Finally read the books, and just watched all the extended movies. While the extra stuff made the movies a lot slower...

Finally read the books, and just watched all the extended movies. While the extra stuff made the movies a lot slower, I mostly enjoyed them.


Sounds like absolute torture

Ignore the trolls, I love the extended trilogy.


Oh yeah, breaks are needed.

W-what's wrong with the extended versions?

LOTR is already a bit long, and the extra scenes really add up. Not to mention the added stuff doesn't really affect the plot, they are just there for fan service. So if you didn't read the book you might not give a shit about seeing someone do something from the book that was cool.

It bothers me that some elves look older than others. They still age physically even though they are immortal?

Nothing, just that they are long as fuck. They actually expand and explain cretin plot details a lot more but it doesn't change the main overall story one bit.

The Ents were probably the most important and most interesting part of the extended cuts. At least for me they were.

Read the children of Huren and the Silmarilian.

you know how when you start reading the books they start to drag on and you wish theyd cut shit out but you cant stop cause its so good? thats what watching the extendeds are like

Sooo loooong.

>Wooah Merry and Bipin getting stoned! Radical


Why was there just 1 dwarf? Where were the 2 blue wizards?

>The Ents were probably the most important and most interesting part of the extended cuts.
That was one of the better parts of the story expansion. It was pretty awesome to see them basically going "fuck you Saruman" and then wreaking his shit.

Blue wizards are on the other side of the world starting a cult

Was it ever really explained why the time of the elves was over, and why they're leaving?

Did they ever explain it in the books? I can't remember.

Cause of depopulation. The elves were leaving cause they thought ME was fucked.

I dont imagine they all left, I'm sure the Silvan elves stayed the longest, and those in Lorien, but there were limited ships

They get shrecked with each new war. This time they said "fuck it we are out" and they are heading home where they want to remain uninvolved in the world of men. Bowing out.

Being Faramir is suffering.

Honistly the epilog was kind of shitty. I understand if the main cast wanted to leave considering they had finished a journey that changed them forever. But their whole race just deciding "Fuck this place, men can have it for all we care" seemed unnecessary.

CGI shit.

Elves lived there for a long fucking time, how is it not their home now?

>That picture.
>Every other bitch getting wet over fucking Aragorn and Legolas when lotr was popular
>Be the only person who wants to love Faramir tenderly and rocks his fucking world
Fuck them and their bland shit taste.

>Implying you were the only one who wanted to fuck Diver Dan

Pic related makes me want to cum on his face and watch him drink the rest.

It was largely to make way for the age of man.

They were also cursed by one of the gods when they left "heaven" against the gods advice, so he basically said you will have a bad time in middle earth and the longer you stay the more miserable and joyless you will be. part of the three elven rings helped to negate that but now they are powerless and fucked

>powerless and fucked
They honestly didn't seem that fucked to me. It almost sounded like they just wanted to leave because the other races were starting to slowly evolve into man and they didn't want a part of that.

Why did there have to be an "Age of man" in a fantasy novel? I don't even know why Tolken felt the need to insert that concept into the stories lore. It's like he was trying to say Middle Earth was essentially a different version of our Earth. Which was felt fucking unnecessary. At least, that's the message I got from that.

It wasn't so much the leaving, it was the kinslaying that really fucked them up

Poor Eowyn, spent so much time trying to get the D.

She should have gotten with Marry. Seriously, they fought in a war together and had a battle bond going. It at least makes more sense then throwing her and Faramir together for no reason other then Aragorn fucked both of them.

If you have ADHD it can be hard to finish a single part

>Girls; picking the fucking op blond elf and ranger with a "Muh sad past" and "Muh elf gf" over this deliciousness
>Girls; literally the shittyest taste in everything to fucking exist.

with lower races for humans

Frodo was carried into Mordor by orcs.

He was basically right next to the tower when the spider attacked, was that not Mordor?

>Not wanting to see Marry completely dominated by a hot human woman as she ties him up and rides his cock raw.

Shit taste sir. I hope you're ashamed of yourself.

>Not wanting Eowyn to have deliciously filthy hot degenerate sex with a lower race of human such as Marry.

Will we ever get such a high caliber fantasy movie?

They have children too. I'm not sure how they develop to have adult characteristics. They probably don't age physically (aging is about your body deteriorating). Elrond is like 6 000 years old or something

Elves are also basically a race you can decide to be, Elrond is only half Elf but chose to live as an Elf so he's immortal, but his brother wasn't because he decided to be human

The Dark Tower could have been good, but they had to cast a nigger as Roland.

Read somewhere that they're making the Name of the Wind film. That might be good.


Because their race was basically pre-ordained by God to leave middle Earth to Men at some point, and to return to live in the Undying lands.


Fucking hell, off by one


ADHD is a real thing!!! xD

Not long enough.

A remake in a couple of years with a new diverse cast and problematic issues fixed.