/got/ general

Previously on: episode of the season this weekend edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


Azor Jon!

Azor Viserys

Sansan OTP.

Ur gay


Meeran OTP.

>-Arya serves Frey Pie at the Twins in episode 10. She kills Walder Frey.
Now this OC I like.

Spoilers for rest of the season

-Beric Dondarrion is alive. Still the leader of the brotherhood. Those three guys were acting alone. No LSH.

-Beric Dondarrion knows about the white walkers!

-Arya serves Frey Pie at the Twins in episode 10. She kills Walder Frey.

-Brienne returns oathkeeper to Jaime in episode 8.

-Episode 9 has two locations. Winterfell and Meeren (three dragons).
-Ramsey will be "meat for his hounds".

-Lancel does not die in episode 8.

Ur based



First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.

She's really cute in that

If you could recast just one character on the show, who would it be?




Cersei with Ellen DeGenerate


I'd recast Maisie and replace her with that lass who played Lyanna

goblin esque

season 1 daario


Azor Jon


Azor what?

>arya isn't beautiful



What the fuck is wrong with the editing.

4:56, Bran and the 3ER are standing close to each other, behind them is the field where the battle took place. Bran takes a few steps forward, passing the 3ER.

4:59, Bran suddenly comes from the 3ER's left, and behind them, just rocks.

5:04, Shot of the 3ER's face, behind him is the field again instead of the rocks.


>mfw this post


Does D. B. Weiss count as a character?

Spoil me as hard as you can

>caring this much

>dany is evil

we must align with /highgarden/

time to goh

That's obviously intentional. They teleport all over the place in the flashback scenes. In the Winterfell one you see Bran and 3ER looking down from a balcony, and in the next shot they're on the ground.

The chick in The Crying Game is a man

>214x317 image
>aligning with characters with no plot armor



Why did D&D do this???

Daenerys or Arya

that is pretty funny

Emilia is 9/10 would marry but she just cant pull off the character in a convincing manner

>If you could recast just one character on the show, who would it be?

Daenerys is played by a shitty actress saddled with bad writing, so probably her but while Arya was kinda cute as a kid, she's too ugly now that she's older, Arya is supposed to be a chip off the old Lyanna block, not a troll doll.


Jaime kills Edmure.

nth for LF is a FM

go ahead, align with her

you'll just be added to her thighs and upper arms like all the rest

She has an amazing, genuine smile.

Oh shit

Did this shop actually originate from /got/?

It's understandable that Victarion isn't in the show really. Asha doesn't do much in the books after the Kingsmoot, so it's better to use her for that storyline than to introduce a new character nobody cares about.


literally the typical "badass" and retarded as fuck while being used by Euron


get out anime fag

I like people who are nice to look at. I don't recall Arya being described in the books as a repulsive ogre


oh shit it's real


Maise is cute



>arya horseface

Quasimodo spammer please leave

How are her feet tho

Aerion did nothing wrong

someone left a cake on her face

>b-but muh Arya horsefaec xd


no he doesnt


Why does that matter , you hardly ever look at your partners feet

nth for bread,the giving of and receiving, and being chewed out for being overweight by your disgruntled father who has been seething with anger over the fact that you never grew into the strong masculine man that he wanted you to be, but turned into a fat potato instead


>implying there's just one of us

Oh my god she looks like eggman with a wig

If tywins original plan of marrying Cersei to Rhaegar went through and they had a kid, it would be Aerion




What does still green mean

yeah he does

normies dont care about radmure.


No, other people dont have huge folders dedicated on hating someone

Grow up

She's so fucking perfect. She's not a anorexic Hollywood rake,and she's not an obese landwhale. She's fucking perfect hngg

>that one maisienigger who has yet to commit suicide


>mfw am normie

fuck off


Wait what?

Theres new spoilers?

What is known?

>arya horseface

That's just her bitchy sister teasing her, combined with behaving like a Tomboy and not caring about her appearance.

When the BWB visits Acron hall and Arya is bathed and dressed by the lady of the castle, Gendry comes this close [ ] to fucking her.


Why hello there mr reddit crossposter

Vader is Luke's dad, Soylent Green is people, The planet of the apes is actually Earth and Snape kills Dumbledore.

even Emilia is visibly repulsed when meeting her in person


>being this new to Sup Forums



Well not exactly THAT long, I'd presume their society as it is now more or less started with Aegon 300 years ago. Sure humans inhabited Westeros for thousands of years, but that includes coming of the First Men with bronze age and later Andals with iron.

Plus maesters of the Citadel are nothing and their claims are based on nothing. Westeros has no intellectuals at all. They don't know anything about medicine, architecture anymore, history and so on. And those few thousands noblemen or so pass down essentials such as warfare, governing, hunting and have their smiths, ship builders and what not making patriarchy still the strongest and most obvious way which is seen well on example of Lord Tarly, that's all inferior even to Braavos. Westeros is like hundred or more years behind renaissance levels of society, while Braavos seems to be reaching it. They don't even have a society that would accept or need things like universities, schools and new ways of thinking. In Braavos we see city with citizens, commoners dressed in finer clothes, working various jobs and they're all focused in this one city. Westeros doesn't have that, it lacks city folk and its structure is still feudal, which makes need for any progress obsolete for now.

Fuck me Orsini


She has a smile that makes her look like she works at a fish stall in some grubby bong village market.

why is she so average?

Muh maisie

I will say that Show!Lyanna Mormant looks a lot of Show!Lyanna Stark. Arya was said to resemble her aunt.

Voted the most beautiful woman of the world actually