So do they fuck?

So do they fuck?

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Why do you care it's none of your buisness

They're different species. That's physically and biologically impossible for them to fuck.


One has a penis, one has a vagina. How is it impossible?

Nick won't be able to catch up with Judy's stamina

Well, yeah.

It's heavily implied they are together at the end.

>heavily implied

she sats she loves him

why the fuck would you start dancing around with your eyes closed while you're driving.. is she literally retarded?

Because it's a fucking scooter and she's in no danger. Plus it's cute.

But you don't understand! Multiculturalism is a utopia where everything is perfect! This whole movie is telling you it's ok to date chimps! How dare you imply otherwise racist! I bet you're a cop too aren't you?

>Judy's character is a metaphor of a man-hating feminist who has been raped in her childhood trying to overcome her fear and hate for men


There aren't any chimps in the movie.

She says she knows if she loves him

crashing this car

We need a sequel to find out!

> You know you love me
> Do I know that?
> Yes, I know that
She loves him

Yes, and the adopt a Rhino and a Bat.
The Rhino becomes a builder and the bat follows mommy's footsteps.

>implying it's not a Judy can only adopt a sloth from the social service and she has to over come her prejudice against sloths episode

She makes 5 faces per second

isn't that the whole theme of the movie?

a city where all kinds of mammals can engage in degenerate interspecies orgies?

Yeah, didn't you see the rule34 video of them fucking?

This. It's made for furfags, by furfags.

They literally fuck in a squad car after the credits, what the fuck did you guys walk out early?

A small reminder that she is not a product of an honest trade and craft.

She is an cyber devil designed to overstimulate your senses.