There's only two things I love in this world, everybody, and television

There's only two things I love in this world, everybody, and television.

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Is 30 Rock actually good? I watched the first 10 Minutes of the Pilot once and it wasn't funny at all

I think it's for people who think talking very quickly and saying silly things is funny.

It doesn't really become 30 Rock properly until episode 7 (Tracy Does Conan) even then season 1 has a few issues after that.

Its worth sticking with though, its takes a big leap in quality with season 2

Explain comedy to me, pls



>werewolf bar mitzvah spooky scary
>boys becoming men- men becoming wolfs

>There's a picture on my wall
>Of a boy who's just yay tall
>Without a daddy he's in danger
>He need an older man stranger

Sir! I am asking you as a human being to please stop what you're doing!

What's everyone's favourite episode of 30 Rock? I'm always stuck between Greenzo and Reaganing.

the body pillow episode

The last queen of jordan episode when Jack keeps trying to prove he's not in love with Avery's mom. The whole episode was gold.

the one where Jack has to be on the show
>product intergortion
>the coffee mugs

>This feels more natural
and this

Season 2 onwards is amazing.

The Generalissimo episode.

Also any and every appearance of Dr. Leo Spaceman.


Oh god, that fucking episode
>Meredith just taught us a very important lesson, kids. It's rude to interrupt people!
Her face afterwards, kek


Leap Day William

pure fucking genius

>ywn have a lesbian sour fruit gf

It gets pretty good to great, but drops off in quality towards the back half of season 5 and especially season 6. I always feel bad for having not finished it, but it's a slog.

My general complaint is that I don't think it has a very strong cast of side characters. Jack is god-tier, Jenna and Tracy are great, especially playing off of each other, etc. etc. but it feels like a lot of the writers are just there. Frank gets a good line in every now and then, but twofer's bland and Lutz is a run of the mill buttmonkey. Plus, Liz's recurring boyfriend and wanting to be a mom plots get stale quickly.

30 Rock is overall a very funny show, but I do think it gets talked up a bit too much.

The Problem Solvers

S6 is pure gold though. You've made a huge mistake.

It's just that it get patrician as fuck and new viewers. I've been there, but after so many rewatches I can say S6 is as GOAT as of them.

Kimmy is good too but not as good as 30 Rock.

Kidney Now


So would you recommend a newcomer to just skip the first season?

> Oh, he’s always been a special boy. I remember the day he was born. He looked up at me and he said “Mama, I am not a person. My body’s just a flesh vessel for an immortal being whose name if you heard it would make you lose your mind.”

I've never laughed out loud at 30rock, but did every episode of Kimmy

I don't see what people enjoy about 30rock other than the occasional silly character like Tracy and Kenneth

definitely not. it has its moments like Conan or The Rurrrh Jurrrh and it sets the dynamic between Jack and Liz, Jenna and Tracy etc

>Skipping seasons


I would say try Episode 7 first and see how you like that. The first season is a bit wonky in places, but still overall works, it just doesn't hit all the highs.

I suggest watching the pilot, then skipping to Tracy does Conan. If you don't like that episode, then maybe the show just isn't your thing.

St. Valentine's Day

Some of the fans enjoy the humor from characters that don't rely on the same gimmicks over and over. Based on the characters you listed and your love of Unbreakable (which I like as well, but much less than 30 Rock) you're not one of those.

Finish the show. Season 7 is nearly perfect.

It definitely feels in the first season (at least early on) that they wanted the show to be comedic, but to also have a relatively serious ongoing plot line.

In the beginning The Girly Show is a decently okay show with a steady viewership that's focused on female comedy that Jack Donaghy wants to 'fix' by making it more interesting to other demographics. This sets up the big fight between Liz and Jack on what she's willing to sacrifice to make her and Jenna's dream remain a reality. I think they originally wanted the show to be more of a dramedy but eventually dropped the idea and went full comedy with it and that's when the show starts to really shine.

30 Rock is one of my favorite shows ever.

You sound like a cuck.