Is event horizon kino? What does Sup Forums think of it?

Is event horizon kino? What does Sup Forums think of it?

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Best 40k movie I've seen

it was good senpai

DOOM the movie


It's pretty entertaining

Witnessed. Do elaborate though.

The first 45 minutes was genuinely enthralling science fiction, setting up an intriguing premise.

The remainder of the film was jump-scare, bottom-barrel gore that loudly screamed "SHITCOCK" at every turn.

pretty shit. me and my ex laughed all the way through it and then we fucked. fucking whore.

Crew was messed up with warp and turn full Chaos cultist, ayy lmao

Probably the best sci-fi horror film outside of Alien.

Not a lot of competition though.

True that.

>tfw the bad guy is explaining the other side and calls it "pure chaos." with a smile

>we'll never, ever see the original cut


Piss off with your meaningless memespouting you fucking cockhead. No matter how hard you pleb cunts try to reframe it, it will always mean something you can't fucking fathom.

other movies like this?

>the abyss

Any other gritty sci-fi?

>we will never see lost 20-30 minutes of hell scenes ; ______________ ;

one of my favorite horror movies desu

I remember thinking as a kid watching this SHOW HELL FAGGOTS.

And they never did.

pandorum was good

She's giving him a handy as she reams his flesh, right? If so, get me a portal.


pandorum was utter shit desu i watched it because a song i liked had quotes from it and i thought it would be like event forizon but it had budget harrison ford and space cavemen

One of my favourite movies

they go to warp for the first time and get corrupted by chaos.

Chaos? wut?

Educate yourself fool

>giving a shit about Warhummer40meme

Watch your language friend

40k is gay

fucking horrible schlock.

coming from someone who used to collect and paint those overpriced plastic dolls, i agree.

Check yourself knave


>Playing with toys past 15
>Playing with something an anonymous message board is the only place you can tell strangers you're into that.

Why'd you respond to me: ?

Good not great

Yeah so much so I think I'll watch it again tonight
Pure kinography


Apparently the test audiences threw up when they saw it

Remember though
I'm 99% sure most people on here have seen far worse gore

>judging people for enjoying their harmless hobby
Tell us all about your interesting life mr bilzerian


Did a Space Marine molest you or are you just faggots, pals??

fucking id Software even handled the CGI for this one, so it gets a pass in my books, I love movies about hell and demons and shit

high quality informative Imperial kino

>man corrupted by chaos
>still in solar system

i mean 40k is cool in an over the top humorous sort of way but its frankly pretty embarassing how "into" it alot of grown men get


a couple minutes of cool imagery, 90+ minutes of crushing boredom

Supposedly the cut footage has been found, the director said so, they're probably waiting for some anniversary to release it.

it's fucking shit

Solid movie. Not sure If I want to add that to my collection, though.

Fuck you I enjoyed the campy third act. And the final jumpscare.

based sam neil

I'd pay good money for that.


idk what the fuck that is but it was a decent movie


>the studio and Anderson became interested in assembling a director's cut but they quickly found out that the excised footage had not been carefully stored and that much of it had gone missing. Some of the footage was located in a salt mine in Transylvania in bad condition

for what purpose though

>In a salt mine
Mate wat. Source now.

Who the fuck put footage in a salt mine?
>The inquisition is already working now.