ITT: Films Conservatives will NEVER understand

ITT: Films Conservatives will NEVER understand

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If you identify as either a liberal or a conservative you are already lost, my friend. You will not be needed for the future. You may now take the cyanide capsule given to your by your party leaders.

*Tips Fedora*

It's understood, it's just complete statist propaganda.

>Smarder begause I sit on the fence and laugh at ebryone elze

The only thing I don't understand about Bowling for Columbine is how it got popular.

Basically anything to do with not blindly following authority/"traditional" systems also anything about becoming a unique individual

Conservatives are some of the most brainless people around and almost everyone but them knows it

the irony being that liberals are so collectivist they deny all individuality and will never allow dissent.

It arrived at an opportune time.

Why does America have the most gun related deaths?

>Inb4 muh NIGGERS

>not realizing conservatism and liberalism are dying ideologies
>not seeing that the lines of the future politics will be separated by the nationalists and globalists

pretty much all of them considering every decent director is liberal

Vitamin D deficiency. Guess which group of people suffer from it the most?



ALL liberals do is follow authority.

is that a reason why they're much more violent?

Also why the fuck do liberals completely ignore race and genetics.

Aren't there like a billion different reason why whites and blacks are different?

Why does water look blue?

>Inb4 muh SKY

This belongs on Sup Forums, holy fucking shit you fags are annoying

white people

Why does America have the most gun related deaths?

>but don't tell me the actual reason, sugarcoat it for me!

>not acknowledging reality



The ramifications of us having been lied to about race our entire lives are staggering. Think about the population explosion of Africa.

Now think about the fact that the (((government))) is well aware of this fact and yet is fully committed to filling the planet (and indeed all western nations) with low IQ shitskins.

>Recent studies from the U.K. show that low levels of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are associated with increased risk of depression and panic. Researchers from the Children’s Hospital and Research Center in Oakland, California, defined the role of vitamin D in neurological health, pointing out the wide distribution of vitamin D throughout the brain. The vitamin affects portions of the brain involved in learning and memory, as well as motor control.11

>Vitamin D is very much involved in production of serotonin, the molecule of will power, and delayed gratification. Decreased serotonin activity can lead to an inability to create and act on well-formed plans.

You sound like you could use some vitamin D.

Would a race aware western populace agree to support the mass (((humanitarian))) shitstorm that is modern day Africa?

luckily I got my genes tested and I have like all the good SNPs for vitamin D and my levels are totally fine even though I don't drink dairy and don't go outside much

feels good man


>Basically anything to do with not blindly following authority/"traditional" systems also anything about becoming a unique individual

Holy shit, the irony.

The entirety of Liberalism is about towing the line and conforming.
It's why they wig the fuck out on minorities that don't behave in the proper, Liberal fashion they are expected to.

It's also why the preach for political change based on Collectivism in economics and government.

more like: Films non-retards will NEVER understand

American whites have rates of gun-crime comparable with the population of Switzerland.


>What is the reason for [subject]? But don't tell me the ACTUAL reason for [subject]. I want you to actively lie to me.

Any movie which forces the viewer to think for themselves, or any movie where the viewer is supposed to feel empathy for characters that are bad.


gang related gun deaths make up 85% of the shooting deaths, the other 15% are usually defense related. I know you want to take away guns from law abiding citizens despite criminals not following laws because you are a retard, but consider this: If guns are so bad, why not disarm the military and police too? If you say sure: then you are a bigger retard, if you say no because you think they are more qualified, then you concede that people with proper knowledge of firearms and their appropriate use (eg 99% of gun owners) should be allowed to have them. You are a puppet for an agenda to disarm the populace because a disarmed populace is a weak populace and you are a fool

Sounds Nordic.

Hardcore conservatives used to attempt censorship due to religious concerns, modern leftists now in power attempt censorship to avoid offending anybody and to create "safe spaces," it's literally the same fucking thing, if you are in favor of censoring speech you deem offensive or targeting those with differing political views with violence and shutting down events, YOU are blindly following authority and essentially a FASCIST. You blind hypocrite.

Yes, that kind of behavior is TOTALLY out of the norm for Liberals.

Oh wait.

>Also why the fuck do liberals completely ignore race and genetics.

They are DNA Denialists.

It's why they can justify calling Bruce Jenner a "woman", despite that every single fucking individual CELL he is composed of can tell any scientist that that's not true in about 5 minutes.

Why did Heston do that rally after the little girl died?

Why did he just walk away after being confronted for being the faggot he was?


Whatever the answer to that question is, Bowling for Columbine does not answer it.

Seriously, that's the thing that pisses me off the most about that movie. There's even this whole segment in the middle where he systematically goes over all the things people tend to blame gun violence on--violent movies, violent video games, heavy metal music, poverty, racism, crime, broken homes, easy access to firearms, violent history--and then shows how they're just as prevalent in other countries with far fewer gun murders per year.

>So what DOES cause America to be gun-murder-capitol of the world, Michael?
>Um, i dunno, duh media?

This guy right here knows his shit.

Nearly any film with a measure of artistic merit. You'll always find a couple of outliers but by and large conservatives just can't into film. In terms of creating and appreciating high cinema alike. Something in their minds just doesn't lend itself to artistic creativity. You can agree or disagree with the politics, but that's just science.

>So what DOES cause America to be gun-murder-capitol of the world