Christopher Nolan already made this movie 10 years ago.

All Marvel does is copy from superior DCbros.

Then how come it's a succesful franchise.

But Nolan didn't go dark enough. I mean yes it's nice, but Batman didn't like get raped or anything.

>It's Batman Begins beause he goes to a mountain to get trained
Does capeshit melt the brains of whoever watches it?


because they market towards children. Family movies draw bigger box ofice.

>Christopher Nolan already made this movie 10 years ago.

I'm okay with that. Rebooting DC's Batman as MCU Doctor Strange is a way better idea than rebooting Ghostbusters as an SJW Message Movie.

Shame DC markets to no one.


DC is for kids too. All the toys and costumes for kids


Le Rt meme, lmao


>Christopher Nolan already made this movie 10 years ago.
Bruce broke his hands in an accident?
Was he an annoying noncaring bitch before having the accident?
Does he have a black sidekick instead of Alfred?
Was he trained by a monk instead of an assasin?
Does he do cool stuff with his hands?
Is the bald monk from Dr Strange the main villain?
IS Madd Mikkelsen Stephen's teacher?


How do you know?
We only saw a 1 minute long trailer

>Nolan made first kino!!!!!!

Can someone post the BvS tard images that explain the "symbolism" and "art" that BvS is supposed to be? I need a template.

You don't know much.

Dr. Strange is a character that fights cosmic horrors and Cthulhu inspired deities every weekend.

The only thing he has in common with the Batman character is the faithful servant and the token tragic back story.

I don't even understand the logic behind this cherry picking. I'm supposed to be in awe of someone's film making artistry because he can do deadlifts?


You got a lot of nerve including George Miller on DC's side.


Wow that Instagram photo of Snyder looks exactly like his films.

This is fake

It reflects the fact that Zack Snyder is a man with a pair of testicles while the Marvelfags are girly faggots with ovaries

Good image but a) you should include Nolan on the DC side and b) Favreau is actually based, he doesn't deserve to be among shitty fag plebs (and besides, the Marvel movies he made weren't as bad as the modern ones)

Trips don't lie.

How does lifting make you a good director? You're fucked in the head. All the great directors were chubsters.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Good for Ethan Hawke

woah he was really thin and fit
what happened to him?

Name one live action movie about magic that isn boring as hell

the Alien and Predator franchises have toys, does that make them kids movies?


>Shame DC markets to no one.


Baby I'm magic