Days of future past>x2>first class>x men>x men apocalypse >x3>wolverine movies

days of future past>x2>first class>x men>x men apocalypse >x3>wolverine movies

Ok tier: X2
Pretty bad honestly tier: X1, Future Past

that's all i needed to see from this franchise, needs more Snyder test, less Singer est

X Men First Class>X Men 2=Apocalypse>X Men>X Men Days of Future Past>X Men 3

wait wait what is rogue is doing in that pic??? she wasnt in the movie

X-Men Origins: Wolverine>X-Men: First Class>X-Men: Days of Future Past>X2>X-Men>X-Men: Apocalypse>The Wolverine>X3

i'd like to see your criticisms of future past. it was perfect

Completely wrong.
X-men:A > DOFP > FC > X2 > X1 > X3 > all the other wolverine shlock

In the rogue cut she is.

she's like the main character besides Wolverine in DOFP "Rogue cut".

it was just a snooze, the sentinels were cool, that's about it

muh mutants are gay/POC allegory is very tired, awful designs/cinematography, CGI borefest of a third act

nothing new, compelling, exciting or original

DoFP > X2 > First Class > DEADPOOL > Apocalypse > The Wolverine > Xmen > Xmen Origins: Wolverine >>>>>>>>>> Xmen 3: The Last Stand

I'm curious if people doing these ratings are talking about the Rogue Cut or not, because that changes a lot

>rouge wasn't in dofp
Holy shit you didn't even watch the movie. She was the plot point of one of the best scenes: magnet and ice boy go to the mansion where rogue is being tested on so the sentinels can STEAL MUTANT POWERS. Ice boy gets his head melted and rogue takes over Kitty's place (she was sliced by wolverine when he freaked out seeing what's his face) of holding wolverine back in time. Let me guess you were shit posting while "watching"

Why do people pretend days of future past was good? First class was much better

X-men:Apocalypse > DOFP > FC > X2 > X1 > X3 > all the other wolverine shlock

Because the Quicksilver scene makes you forget the mediocrity of the rest of it.

Who's the gay with yellow lines?


All that other solo Wolverine shit doesn't matter.

human torch from the fantastic four

it has le epic apocalypse time travel plot with invincible robots xD

Fox counts Deadpool as an Xmen movie

People always forget this
Expect Deadpool in the next Xmen movie too

>next Xmen movie
sure, if you can wait 3+ years.
They haven't even created a script yet.

First Class = DoFP >X2>X:A>X>X3>>>>>>>>everything else

>Sup Forums likes x-men2 so I'll say I like it too so they like me
If there's any way to prove you're a sheep newfag, it's to pretend that x-men2 was better than apocalypse or dofp.

X2 > X Men >> The Wolverine >> DOFP > Origins: Wolverine > Apocalypse > The Last Stand >> Deadpool > First Class

First Class > Apocalypse = X2 > DoFP = X1 > X3 > Wolverines > Horseshit > Deadpool

Days is pretty good but X2 is still the best one.

>flashback of x3 in the 80s prof x is walking
>First class he gets hit by a stray bullet in the 60s

Can somebody explain this

DOFP>The Wolverine>First Class>X2>XMen>X3>Apocalypse>Origins

Time travel is like magnets.
If you change something in the past, that moment you tried to stop will just hit harder.
Time travel isn't like magnets.

>Apocalypse that far down
cool joke, kid.

>stray bullet

>Let me guess you were shit posting while "watching"
i just torrented it and didnt know about a director's cut wtf

they should have a website that can check if a movie has a dc or not

But there is no time travel in between x3 and first class. Unless it has something to do with dofp which I haven't seen. Either way it doesn't make sense as it's established that Xavier is supposed to be crippled since the 60s.

Marvel cuck detected.

X3's loopholes was the reason they did DoFP.

Logan and Ellen Page look embarrasing. Also who's Niggerman? What's his power?

He's basically Shaw from First Class
He absorbs energy and then he transfers it to his gun for some reason instead of exploding or some shit

she looks like the little boy from Room

He was on breasts drug then duh