Eternal /got/ general


Jon is best. Jon is Azor. Jon is Stark. Jon is Targ. Jon is King. Jon is simply the best.

First for the King of love and beauty


how(/is) Tommen going to die this season?

the fuck is going on here,
this must be a shop.

>yes clearly it's Syrio we see in the background before Arya was killed
>ah yes, Arya is definitely NOT dead now
>but it was Jaqen disguised as Arya all along
>it's definitely Arya disguised as the Waif disguised as the old lady, ordered by Jaqen to fool the Waif who was disguised as Arya into believing that Arya is in fact dead so she would no longer pursue her

first for best house

he didnt fly so good.

Dubs confirm he is alive. Praise Kek.

Best character in all of ASOIAF coming through

>follows foreign eastern religion
>known for using religious extremists to gain the upper hand
>public execution of non-believers
Stannis is Kebab which makes Botlons Kebab removers

The Princess that was Promised

First for Stannis, best king and rightful husbando of the Seven Kingdoms.

You should be banned

Nth for SweetRobinxSalsa OTP

body double. caloriesee would have never fit through the doorway

deus ex machine the character.
jon as a close second so far.




p-post pic user

we can all agree on pic related



posting again for attention/thoughts


Syrio is alive fanservice season 6 who is next ned stark lol.

>sansa stark
>sansa Lannister
>sansa bolton
>sansa Arryn

and she is a tully from her mothers side...

Stannis a cute


What religion are each house at this point?
my guess:
> Tyrells, Lannisters, Martell, Arryn: Catholic
>Stark:Celtic Paganism
>Bravoos,Volantis,Lys: Orthodox

Lmao he looks exactly like Dillane. So fucking ugly

Anybody else just get sad about the current state of this show's writing when they watch episodes or clips from S1?

stabby stab stab

wait is bastardbowl this sunday??

Ramsay killing Wun Wun confirmed ! Ramsay BTFO Jon until Jon get saved by CIA! Is there anything this man cannot do??


>Stannis not cute

die. Since Sansa wants to put him on trial for the next season

>All mystical creatures are dead in the end
>A hobbit (Jon) saves the day
>The rightful king/queen (Dany) is in power

"D-dude- it's n-nothing like LOTR, I-I swear"
t. grum

>Ramsay killing Wun Wun

add it to the list of crazy shit ramsay did.

>and she is a tully from her mothers side...

They both are, When the Freys kill Blackfish and Edmund Sansa and Robin will have more Tully claim then anyone .... Then it will begin ....

He's the ugliest male actor on the show desu


Yes satan

No he's pretty handsome.

bitch is half way through making the eight.


HAHAH dornish prom!


When will she marry a Summer Islander?

>ywn be in a foursome with these three.
Why live?

why do we have unconsious people at the steps? are they too stupid to run away from the large fire?

Shes going to be Summer Island'd in the next few episodes

the one on the right pretty cute tho

but she no sansnek

>they'll never force you to wear one of their dresses and come to their all-girls nights

She WAS engaged to a Baratheon and a Tyrell. She has the full-set but a Martel and Greyjoy and I thought thats where the Theon-Sansa team-up was heading.

what in the mother of fuck is it shopped, /got/?

why don't they ask this dude for cleganebowl

oh god, please tell me its a essos sellsword or something like that.

I dont think Loras and Sansa were ever supposed to marry each other

Yeah he's as handsome as this guy

We never see anything that looked like Arya was killed, just wounded, so i'm not sure what the flying heck you're talking about.

Noh. Then eet enz.

i really hope its a shop at this point.
what the fuck man.

leakbro here

two of the following three are true

arya dies
syrio dies
waif dies

But that's incest, look at the kid, he's already inbread enough, imagine a SansaxRobin child

I think he's really attractive. It's just a matter of taste

That's clearly a white guy with a dirty face

not even dornish

>don't really enjoy GoT anymore since it's pleb tier
>realize there's nothing else to watch

Sigh. I just want something to watch. Is that too much to ask?

easy. both arya and the waif die. nice trips

Arya got stabbed multiple times in a season where 1 hit from a dagger was enough to take down Doran, Giganigga, Osha and Roose. And yet, she's completely fine in the next episode and fighting the waif.


they better not kill the giant

you should watch more tv user

GoT is pretty meh

Ramsay shoots him with an arrow through the eye.

He also kills Ghost.

>implying that was arya

Why are there no curryniggers in GOT?

>But that's incest

They are only first cousins. The fucking Targs married their sisters and they got super-powers. Cerseis kids are only mildly retarded looking.

Why did Jon adopt the man bun? Is that how death changed him, like Beric was changed in death?

>we're in the same boat

>oh there's gendry

sorry bro. its done

Alt-Shift-X is right. What's the point of resurrecting Jon if nothing about him has changed? The show is even pretending like someone coming back from the fucking dead is not a big deal.

Azor Sam

He's the last one, so they're extinct anyway

it was intentional. they want you to believe she's alive, but she isn't. it's like everyone has forgotten this is GoT.

Yes. I wonder if that also means that I'd have problems in a marriage if she kinda let herself go. I'd want to be loyal no matter what, but at some point you start looking around, right?

On that note:
28-45 get


There were, or at least they thought they were going to.

We're going to see this fat fucker and his useless story again. Let that sink in.

This season of Game Of Thrones brought to you by
>Googled Fan Theories

Anyone else feel this way?

Targs and CerseixJaime usually have god tier genetics , look at Robin

show jon's strongest, most defining characteristic changed

his hair

at least baristan selmy got a couple of stabs before he got BTFO.
I mean its not like he was the best swordsman in the world and he got fucked by some rich boys in masks with daggers or something like that.
thank god D&D gave him a decent death as respect to how good the character was.
Fuck you jews.

And watch what? There is nothing worth watching around this time of the year besides GoT. Most shows have concluded their seasons by now.

just got here. new leaks?

So he could leave the wall you little shit

i hope his daddy sticks that sword of his up his bum

Too far east


