

is this really his official twitter? FFS you are a grown man!

Other urls found in this thread:

this b8 is stale m8

Lynch is a slightly off his rocker oddball who believes in shit like transcendental meditation. You should ignore his personal views.

did you not pay attention to his tweets about making friends with a squirrel? the man is not an average adult.

What is it with people who are middle aged+/people who hardly use the internet putting multiple '!' with spaces in between

>i am so angry .!!!


>who believes in shit like transcendental meditation
There's nothing wrong with transcendental meditation.

except it's proven that it actually worsens anxiety-related conditions and other illnesses.

I thought Lynch was lolbertarian

bernie is the only lesser evil candidate running and the American political system is a game of lesser evils.

it is 100% correct to vote for bernie sanders over all others, regardless of one's political leanings as bernie is the lesser evil candidate for ALL Americans. David Lynch is once again objectively correct, as always.


Sauce now


another liberal, artistic type

also the sky is blue and water is wet

so can shitposting on Sup Forums
but apparently you still do it.
and it's not like that for all individuals.

go suck off trump some more you fucking Sup Forums faggots.

Get off my board.

I hope Sup Forums knows that a good majority of their favorite directors and actors are left leaning. Anyways go back to your containment board so we can actually talk about movies/tv shows

well better to believe in something like that than believing in some kike socialist

I just imagine him read them out as his character in Twin Peaks.


get out of my country spic

>than believing in some kike socialist



BAHAHAHA what the hell

not all smokes get lung cancer either.

>being this triggered by a tweet
>le Sup Forums boogeyman

kill yourself

get cucked whiteboi

Hey reddit! We'll go home when you do buddy!

t. pathetic fifteen year old suburban white

Fuck you cumskin.

Hollywood is ran by jews, yes, but guess what, we're on the right side of history, they were murdered by shitty white people.

6 million of them dead, because of your bigotry.

Fuck you, we'll kill your children cumskin.

The difference is cancer is deadly. Anxiety isn't. If you get anxiety from meditation, then you have a bigger problem then meditation.

Reddit isn't here, now go away

> it actually worsens anxiety-related conditions and other illnesses.
which transcendental mediation is supposed to be used to "treat" kek. new wave mentality still strong in hollywood i guess.

funny how the identification numbers tattooed on jews during the holohoax dont go past 5 digits

>>reddit isn't here

you get an upvote from me, nigger.

Incorrect, kiddo !!!

seriously though the donald subreddit is pretty shitty. xD muh spicy memes xDDD


>it actually worsens anxiety-related conditions and other illnesses
Wrong again, kiddo !!!
Please stop with this nonsense, champ !!!

Sup Forums really ruined everything didn't they

if it wasn't for Sup Forums we'd have bernie as a president.

now we can't

fucking bigots.

>which transcendental mediation is supposed to be used to "treat" kek.
This is a misconception. While meditation is calming, that's not it's sole purpose. The point of meditation is to see into the true nature of reality and that all things are changing, including our conception of "i". People getting anxiety has from meditating has less to do with meditating and more to do with high expectations.

>reddit isn't here
You're a funny guy user

>average/pol/ tard tries to "troll"

Shut up

Meme magic knows no bounds

>believing in transcendental meditation

are you suggesting that transcendental meditation doesn't exist?

pol is a board of peace

I'm suggesting that it doesn't really do anything. I love Lynch but TM is a load of new age hippie bullshit.

cool. and exercising can cause injury, mental distress, and even death.

>it's another triggered redditor episode
I love these

Just TM, or all forms of meditation?

Only thing I don't like about TM is the exclusivity of it. Fairly simple practices that are guarded for monetary reasons. It's all a bit cultish.

I bet Hillary watches movies on her fucking phone

Why are you calling him a troll? He's right (but wrong) that trump's bigotry (which is inherent in whites) is the reason why bernie loss.

our country deserves to make amends for this.

Can't wait for you to kill yourself when he becomes president, you limp wristed faggot.