Warcraft BTFO...

Warcraft BTFO. The world in Warcraft is revealed to be just a Lord of the Rings ripoff! What does Sup Forums think about this?

What? no way. That's impossible.

>wants to be like LoTR
>in stead of making something rife with emotion and symbolism, the edgelords over at Blizzard make the same shit as their crappy vidya CGs, only longer
As a member of Sup Forums's anonimoose I can tell you I am in no way surprised, nor do I really give a shit.

No. Both lord of the rings and the WoW settings are traditional fantasy settings. They just use the word "rival" in a financial sense and they want Warcraft to be as talked about as LotR

how can lotr be a traditional fantasy setting when it invented traditional fantasy?

Not very good at comprehension, bruv.

Even with it inventing the traditional fantasy setting, it nevertheless still IS a traditional fantasy setting

That's kinda like saying a set of all sets contains itself.

No, I feel like it's more like a set of all sets contains all sets. Some of these sets can be used by other sets as the first set sets the precedent for other sets

are orc used as a metaphor for black people?

lol.... if warcraft was TRYING to be lord of the rings, they probably would've been way more successful. That movie is baaaaad m8. It needed way more than 2 hours to tell that story.

but does it contain itself? the progenitor of a genre is only a member of said genre for classification's sake. Considering tolkien invented every trope on display in warcraft, its wrong to put them on equal footing.

The Hobbit is better than Warcraft.

Warcraft is just another video game B movie with a bigger budget.


lord of the rings: 2001
warcraft (first game, not WoW): 1994

who stole from who now again?

You, of course, realize being retarded and pretending to be retarded are functionally identical?

what if I pretend I'm a genious?

See, weren't all of the tropes there before Tolkien though? I feel like he just put all of the fantastical tropes into a big setting and just said "THIS is fantasy now" the tropes were there first, he just decided to put them together. It's like he put together a huge puzzle with pieces that were already there. But this is the only puzzle set in existence, so you can't put together a different puzzle. But, you can make a smaller puzzle with the same pieces that Tolkien put together (which already existed).

They weren't tropes as much as they were folklore.

the issue is mostly how every "high fantasy" since takes pages or the entire book from tolkien, mixes it up slightly, then tries to pass it as a totally original work do not steal.

Which warcraft does all over itself.

LotR or the Hobbit movies?

Well with the tropes being already established, can Warcraft not step on toes? Keep in mind I am not a fan of WoW (I appreciate Tolkien's work more than I actually like it for that matter)

all of its attempts to get away from the tolkien have been utterly embarrassing, so no, not really.

How has it tried to step away from Tolkien. I haven't seen the film or played the games, so I have no knowledge of this

Well, its main distinction from tolkien was originally the inter-dimensional aspect. That got retconned into interplanetary. So occasionally it shits all over itself by introducing other alien races. Which of course look exactly like stock demons and fantasy creatures. There's also a race of giant kanji characters. Then they try to have "magic" technology. None of which is very well articulated and just reeks of "hey I read this in that and it was cool lets use that."

Interesting. So the Warcraft franchise wallows in LotR's shit, huh?

It also wallows in Games Workshops shit as well

it wallows in all the shit it can.

First war/game was solid tolkien

What are you retarded? Other than sharing the same names for some of its races its completely different.

Tolkien very is black and white good and evil.

Warcraft is mostly gray very few characters are pure good or evil.

Magic in Warcraft is everywhere and comes in many different forms from many different sources.

Magic in LotR is rare and very bland in comparison.

The cultures of the races are incredibly diverse in the Warcraft Universe borrowing from cultures and religions from all over the world.

LotR is very Christian and European and does not deviate from that model.

so its silmarillion tolkien instead of lotr tolkien.

Also all the "grays" are retcons. It was originally straight black and white. Furthermore the entire franchise is built around a massive conflict between universe sized pure evils and pure goods.

>Warcraft is mostly gray very few characters are pure good or evil.
This wasn't the case in the original games, it was only retconned later for WoW, to facilitate two playable factions.

I've honestly been surprised over the past couple of weeks how delusional some Blizzdrones are, and how they've genuinely been hypnotized into believing that Warcraft is some deep and groundbreaking universe.

First of all it was retconned for Warcraft 3 not WoW.

You must be autistic to think something that was retconned over a decade ago has anything to do with the Warcraft universe now or the movies that CLEARLY are following closer to the current canon.

Name one fantasy universe where Orcs are not 100% evil.

Warcraft was the first to portray Orcs Trolls Undead Goblins and even Minotaur as good. It is unique among fantasy universes in that regard.

>Name one fantasy universe where Orcs are not 100% evil.
Warhammer, incidentally where Blizzard lifted the Orcs being green from

green is standard villain color

GW were the first to make Orcs green, before that they were usually black

>Warhammer Orcs
>Not Evil
Pick one

Fantasy they aren't, they were on the good side in End Times, fuck Age Of Sigmar

>implying the end times are any better than the garbage that is AoS
fuck off

Anything is better than Warhammer 1K

warcraft literally is warhammer 1k though

Yes, because the minority of orcs wanted to actually see their ilk succeed while one screeched at them about what they deserved at any cost, even their values, and the rest were too afraid to do anything about it.

Wait, what?

How could they be good? I thought they are only about killing, raping and waaagh....

>The Hobbit is better than Warcraft.
no it's not. The Hobbit """trilogy""" (why the fuck and fuck them for making a trilogy) was a huge disappointment. the WoW movie has 0 expectations from me and it'll be fun to go get high and see in fancy 3d fag shit. Having read the hobbit several times when I was younger the movies let me down so hard. WoW and blizzard really can't let me down anymore because I haven't played wow in years and I already know blizzard is shit

Warcraft is literally Warhammer lame rip-off. P

meh, I'm a huge warhammer fan and I just don't see it
the settings just aren't similar, I know warcraft was originaly just going to be a warhammer videogame but it's changed a lot since then
warhammer is the best setting there is

and warhammer added some vestigial shit to differentiate it from warcraft.

Similarities between WHfB and WC:
>there are humans
>there are orcs
>sometimes they fight
>oh and the orcs are green

It would've been fine if they stuck to the story. As in Durotan doesn't go around being a racetraitor, Orgrimm is the leader of the Orcs and slays Blackhand for being weak, Gul'dan works from the shadows, Garona is Gul'dan's spy, Medivh is possesed by Sargeras and NOBODY SAYS THE WORD FEL.

pretending to be dumb isn't going to suddenly make warcraft not a warhammer ripoff.

why don't you go ahead and mention some more then?

>As in Durotan doesn't go around being a racetraitor
They need "good" Orcs to set up the Noble Savage characterization they set them up as in WC3. At least the movie had the decency to keep a decent level of savage in the Orcs rather than make them into a buncha good boys who dindu nuffin.
Though the movie doesn't cover the fac that the Draenei Gul'dan kills at the beginning to open the dark portal are the last of their race on the entire planet.
>Orgrimm is the leader of the Orcs and slays Blackhand for being weak
After the events of the First War. Which, the Orcs canonically win. The Alliance was first formed after Stormwind is sacked and Lothar leads the refugees of the Kingdom of Azeroth(since that was what Azeroth was back then) north to Lodaeron for the start of Warcraft 2.
>Gul'dan works from the shadows, Garona is Gul'dan's spy
Yep. It also left out that Garona's mother was a Draenei, raped to oblivion by Orc dick until, in combination with Gul'dan's magic, she got pregnant and squirted out a half-breed that was intentionally made to look more human with Medivh's help so she could infiltrate better.
She killed King Llane under Gul'dan's mind control.
Making her choose her path at least gives her some agency in the story rather than just being Gul'dan's little green fuck puppet.
>Medivh is possesed by Sargeras
This was in the movie, though they didn't really make it clear that it was possession. Just made it look like he was transforming due to corruption.
At least the fight with him had phases like a boss fight and the Warrior taunted and the Mage kited a minion to a certain location for his teleport.
Yes, the original Orcs were from Hell, which is why Daemons were in their midst.
But they've gone from being demons to being possessed by demons.
"Fel" in modern Warcraft lore encompasses an entire school of magic. It's part of the new lore that at least keeps things simple for simple audiences.

It doesn't have Sigmar Marines at least

Because the evil rape and kill faction in fantasy is Beastmen, Orcs just like fightin' an' winnin'. Hell you used to be able to take Orcs as any faction by saying they were mercenaries