What kind of movies do black people watch?

What kind of movies do black people watch?

Tyler Perry, Kevin Hart, Cedric the Entertainer.

Basically nothing that requires critical thought or intelligence.

Any types of movies most of which are posted here except for shitty pretentious ones like The Lobster or Only God Forgives

Found the cuck

blacked of course, dominating the white race is always entertaining. it is also the reason why you enjoy JAV porn, and chinks enjoy hentai. whites domination over sucky sucky, and chinks dreaming of getting pussy in their fantasies.

the fast and the furious

>t. overuses the word "cuck"

they don't. most blacks just stand around on corners all day.

pretty much the same as everyone else just with more focus on black movies

Kung fu flicks


Bounce TV is one of my most watched channels because they usually have decent movies on. Also I've been getting into syndicated black sitcom re-runs from the late 90s and 2000s because every single one of them have a delicious teenage daughter character.

The movies picked up for Bounce TV seem to usually be standard action/adventure/comedy flicks from the 70s-present that happen to have some prominent black actor in them (even if it's a side character like Forest Whittaker in Bloodsport). So it's a pretty good grab bag of flicks, I wouldn't call them oscar contenders but solid movies that are enjoyable. Few weeks ago they were having Lethal Weapon marathons every few days.


dumb frogposter

Im black, dickhead.

Dumb frogposter.

>white people only watch white skinned movies
>black people only watch black skinned movies

this "dumb frogposter" thing isnt a meme is it?


you have never been more wrong in your life i hat all of those comedians and steer clear of them

Wow I didn't realize Idris Elba used Sup Forums

Black people don't watch movies, only flicks

Does Jamal know you left your cuckshed?

I'm willing to bet that I have the best taste on Sup Forums, hell, all of Sup Forums. Pic related, some of my favorites. Get on my level, capecucks.