Other urls found in this thread:


so do you have a link to the video or what?




More like C.I. Gay

Get it? Like see-eye-gay, cuz he's likes big guys. Y'know. C.I.A

No? Alright then.



I feel bad for Aiden. He tries so hard to be a great actor and all you cancerous shits give him credit for is his shitty little stint in a capeshit flick.

Are Dr. Pavel and CIA a romantic couple?

will I get a gf

And his acting in GOT

Was getting Bane'd part of your plan?

thank you cia

Are Dr. Pavel and CIA sexually involved with each other?

Can jet fuel melt steel beams?

Don't you tell me to go to sleep. Are Dr. Pavel and CIA fucking each other?

Should I go to University?


Not today, big guy.



If Dr. Pavel were to ask you out on a date, would you accept?

If I take that off will you die?


Will you fuck Dr. Pavel on your first date with him?

can someone please explain this meme
cracks me up for some reason but idgi



Will I get laid in the next two months

I don't think my brain can process so much kino at the same time.

Show more of the redhead girl you bunch of flaming atheist faggots.

Will Trump be president


>Company Men: The Big Stand

>Bane isn't punching the plane from the scene at the end


Is it finally time to end it all?

Should I go to bed now?

Should someone paste Banes face on this?


Asking again.

Am I a "big guy"

I need an answer.

Am i a big guy?

At least it's realistic

Will everyone become CIA in this thread?

do u love me

rolling for them trips

Are you my dad?
(Captcha: Select all images with planes)

Will I get into med school, CIA?

Will I get into Med school, CIA?
pls answer, i've been a good boy.

sweet embrace of death?

Best ending to any film ever.

Will I ever be a bigger guy than you?

Will you fuck this?

Should I watch Aladdin? I've never seen it and the Indian girl is hot.


>Should I watch Aladdin? I've never seen it and the Indian girl is hot.

How old are you?

Are TDKR and The X-Files in the same universe?

That puss looks ripe for pumping. Wanna cum inside that puss.


Are TDKR and The X-Files in the same universe?

Big Guy rollin

There are so many unattractive pictures of this girl and you choose this to limp my biskit?

>tfw the plane scene was foreshadowed in the wire

His face says it all

she is obese

Will Warcraft be financially successful and spawn sequels eventually culminating in a movie following Arthas and Illidan - the ultimate kino?

Can I have a GF?

Am I a big guy?

>For you
Thanks CIA.



>tfw no fridgemode GF
Feels good, her face looks like Dan Schneider's by the way.

if I pull this off will you die?

I think the whole point of the meme is that none of it makes any sense. Seriously,why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of plane?

should i just kill myself?

Does Aiden Gillen know about Baneposting?

Looks like my mission is incomplete

will my oneitis ever become my wife?

Sup Forums is open to everyone. It's very possible he's gone here


Will I have to do any more work tonight?

Are England going to win the Euros

will there be a new elder scrolls in this e3?