
>‘Warcraft’ Hits $145 Million in China in Four Days
>Worldwide total of $277 million

Warcraft II when?

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160M (production) + 110M (marketing) = 270M

270M x 2.5 = 675 million

Warcraft needs to make at least 675 million for a sure bet sequel.

It's never going to happen.


Why? The movie isn't even out here yet.

I want a Director's Cut first.


If capeshit is like early industrialization, video game movies are the Ford assembly line.

Instead of just having already made characters with personalities and flaws, you have already made characters as well as a plethora of story lines to follow. It's an easy money maker.

It came out a day ago in US if I am correct.

Not sure if UK or AUS has it yet

Because the movie will struggle to even make it past 400 million, let alone 600 million for a sure movie.

Nice asspull number.

>Warcraft II when?
If it bombs in the US then hopefully never.


110m marketing according to deadline. Warcraft movie is fucked. They won't be able to make twice of 270m.

>implying the movie won't cause a mass surge of subscriptions to WoW

They don't give a shit about a sequel, they're just trying to bring players back to their dying game.

>Warcraft II when?


>$145 million in China
>$99 million world wide
What the hell? That sucks sadly

>They don't give a shit about a sequel, they're just trying to bring players back to their dying game.
That's not true.

Metzen and Jones clearly wants to make a Warcraft trilogy. The movie spends its entire time setting up for potential sequels.

It looks like they won't make it. There's a reason why Pacific Rim 2 is taking so long. If Warcraft does those numbers, we'll experience another development hell, making it a failure.

Duncan will still make a sequel.

There was an article last year where he hoped to make a trilogy.

I havent seen the movie yet but I hear it ends on an open note not leaving everyone fully satisfied.

The movie needs to make $500 million to make a profit retard.
Stop pulling numbers out of your ass


do people not realize the studios get much less money from foreign box offices, especially ones with heavy amounts of regulation like China?
Effectively this movie has only made like $150 mil total.

Which is why people need to pay to go see it! DO NOT DOWNLOAD.

Even if this one is mediocore: if this and Assassin's Creed make a profit: it means hope for more video game movies and less capeshit and reboots.

Sup Forums will be wrong, AGAIN, when it turns out the movie is very successful. It won't be Titanic and Avatar successful, but it will make its budget back and some more. A bunch of you stupid assholes truly believed, and still believe, that The Force Awakens was the flop of the century.

>it means hope for more video game movies and less capeshit and reboots.

Great argument.

It's like saying we should give people AIDS so we'll have less cancer.

Fuck you.

But its true: if video game movies break more than even than we will see less reboots

Please fuck off

A movie needs to make back 2.5 times its budget for a sure sequel. Looks like it's not gonna happen with Warcraft, especially with 110M marketing.

But user, both are shit
I don't want to see either

film is complete shit. Looks like a childrens film from 2011

Well it is somewhat of an end but clearly sets up for a sequal.

>Warcraft II when?

>A movie needs to make back 2.5 times its budget for a sure sequel.

No it doesn't. Sequels almost always makes more money and Warcraft is a merchandise franchise as well which means an even bigger profit.

Once again, stop talking out of your ass.

Why are the Chinese suddenly going to the movies en masse?

All it needs to do is raise subscription rates for WoW and there will be a sequel.

No capeshit is the Ford assembly lines. Comics are literally storyboards.

Video games has never really put emphasis on story with hacks like Chris Mezten working for Blizzard.

Forget 2.5 times, looks like Warcraft won't even be able to make twice of its budget.

270 x 2 = 540 million.

It ain't happening. Warcraft will most likely end in the 400 million range.

they aren't, you're just now noticing it.

I haven't played the Warcraft games and I enjoyed the Warcraft movie and would go see a sequel. I don't watch cape, last one I saw some time ago made me disgusted. Never gonna watch again.


So was Warcraft good as a movie?

There will be an immense backlash if they did that.

>I now hear that the appropriate break-even for Warcraft given its P&A of $110M and $160M production cost is around $500M at the global B.O., not $400M or $450M.


Keep being retarded

Lets say my expectations were met. I expected cool shit, great cgi and badass fights.

I thought the *2.5 thing included an estimate of marketing costs.

so it should be 160*2.5=400, not (160+110)*2.5=675

it won't make 500 million.

since fucking when movies need to make half of billion to secure a sequel?

Friendly reminder that literally every """fan""" of the Warcraft flick who has been defending it on Sup Forums comes from/also posts at:


Some of the current issues they are """""""discussing""""""":
>Is murder justified when the victim is completely evil?
>Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Bar
>22 year old arrested in Qatar because of being raped
>Why does Donald Trump hate veterans?
>82% of Egyptian Woman Have Had Genitals Mutilated

These are genuinely just a handful of random threads I plucked from the top 10-20 most recent posts. There is also a huge thread with the same neckie WoW players defending Warcraft in their hugbox.

It is honestly some of the most amusing reading you will ever do, and goes a LONG way towards explaining why the Blizzdrones on Sup Forums over the past couple of weeks have seemed so mentally ill. `


>Even if it collapses around the world from here on out (and there are plenty of markets in which it hasn’t opened), it’s tough to see a worldwide total lower than twice the production budget ($320m) or maybe even $400m (2.5x the budget, which is when everyone starts breathing again).

To be fair anyone still playing WoW has to have major autism or retardation. It's a self selecting group.

We'll see.
Personally I think it will. It will make $250million+ in China

movie was ok. cool fighting scenes and shit. Critics were too harsh i believe. Some bits need fixing but I would definitely go to a sequel.

Friendly reminder that literally every """"poster"""" on Sup Forums comes from/also posts reddit.

Raise the rate of people subscribing, not the cost of subscribing.

Cool so it might gross enough to get a sequel, but you are all forgetting the elephant in the room:

Will the sequel actually be good?

isn't this what you fatfucks were hoping for?
This is why high budget non-disney/comic movies and cinema as a whole is dying.
Retarded fucking neckbeards

Reminder that we'll never get undead because skeletons are banned in china

reminder that this meme needs to end

>Warcraft II when?
In 1995.

>Implying Blizzard couldn't fund the next 10 movies directly out of their lunch money if they wanted to...

is overwatch FTP?

It opened here in the UK last week

I fucking LOVE it! The contrarians on Sup Forums are getting BLOWN the fuck out yet again. This movie will make $750 million gross, you can screen cap this shit! Based Duncan has done it again and there is some SERIOUS buzz being generated for this beast.

KEK no.
It's $40/$60. For a game that has 5-6 hours content, no offline/PVE modes and only 3 (slightly different) PVP game modes.
All of this and it's still being rated 10/10 game of the year by Blizzdrones. This shows how their opinions on anything Blizzard related can't be trusted.

>corpses in WoW replaced with tombstones

> $750 million gross

It'll be lucky to even make it to 500 million.

Warcraft is ending in the 400 million range.

>It's like saying we should give people AIDS so we'll have less cancer.
I may have kek'd.

5-6 hours of content is being generous tbqh

a chink company bankrolled half the movie cost, the film was designed for the chinese market. Warcraft is a chinese movie using a US video game. It will breakeven in china and the money from abroad will be the profits.


How do you figure? Its been falling steadily in china (like every other market) and DOA in the US.

Blizzard has always been all about throwing out the biggest number they could get away with and acting like it means something. This is no different.

We SHALL see, contrarian. :^)
This puppy is going straight to the top of the box office leaderboards. You can COUNT on it!

They always have, it just didn't really matter before because Hollywood was making ok movies that did well over here. Now that people are noticing that so much of Hollywood's products are trash, they're relying a lot more on overseas revenues.

>Warcraft is a chinese movie using a US video game.

Suddenly the horrid live action sequences make sense. Chinks can't hear bad acting.

it couldn't even beat a shitty horror movie for retards in the US

Putting it at 350 million to 450 million worldwide gross.

China is like 25c on the dollar dude, it doesn't help Universal much.
Domestic haul is shit.

How dare you speak ill of a game that is basically TF2 without the fun

TF2 was shit

yeah, the movie makers decided to focus on china because 1 in 2 WoW users are chinese and the subscription base there is still growing (though slowly) where as it's declining in America.

Film will definitely come under expectations in America but it's still on course abroad.

*tips fedora*

>china doesn't censor skeletons
>well actually they do
>but not all the time
>heres the laws why they censor skeletons


it really was

quake and unreal tournament days were better

Does anyone actually know real numbers (appreciate it would be an average) of what % of box office take goes to the studios for Chinese sales vs North American sales?

Modern Blizzard is very strange in that it's almost a cult at this point.
It attracts players and then somehow traps them to the point where they never play anything that isn't released by Blizzard, or even know those games exist. By doing this, Blizzard ensures that every game they release will get rated 10/10 Game of the Year by Blizzdrones, because they never venture outside of their Battle.net hugbox to play any of the competition.

I genuinely feel sorry for these people. There are so many great fucking games being released in recent times, and these guys are content spending $6000 on a gaming PC just to play Hearthstone and the latest expansion of World of Warcraft.

TF2 remained popular for ages because it's fun for us casuals.

>1 in 2 WoW users are chinese
1 in 2 WoW SUBSCRIPTIONS are chinese. Because of how chinese accounts are set up (pay-per-hour, free to open, never close, free hours every month) there's no reason to have multiple characters on a single account.

Blizzard has never, once, in the history of WoW, released anything close to an estimate of concurrent users.

They were better, but Quake and UT are a different kind of shooter to TF2...
This is why Overwatch is being compared to TF2 instead of Quake/UT or CS:GO.

Blizzdrones really are fucking clueless.

>Blizzard has never, once, in the history of WoW, released anything close to an estimate of concurrent users.
Except they did for Battle.net 1.0. It told you how many users were online every time you joined a channel.

Give me great fucking games recently released.

Are you fucking kidding?

2015 was the best year for video games in history.

>still doesn't name anything

That's because Blizzard is basically the only company setting the standard. Everyone else is literally trying to make inferior ripoffs so people go what's safe. How many countless blatant WoW rip-off MMOs and MOBA ripoffs have failed in the last 5 years?

The fact you even had to ask the question proves my point, lad. If you want to break the cult's grip, you're going to have to do it yourself.
Back to Overtrash.

If we're talking the last year Bloodborne was pretty cool

gr8 b8 m8

Setting the standard in and for what?

This is some next level delusion.
Blizzard's last 2 releases have been completely derivative copies of previously established games/genres.

>Warcraft needs to make at least 675 million for a sure bet sequel.
lmao, you have no idea how movie production works, do you?

>STILL deflecting because he can't name anything

>There are so many great fucking games being released in recent times,
examples? they are all garbage, mostly, including new blizzard games.

Which they disabled when there were more people on battle.net1.0 than 2.0.

But wow was never on battle.net so why are you even bringing that up?

I was excluding Overwatch, no one thinks Blizzard invented FPS. Yeah, Hearthstone is basically MTG but can you name an actual computer game that has done it? Much less successfully?

For undertale fags maybe.

Console, dropped