Warcraft bombs

>Warcraft bombs

Guess I'm still the champion, Sup Forums.

Will I ever be topped?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not Mortal Kombat

>makes back its budget from china in a single weekend
fucking retard

>global is the new domestic

If movies keep bombing in the US, they'll get released internationally and not in the US at all, and then where will we be?

I don't really give a shit about commercial success, but yeah Resident Evil is still the GOAT vidya film

2 best

>Sup Forums likes a movie where the only black character acts like a white guy


Jill was hot, but Apocalypse is decent at best. First one is infinitely better

Would bang, but the 2nd movie was shot through a cheese-grater. Unwatchable.

Made enough money to get 5 sequels after it

Pretty safe to say its the best

That is not Silent Hill.

Resident Evil

MEH Tier:
Resident Evil 3

The rest

Last 20 minutes dragged on to snoozeville. Gives RE the edge.

swap RE3 for RE2

change "UNWATCHABLE Tier" to "SO BAD THEY'RE GOOD Tier" and we have a deal

You must not be remembering which was which. RE3 was the one in the desert, RE2 was the one that looked like it was photographed by a drunk monkey on roller skates, then edited by a cocaine-addicted toddler.

>Resident Evil $102mil lifetime gross
>Warcraft $288mil after two days of release


nailed it

Still watching the chinese movie rips I guess

i've watched all of them and enjoyed all if them

>dem hardsubs
can't do it

1. Resident Evil

2. Resident Evil: Retribution
3. Resident Evil: Extinction

4. Resident Evil: Afterlife
5. Resident Evil: Apocalypse

I found the Retribution angle novel, at least. 3 and 4 felt like the same movie, 4 was just slightly worse.


It already has

>it's a Sup Forums-misuses-film-terminology episode

Do you mean panned?

I panned your moms sniz last night

>not adjusted for inflation
>first number represents domestic only
>so anal retentive and autistic he thinks box office is the sole judge of film quality


It was used exactly correctly.

A hit in China and a bomb in the U.S. is still a bomb. What are they gonna do, just not release the sequel in the U.S.?


>>not adjusted for inflation
Sure. For inflation it'd be $136 mil - still less than half of Warcraft's gross.

>>first number represents domestic only
No, it is not. It made $40mil domestic and a further $62mil foreign, for a total of $102mil. You're either lying or could not be bothered looking it up.

>>so anal retentive and autistic he thinks box office is the sole judge of film quality
No, but it is the sole judge of what bombs.

>not fapping to The Fifth Element


It's a different system, movies didn't get an international rollout like they do today, they were built solely for the U.S. market. Nowadays they're made as bland as possible to appeal to 6 billion people.

If you want to split hairs (and I can see that you do), it was a domestic bomb, and that's enough to kill a sequel. Also it wasn't as good as OP movie and you can't calculate that on your autistic accountant beancounter spreadsheet.

>people actually thinking the Resident Evil movies are even remotely good
Top kek, even the first was absolute dogshit.
>inb4 something about warcraft

My niggas. Good taste confirmed.

Despite trying to be a horror/thriller, I found Doom to be so comfy for some reason. I used to just keep it on in the background while I played vidya or did work.

Sorry OP, but this is the true vidyakino

>it was a domestic bomb, and that's enough to kill a sequel
>Chinese owned company
>movie is a hit in China
>hurr durr a sequel won't be made



fucking kek

>A hit in China and a bomb in the U.S. is still a bomb.
No, it's not. It's a financially successful film. It also hasn't been released everywhere yet, and has only been in the States for one weekend. It'll make fine bank, easily breaking the $400mil mark, probably settling around $550mil.

>What are they gonna do, just not release the sequel in the U.S.?
No, of course not - because they still made money on it. The Wolverine only just scraped back its budget in the US, but it smashed it overseas, bringing in more than double its domestic - hence the upcoming sequel, which I would be very surprised to see go unreleased in America, despite its poor box-office gross.

>a domestic bomb is enough to kill a sequel
First of all, even though you and I both know they want to make a shitload of sequels and make crazy bank, none are on the books yet, at all. They haven't even officially said they want to do one (though, again, we all know they obviously do).
Second, bombing in America is NOT enough to kill a sequel. See
>The Chronicles of Riddick
>The Wolverine
>Resident Evil: Retribution
>Blade Runner
>Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

>Also it wasn't as good as OP movie
I know. I agree. I'm not arguing that at all. I'm just quibbling over the use of the phrase "bomb", which is frequently misused on this board alongside other terms such as "deus ex machina", "Mary Sue" and "plot hole". The film was panned. It did not bomb.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was panned, but did not bomb.
Blade Runner was not panned, but bombed.
Pluto Nash was panned and bombed.
Avatar wasn't panned, nor did it bomb.

>George Romero was involved!
>the first movie is Through the Looking Glass with zombies!
>That makes the movies good!
Fuck off.

It's a bland, poor movie. And the reasons you use to back up are specious at best:

>Second, bombing in America is NOT enough to kill a sequel. See
>The Chronicles of Riddick
No sequel was to be made, it took a decade and kickstarter to make one.
>The Wolverine
Still shit, Hugh Jackman got this made, not the power of either of the first tow movies
>Resident Evil: Retribution
Everything after 3 was basically straight-to-DVD
>Blade Runner
The original came out in 1982, are you fucking serious?
>Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
The 2nd two movies did pretty well, not bombs by any means.

You said that a domestic bomb kills a sequel, so I gave several examples off the top of my head of when it's happened.

Now you're saying "yeah but those don't count", as if the Warcraft franchise doesn't have the power of Hugh Jackman.

Make your point, senpai.

man are you even trying now

I liked Silent Hill better, though the first RE movie was okay, the rest blow hard.

First RE sucked bro.

Compared to the others in the series?
Not sure about that.
It did blow, but it blew less than the others.

>X is good because at least it isn't as bad as Y and Z
No, all the Resident Evil movies are shit.

Fuck no

At least RE can be enjoyed as a fun action/horror film with no pretensions. The problem with Silent Hill is that it tries to be a dark horror movie, except the tension relies on us the audience giving a single shit about the mom finding her daughter. No reason exists for us to care about her or care about her mom finding her, which destroys any all tension.

RE is superior because it knows what it and the director knows he isn't making high art, so we get a fun movie instead of a mediocre flick like Silent Hill

Fuck, I'm not saying any of them are good, just that one was less shitty than the others.
You know what, forget it.

seriously can Stoya act ? i tought pornstars were bad actors