Is there an explanation for all this fucking filler in season 2?

Is there an explanation for all this fucking filler in season 2?

Lynch working on other projects and the network forcing them to end the mystery too soon.

You could say that. Lynch literally had a nervous breakdown during it.

Ultimately Twin Peaks was a season of True Detective that should never have attempted to spin out the story beyond miniseries length. It has its reputation because of the feel of the show rather than because it really works as a whole. Personally I stopped watching at the end of season 1 because I could tell they were already grasping for reasons for us to care about the death of this one white girl.

Why didn't they just order a shorter season? The first was only 8 episodes. I know TV was shit back then but still.

Would you have cared more if she was black?

Because the network was stupid and they didn't realize that a huge part of the appeal of the show was the mystery. The black lodge was supposed to kick off hardcore after the murder was revealed but it was supposed to happen at the end of the season along with the murder reveal, instead they were rushed to close out the murder and kick off the lodge so they had to throw in filler to cope, but it was too late by then.

Partially it was Lynch's fault too for not fleshing out the stuff ahead of time because he didn't want the murder to ever be solved.

Not that user but Lynch didn't really get TV. Reportedly the thought of 'so how does this end' hadn't really occurred to him. He was just going to keep making it til they told him to stop. This is alleged but somewhat substantiated by others if I recall correctly.

This makes sense to me. Lynch barely knows how to wrap up movies. Still love him though.

Can someone tell me what this new series Lynch is making will be about?

Is he literally going to remake the entire thing with a new cast?

>tfw we could get an actual old Cooper (played by nowadays Kyle MacLachlan) sitting in that dream room

The end happened before Lynch wanted it to happen.

No it's a continuation. It's actually twenty five years later or whatever as I understand it.

wow that's awesome news. It's like the old series predicted this happening.

>Lynch = genius

Wild at Heart and executive meddling

>Nic Cage kills a black man in the first minute of the movie
that was heaps random

Just started watching this series. Feel bad for this guy who keeps getting cuckblocked by this girl

It was obvious the show was made up as it went along.

That is why I fucking hate television

Off topic but I played a game recently called Deadly Premonition and it was heavily inspired by Twin Peaks probably one of the better written video games I've played

But that's what made Twin Peaks great. Improvisation and going with the flow.

Back then, it was original and fresh. Nowadays, it'd be Lost. Lost was shit because of its constant bluffing. It's OK once, the first time, but then fuck it.

All the pointless cues in Twin Peaks left me disappointed.

Fox Mulder was there, Scully's dad was there, and he was a military man who knew something about aliens.

THE OWLS something, I forget.

That went nofuckingwhere.

Because that was a bunch of clueless writers and directors trying to imitate and continue the mythology Lynch created, without understanding it at all.


>Girl: "I can't believe you were ever my age."
>Cop: "I have pictures to prove it".

Thanks I was looking for this image

Fire Walk With Me was also pretty good, the list should mention that.
>inb4 pleb

Holy shit 22 episodes... what possibly went on to keep that season busy?
>please dont spoil show for me

What it says. A whole lot of stupid filler and badly written subplots. However, the finale definitely makes it worth trudging through all these episodes.
How far are you, by the way?

>pretty good
It's a goddamn masterpiece.

I am up to episode 5

Alright. I recommend you get out of the thread right now and don't browse Twin Peaks threads until you get to the "big reveal", as you'll definitely get spoiled. It happened to me. You've been warned.

Will I survive 25 episodes until it? Since people said is lots of fillers or shud i watch it all.

Uncreatives replaced the Creatives.

>tfw you will never have an amazing Lynch hairstyle in older age due to going bald at age 22
Why live

As I said, it's definitely worth it for the finale. You should watch it all, it's not 100% useless filler. Save the guide. The reveal is in early Season 2, before the drop in quality.
Now please get out, I don't want you to get spoiled.

Good! I would not be able to wait until the end of season 2 to know. Cheers


>[melancholy theme playing]

>whitie genes

lmfao inferior race alert


Expect a terrible sublot about James

Finale of Season 2 is still worth watching.

That glorious feeling when white and not balding.