You wake up in the Cube

You wake up in the Cube.

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Find some hot bitch.

Fuck her until I cant anymore. Walk into the next trap with closed eyes and open eyes, ready to start the next adventure.

find the cute girl, there's always a cute girl in THE CUBE

fugg :DD

>implying I can wake up

i stick with the blond chick.


My roommate just had me watch this the other night
Thought it was cool, are the sequels good?

I know from video games how to survive any situation is to just let everyone else in the group go first

Kill the obviously crazy one immediately.

i've never seen this movie but I would probably just pull out my phone and browse Sup Forums all day like i usually do.

Cube 2 is fucking horrible don't even watch it

stay happy and pretend the sequels dont exists

I go back to sleep

dumb phoneposter

>being a phonie
literally worse than being a normie
you are the cancer that killed Sup Forums

Break some shit and use it to dig my way out.

Fuck no.

No, I don't

But the blind qt... :(

One is a shitty sequel that deals with the forth dimension. The other is a prequel that isn't horrible, but not as good as the original.

don't you have some die hard to watch, dad?

Cannot awaken

Phonies are normies that were too fucking stupid to learn how to use a computer

death was almost completely random in all versions of the cube. even if you "tested" a room before going in or let other people go in first there was no guarantee you'd avoid a trap. and because traps were so different from one another your placement in the room didn't matter, staying along the edges of the room or in the middle or near an exit didn't amount to a higher chance of survival. you just had to hope that whatever it was, it took out other people first so you'd have time to react to it.

i would probably just commit suicide rather than die in agony.

Is there are new Cube movie coming?
One of the writers of the original Cube is attached.

But the only way you would be able to kill yourself is by walking into a trap

I would just encase myself deep within a nest of cucks, thus becoming invulnerable

Nah just stop breathing m8


Oh it's a remake. Could be exciting I guess.

Hypercube is absolute ass. Watch it to appreciate Cube Zero, which is pretty good (my fave) and makes shit come full-circle.

Or cube? idk.

Skip 2. Cube Zero is an allright watch, only worth it if you want some answers about teh cube.

What if I always used a computer to Sup Forums before but also like phone since I can browse while taking a shit?

dumb frogposter


>be AMERICAN blonde girl
>make it out of the Hypercube
>get shot

>Not being on Sup Forums even when you're out pretending to be normal

/qst/ the thread

>yfw the cube is a metaphor for the universe
>yfw each character personifies the different ways humans deal with their existential burden
>yfw all of Sup Forums can relate to the autist who makes it out at the end

close eyes


Well, I've seen the whole series so I'd stay in the room I wake up in until it rotates to the exit, then claim I believe in God and hope that the Yes button doesn't activate the flamethrower too.

But then, I wouldn't remember the movies so I guess I'd wander into a trap and die.

I've only seen the first one. I liked it a lot, but the sequels don't look too great.


>You wake up in the Cube.
Fuck Year

>worst 6th gen console
Fuck no

What are some movies like Cube? Already watched Circle and Exam

I might be remembering incorrectly but I would just wait int he original room, and check the hatches whenever the rooms move, wasn't the first room near the exit or something.

cube 0 is a disappointment It can't be helped really, what explanation could be satisfactory?

The director said somewhere that there was supposed to be nothing outside the cube, no outside world. not sure what he means by this.

Super Smash Bros Melee called, it wants you to go fuck yourself

it really is a shitty movie.
horrible acting and effects.
sophmoric camera work.
but i loved it.

I contacted the mathematician who designed the mathematics for the movie a few years ago. He sent me his paper which explains unambiguously how the cube works. Also, I know how to factor 3 digit numbers (which is not as hard as the movie makes it out to be) so I'd probably be fine.

cube is fun but the acting is so bad.

that black dude overacting like fucking crazy. so hilarious.

just stay in the same room because the exit is the same as the entrance after awhile

melee was dogshit

64 version is the only version

Sit in the room I'm in. Either it moves to the exit or I starve to death.

Fucking disgusting. reading, using a phone in the toilet. you're fucked. Do your business and get out.

>he doesn't sit on the toilet long enough for both legs to go numb when he stands so he has to resit on the toilet until feeling comes back

That's the shitbox you pleb.

I'm not a retard, not one of the smart ones anyway, so I'm fucked.

Fuck allegories.

>resitting on the toilet
>not painfully limping out and falling onto your bed

>having raging autism will ensure your escape

My odds are looking good