appropriate choice?

I had a psychotic episode 3 years ago, but never seen any orbs.
I asked myself with a lot of intention wat it is like (cuz i was thinking its just a retina effect, like you stare a lamp too much)

then i fucking saw one orb close to my face going up, and 10 seconds after i saw another one in the angle of my room. Like really the space.
It is disturbing i admit. I wouldn't want that everyday or even for hours, that would indeed make me crazier than what i am.

My guess is it's just the brain fucking up a connection somewhere. Don't hold a grip on it or it will get worst. There is no blame for what you can't control.

it could be just a fuckup in connection somewhere if that was the only thing i see

i see literal bodies lying on the floor sometimes

fuck, still so many people who don't know the difference between multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia

yeah right
annoying as fuck

are you schizophrenic?

The one sounds more cartoony

not original
seen this at least 5 times

name of your medication..

zoloft and cannabidiol

name of your medication

for the bodies lying around, is it superposing with element of reality ?
One night i had that, i saw a black kid (you know the black starving kid) and it was just a pack of paper.

i had 6 for a time, then i reduced to 20mg zyprexa (+20kg) then 10 and 5.

I stopped them and i went batshit crazy from january to june. (i'm actually doing better since i fucked this fatwhale)

You're not schizophrenic, you're just a cat.



most of the time when i freak and look at the body nothing is there

Have you ever had a argument with your alter ego? Did you fight? Did you win?

So it's a shadow or object in an angle that you interpret as a body? (cuz i was wondering wat it was and i actually had this 5 minutes ago, believe it or not)

i dont have an "alter ego"
i do speak to myself sometimes, and have arguments with myself, its 50/50 who wins

not really
i just see a random body lying on the street or something

yeah but you are not directly looking at it, that's wat i meant by angle (in the angle of your vision)

oh yeah i dont look directly at it
but its still probably hallucinating induced by schizophrenia

name of your medication?
did you like that alucinations ??
did some time you allucinate whit a girl or something like that you now fuck and that things?

(gif related)

ok one thing that i've learned from this kind of brainshit

don't give a fuck. Cause each time you are ackowledging the situation you're brain doesn't see it as negative and will do it more.

It's like ocd this kind of shit.

You just say "huh", then you go on

man wat the actual are you talking about

ill try, but being extremely on edge and paranoid all the time doesnt work well with seeing random bodies lying around on the floor

RIP english


my Gf is Schiz. She doesnt like to talk about it which I respect, what sort of things can I do to hhelp? What wouldd you want a your significant other to do to help?

Some good answers and I'll show you her tits.

i wouldnt want to be reminded of it
i just want to be normal and have an SO to cuddle up with
the best months of my life were with a girl who didnt know i had schizophrenia who just treated me like any other guy
is she on medication?
if no try to keep her talking so she doesnt sink away into thought/hallucination

Are you sure?

i guess yeah
i had visions that i considered not mine, wich led to intrusive thoughts that i finally considered from other people, and that 2 acquitance of mine were reading my mind and telling me shit about what i thought

i'm not cured, but i got from more than 6 hours of discussion with 2 person (alone) to : in fact it's just my brain and sometimes (like for 2 min in a day) i think it's not me.

I hope it will get better for you my friend
it's just brainshit


I can happen if I consume your medicine as a drug ?

thanks man

toppest of keks

you will feel dumbed down

its just antidepressants and antipsychotics
the antidepressants will get you addicted and the antipsychotics wont have any affect

shut up, im learning faggot

you're learning how to take advantage of delusional person?

Hey man, it's God here. Just thought I'd let you know I'm doing the antichrist thing with you for the lulz. Humans think the darndest things.

I would like you to tell me how are your dreams, killing people in them ?? and if you do so in a unique way without equal?


Its just normal dreams i think
Cant remember any special ones

not cool bro, that's my delusion :(
for real
anonymity makes you strong to shit on people

My father is schizophrenic, he uses to get better and then stop taking his medicines :/

Atm, he is living with my grandma, but he keeps messaging me at whatsapp with very strange subtexts. QUESTION: Are the medicines that bad?

clearly not good enough

They arent
But like me, he probably doesnt trust them
Youre his son, he most likely trusts you, try to persuade him to start taking them again

I see your point, but I was talking about collateral effects, because, the little I have talked with him about the disease, he complained most about how bad the medicines make him feels, like sleeper etc...

Do you guys pass through the same side effects?
Lso, that's the main reason why he stops the medicine.

oh and btw, i worked as a designer in a pharmashit idk wat, doing charts and watnot

the risperidal and zyprexa, and all neuroleptic in fact just do a 32% of improvement
The placebo was around 25%
The chart was done in 2014 for a new med, that was at 33% but with less secondary effects.

the 10% is just that the brain is actually going slower, so you cant be as much crazy.

It's a common one.

Look at cannabidiol, it has almost no sideeffects

you cant trust anyone... Everyone is a potential threat.

I know


You only need to worry if they discover your secret.

wat? That the meds are not doing anything?

Cause at the time i was taking my 7mg zyprexa everyday, and smoking weed. The data were real, i did them to sell the new meds to a company.

In fact when i stopped zyprexa i also had to stop weed. I'm just saying they have little effect, and chimist mostly know how to inhibit your brain. They are not curing schizo disorder, they lower the brain activity so you can understand the reality

This fucking thread again...

How many of you fuckers are in there?

Just you.

post doctors/psychologist attest or gtfo

I would like to know which is what has worried you more in what you wear with your illness ?

fuck i badlinkek