With this coming out shortly and the recent WoW movie, will vidya games movies replace the plague of capeshit?

With this coming out shortly and the recent WoW movie, will vidya games movies replace the plague of capeshit?
>Would you welcome it?
>Would you prefer it or capeshit?
>What video game movie that could possibly be made, would you think would actually change the game? (No pun intended)

>thinking capeshit will go away
It's here to stay fucboi

I want a new Doom movie

>will vidya games movies replace the plague of capeshit?

No, WoW has failed utterly and Assassins Creed will be a critical shitshow and bomb at the box office. No vidya movie has been more than semi-decent critically and none of them translate well into box office cash. The studios still have a phenomenal success with the social tumor that is capeshit and won't abandon it 'till it's at least 10 years past it's prime, whenever that may be.

proper done vidya кiиö is great.

see silent hill movie by christope gans - the avant garde auteur of viдyaкiиö.

sure. China will get the shitty video game movies with token white actors that will be universally panned in the US because they weren't made for native english speakers, and the US will keep getting superhero movies.

>Would you prefer it or capeshit?

Hard to say. The average vidyashit somehow manages to be even worse than the average capeshit, but at least vidyashit can have some variations from the Disney Quips or the Snyder Cancer.

Capeshit ain't getting replaced by it either way anytime soon though so it don't matter

Is it? With DC shriveling, the only possible savior being Reddit Squad and Marvel's avengers is spewing too many out for any of them to be good imo ALSO fox's xmen movies will stay alive but now Wolverine will finally not be in them (at least not Hugh's Wolverine) so it's hard to predict their popularity

I was born in 1990 so I was the right age (about 9/10) when the first Spiderman and Xmen came out.

Since then, it's just been endless capeshit. And they've really upped the ante on it in the past 8 years. They've overkilled it.

Capeshit is starting to die now, people are slowly getting sick of it.

For a long time Hollywood has increasingly relied on capeshit and YA dystopia blockbusters to carry it.

YA dystopias are already overkill, and capeshit is struggling and/or moving to TV.

Ghost in The Shell and WoW/AC might be the start of Hollywood moving towards new pastures of nerd culture that haven't been successfully tapped yet.

If they can tap it, expect a lot more vidya and anime Hollywood films.

If AC does well, I expect them to either do Last of Us or Uncharted sometime soon. Aren't they already doing Tomb Raider?

Vidya is the new gold mine. They just have to figure out how to do it right, and once they do, then the speed at which they'll start snapping up and rolling out new films will be like capeshit.

Remember they tried superhero films before 1999/2000. It just took them a while to figure out how to make it accessible to wider audiences.

Once they do, expect all the big vidyas to hit the big screen.

As for anime, if GitS does well, they'll probably end up doing Akira and maybe moving onto heavily westernized Gundam etc.

Good point, many of the fan favorites will be gone soon. DC was fucked from the getgo, the new xmen cast is ok at best, and idek what they're gonna do after infinity war.
They'll probably rely on spiderman for a good while but I just can't see that actor in a leading role. Oh well. There's tons of great marvel characters to choose from so they'll just have to look harder from then on.

random question

did you complain about (or even notice) the endless blight of romantic comedies?

>implying a video game movie will ever make over 500 million

Honestly mate, as a guy who's spend the vast majority of my years (so far) single, they were barely on my radar.

I did notice them enough to think "oh god not another generic rom com", but they're the kind of film you get coerced into watching by your nagging girlfriend, which I didn't have.

Rom coms seem to have gone into free fall now anyway.

I agree completely and I was thinking of anime movies too
I would prefer either as a replacement to capeshit
And I do really hope that we get more dramas, thrillers, etc. again
Capeshit just overcrowds theatres as you already know

These are still going to be released

How about the scourge of car movies or the 4-5 yearly garbage horror movies every October?

I thought like half of the justice league movies were having directors and crew members dropping out as fast as pregnant teenagers in high school after the bomb BvS

The thing about anime is it is still perceived as this ultra nerd interest, which is of course absurd.

All anime means is animation. It would be like the Japanese saying somebody who likes the old Disney films is the same as somebody who likes MLP. Both animated, nowhere near the same.

Some anime films that are mainstream and critically acclaimed are almost Disney tier anyway, and a lot of them are decades ahead of their time, and it's amazing how relevant the themes are today from some of them.

I think movie adaptations will be good for changing perspectives about anime and it getting a lot more critical attention, as there are great stories in there.

I imagine the 2020 olympics will contribute towards it as well.

The fact that good horror films are so rare is a shame, because I thin the genre has so much potential but they always miss the mark by going for your run of the mill cliches.

As for car films, which Fast and Furious are we on now? 7? 8?

I haven't actually watched any of them, is it worth it?

Rom Coms are as old as the talkie, you really can't say it isn't more than a nagging fad. It's americana at this point.

Not really worth it
Horror still has occasional gems but it's all jump scares and cgi (not even good cgi) now. It won't die but it'll never be a big thing either.

I'm giving examples of god-awful trends in movies that have been going on far longer than superhero movies with even less of worth to show for it.

> the recent WoW movie
There was?