ITT: Directors people pretend to like

ITT: Directors people pretend to like.

that one guy who directed Stalker (1979)


Kurosawa is pretty watchable compared to Ozu


Haneke's older stuff was half decent.

Ingmar Bergman was a piece of shit who made horrible, irredeemable films.

Ay, I hope that's not a blanket statement, if I had to chose one director as my favorite it would probably be Kurosawa.

I don't even remember how the fuck I heard of him. I was starting to really get into movies at the time (desu not too much now, just here for my files Marty) and used to order the dvds off of Blockbuster online's dvd mailing service. Netflix hadn't even become the clear power in that field yet.

So ye, perhaps a bit of nostalgia goes toward my decision, but just last month I watched Yojimbo and Sanjuro again on a whim. Great stuff.

Leone is a better Kurosawa and Leone was mediocre

>ancient aliens guy

I want to say wes anderson, but i'm pretty sure people just love the atmosphere's he creates


Ah yes, the "anyone who has different taste to me is pretending" argument.
Quality posting, OP.


Leone became less and less like Kurosawa with each movie.

His stories are fun too. They have witty dialogue, likable actors, good scores. Nobody thinks he's a genius director or anything, but he's consistently fun to watch.

Jesus Christ, what an awful thread.

only good answer ITT

t. 1st year film class


Nah kid I'm still in 5th grade. I'm 32 though I've been held back very often.

Nice shit taste you got there
