Dr. Draenei, I'm FEL

Dr. Draenei, I'm FEL.

Uh...you don't get to bring the horde.

If i pull your soul off, will you die?


First one to drink gets to pass through my portal!

Dr. Grrgl
I'm Mrrrgl

He didnt makgora so good-

post sexe Draeneis

Lotta loyalty for a frostwolf!

Or perhaps he is wondering why someone would drink demon blood before stepping through a portal.

Nobody cared who I was until I became green.

>The Shadow Council
>The League of Shadows
Whoa...what'd Bowie mean by this poetry

Someone needs to go through the the camrip and find someone doing the CIA powerstance.

yeah it would be epic as f*ck xD

Why are there so many video game adaptations? This is gonna be the new capeshit.

Fuck you, I liked it

As long as something kills capeshit, I'm fine with that.

please explain me correlation how can one holywood moneygrabing franchise kill another?

>one video game adaption since Tron
>so many

>different stories, different settings

>same stories retold over and over again, same setting

Theres going to be 4 vidya movies this year, 3 high budget


It would be extremely painful



>how will we spoon-feed normies so they can follow this convoluted plot?