Why did Picard have to go to the ready room so much?

Why did Picard have to go to the ready room so much?

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To rip fat ones

to get...ready?

He had to feed his fish

to grab a few dozen padds

Imagine all the farts on that ship.

The weirdo fan sites say the Enterprise had over 1000 people on it.

They seemed to work all day, no set shift patterns.

Was their some future scientist credited with inventing the de-farter of the air which was some kind of fart recycling thing on there given they were so futuristic?

Did the methane power the warp core?

How much worse would the farts be for darkie blindo?

I never understood why they brought their families with them on the Enterprise-D. They were oftentimes ordered into combat situations, and other times even peaceful exploration would turn into a combat situation. Them having civilians, especially children, on the ship made no sense.

You don't understand because your family doesn't love you. Everyone else understands.

It's the equivalent of me being Columbus and taking my family on a discovery voyage though.

It just wouldn't happen.

The Pinta couldn't separate into different sections to protect families. The technology didn't exist.

My family loves me and I love them, which is why I wouldn't drag them along with me while I went to fight the Borg or whatever it was we were doing that week.

This is a third-world mentality, not the mentality of pioneers and explorers.

>tfw your family and five others die because Q decides to throw the enterprise right at a borg cube for shits and giggles

Why did they need so many PADDS? Why couldn't you use one PADD to deal with multiple sets of information?

>tfw Q decides to kill your family at home just because he knows it will get to you
Lol, better just stay at home in the first place.

They don't just bring them along on exploration though, they bring them along into battle too. Don't forget how Deep Space 9 starts.

I would just recreate my family on the holodeck and then my wife's son actually would respect me.

We all know what he was doing.

You'd understand if you were in the military. And extrapolate further when considering distances and durations for space travel. Everyone is aware of the dangers and they've weighed the consequences.

Still, I'd rather be aboard the enterprise than the voyager. They nearly all die every episode and janeway often endangers people wayyyy beyond what she needs to for some reason.

Is the holideck just like covered in semen? Does it self-clean?

>They seemed to work all day, no set shift patterns.
It's a three part rotation, with each third of the crew working a different third of the cycle.You sleep, work, and have free time for 8 hours each.

Also, the air filters that keep contagions and poisons out of the air also catch farts and shit particles.

I didn't see soldiers dragging their wife and kids over to Iraq when we were fighting over there.

I have two computer screens at my office. Though I could technically deal with all the information on one screen, having two screens is really nice. Having three is even better.

Picard has dozens.

To chat with Kathryn Janeway of course.

Which asmr channels did Picard sub to?

No, the ship recycles it to put protein into the food.

>starfleet is most like marines
How dum is u?

I like 3 but when I had them all, I found myself just leaving one with nothing going on too often. And it always took more room than I liked. 2 is ideal for non-work imo.

>no qt3.14 ensign to go on holodeck date with

Why live

>laid waste to an entire quadrant of the galaxy
>destroyed the borg's ability to travel faster than warp 10, setting the hive into disarray for years to come
>created a race of lizards
>oversaw the breaking of the transwarp barrier
>presided over a civil war between actual gods
>presided over the peace process between actual gods

I mean, the only one who even comes close to her is Sisko. I'd say sisko and Janeway are both roughly equal power level for sheer galaxy destroying captain hijinks.

Three pips. Three promotions. She was promoted three times.

Promoted to rear admiral (lower half). Promoted to rear admiral (upper half). Promoted to vice admiral.

One promotion wasn't enough. Two promotions weren't enough. Janeway could only be satisfied with three (yes, three!!!) promotions.

>You'd understand if you were in the military.
Name the military that deploys ships with families onboard right now then.

>>destroyed the borg's ability to travel faster than warp 10, setting the hive into disarray for years to come
She genocided the entirety of the Borg.

She infected the Queen with a virus that destroyed the entire collective.

Destroying the transwarp hub was just a pointless redundant afterthought because Berman and Braga weren't paying attention to their own story.

Honestly, they shouldn't have promoted her at all.

They should have sent her through the wormhole at bajor and then told her to get back without going through it again.

Dominion problem solved.

salvation army

Get your inferior non-human filth outa the night shift bridge.


Do you think Worf ever took a monster shit on the Enterprise?

Did Deanna use the gender neutral bathroom after him?

Did her eyes water?

Did she tell Riker about it as they struggled to find interesting things to talk about post boring sex?

Did Riker tell Geordi about it while killing time?

Did Data ever wonder what it was like to take a shit?

Did they invent a chip that would allow him to experience it?

The families have a choice, it's not like whoever the person in Starfleet is has total control over their family. The parents knew what they were getting into.

What the fuck was her problem?


Nobody would let her forget about the time that she, Wesley and Tom Paris killed a kid.

Data was fully functional. That means at least three shits per day.

>mfw I get another cadet killed and still get posted to the flagship of Star Fleet

To fap. He's obviously looking at porn.

Do you think her shits were perfectly cylindrical and of pre-determined uniform length segments?


>implying women do that
Could the EMH smell farts and body odor?

because this was before the concept of smartphones so they couldn't think past a digital portable screen just being a piece of paper.

>Starfleet Academy is so selective that both Picard and Wesley got rejected at first
>Killed someone with your incompetence and then covered it up? Your punishment is you have to repeat a year

In episode 126 which was titled 'Expel the Unknown', one of her shits assimilated Tuvok.

Would Data cuck the EMH with Seven of Nine?

Did Data fuck more sluts than Harry Kim?

It's probably more of a "once you get in, it's really hard to get out" kind of deal.

It actually seems like if you're a world class fuckup, they put you on track for command and if you're actually good at everything you get assigned a science position.

So much like real life.

Picard and Wesley are both white males.

The concept of multitasking not only existed then but was a highly coveted use of technology which was expected to develop further in the future. Desqview sold half a million copies!

They have extremely sophisticated air filters on the ship that can even screen out airborne viruses and bacteria.

captain picard
>boring all knowing dad

In a real life military one screw up on your record (and screw ups include other people's screw ups that you get blamed for) and your career is over. Unless of course you have well connected relatives, then you can shoot down a fucking RF-4 and end up an admiral.


Was Tasha unique? Why wouldn't every single hetero female on board make use of Data?

If Lal had survived, how many of the crew would have fucked her?

Also Klingons wouldn't have shit like that so I imagine a bird of prey smells like never showering funk and farts.

it's because of time dilation

In real life a socialist utopia doesn't happen either, but that's what star trek is all about.


>took no risks
>ended up as some minor bitch taking orders from a guy half his age
Basically command is held exclusively by people that have insane good luck since everyone with worse luck dies or gets caught.

>If Lal had survived

Why does anyone have to die on Star Trek?

Why did they just not recreate Spock or Tasha Yar in the Holodeck?

Historically families were allowed to be brought on voyages,even on warships during times of war. It was usually officers that had the privilege since most voyages and tours of duty back then were measured in years instead of months.

more here


Makes sense considering the admirals in Star Trek are the biggest incompetent fuckups in Starfleet.

If you pay close attention you'll notice that they do just about everything they can to save main cast members but if anyone else loses a pulse they're like "eh, fuck them."

everyone's luck runs out eventually

>that episode where Picard gives Data shit for bothering to rescue some cryopreserved humans

>it's a data has no emotion but has emotion episode

>it's a Data uses contractions even though he can't use contractions episode
I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic contraction, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Given that replicators make everything now, is the food industry now defunct?

Can a replicator make another replicator?

Authentic food still has an industry with the target demographic of contrarian hipsters.

e.g. Chateau Picard, Sisko's Creole Kitchen

to make it so

Are replicators the key to all of this? Does the default programming force fart-suppressing bio cultures into everything dispensed by it?

Why don't they just replicate gold pressed latinum?

Find a better thing to do with your life than forcing this meme.

I've forced many memes in my day, and now in my old age I find that I regret all of them.

They were going to be gone for years, decades even. Are they to all remain sexless or fuck each other and leave the families at home? lol dont worry youll be safe on earth, ima go fuck space aliens

Nigger are you fucking serious, I would NEVER take my family on deployment

I got that reference

>Oi wasn't cheatin' on yer, Kakehole, oi swear on me mother's grave! On me father's 'onor, de 'ologram dat oi slept wi' wus a 'ologram AV YER! Please, jist don't belt me again, me love!

They brought that up one episode, something about how it can't be replicated because something something space magic.

Because he was the goddamn captain, you FUCK. He can go wherever he wants because he's the fucking captain.

>>Was their some future scientist credited with inventing the de-farter of the air which was some kind of fart recycling thing on there given they were so futuristic?
You mean an air purifier? Like they have on office buildings? You don't leave the basement much, do you?

>Them having civilians, especially children, on the ship made no sense.
Them sending their command staff on away missions made no sense. At least Picard often stayed on the ship, but still they always sent the most important people on the ship on away missions. They should have like commandos for that crap.

If you watch Enterprise they talk about the strict Klingon viral quarantine procedures.
>ie: they leave you to die

there is a designated jizz mopper. ds9's was rom


>I'll hold you back as tightly as my people allow me to Captain.

>leaving the basement to go to a cubicle in a fart-purified enclosure
Why not just buy a basement fart purifier?

I wish we had a basement. They aren't allowed were in my area.

Holy shit, my sides

>Which people, the Armenians or the Greeks?


>mfw this whole fucking thread

Of course, I mean trips don't lie after all.

No replicator on the bridge that could make a properly hot Earl Grey tea.

Now I understand.

He had a dozen PADDs because they were his many coasters.

She did it on purpose btw

>tfw Seven will never squat on your face

I understood those references, cadet.