Your "king" usurps his elder brother who should, by right, become king

>your "king" usurps his elder brother who should, by right, become king
>the rightful heir is forced to kill his usurping younger brother even though he loves him, through magic potentially saving thousands of soldier lives
>avenge your king by killing his brother whom he loved and ending his house
>somehow we're supposed to not think this was a selfish act by Brienne

Shit ain't right.

Brienne is a self-righteous cunt lately. I understand her desire to kill Stannis, but to call Renly the rightful king was just dishonest.

I have come to admit that Stannis IS dead and that they didnt show us his body as a sign of respect for the people that follow him. He was the rightful king. But not all things that are right happen.

>ending his house

Gendry is still alive.

Women are fucking retarded.

For a woman so concerned with honour and oaths, I can't see how she would think Renly had any right whatsoever. Even in the books, the only force behind his claim was that he had more soldiers on his side than Stannis or Joffrey.

It would make more sense for Brienne to seek revenge just because Renly was a dear friend.

Maybe she wasn't aware of his defense of Storm's End? (everyone gives Ned credit for it anyways don't they?) Or Robert screwing him over and sending him to Dragonstone?

And is a non recognized bastard.

The one true king!!!

Make a DNA test with Roberts last living relative, i.e. his son Tommen and see if Gendry is related to him.

I think Gendry's claim is shaky at best.

He's alive 100%

Because Stannis assassinated him instead of killing him honorably.
But really its because she wanted Renly to dick her

I don't recognize this is canon. The show has diverged so far from the books at this point it barely qualifies as fan fiction.

>one is actually the son of the king
>one isn't


That's what i said.

Gendry is one of dozens of bastards with no way to make a claim

But knowing DnD, Gendry will become head of House Baratheon because bastardy and family lines don't mean anything. They're making Jon King in the North for fuck's sake

Who has a stronger claim?

Jon as a member of the Nights Watch, whose watch has ended with his death and who is the son of Lyanna Stark or Benjen as a member of the Nights Watch whose watch has ended with his death and who is a non retarded ice zombie now?

>that they didnt show us his body as a sign of respect for the people that follow him
Except Season 6 has everyone talk shit about him. I don't even like Stannis and I think this is kinda fucked up. Not even Joffrey got this much flak in-universe.

ITT: Salty Stannisfags who are too dumb to understand that Stannis is supposed to be a tragic villain in both the show and the books, not a fucking edgelord mary sue that acts like an asshole yet still ends up a winner.


You forgot to mention that Stannis burned his own daughter alive for MUH LORD OF LITE powr to beat Ramsay.

But yeah, Stannis was a total nobel.

>implying any stannisfag had a problem with him dying

It was him dying to Brienne (who called Renly, a usurper, the rightful king) which was fucking dumb. He should have died in the thick of battle, Richard III style.

>Stannis and Renly loving each others

Huh, no. They hate each others since childhood.

Oh come on now, you cant claim authority on how stannis is in the books if you think he is religious.
Stannis, davos, fucking melisandre all say he is not.

"He brought his doom on himself with treason, but I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother's peach"

You're an idiot if you think Jon is going to be king of the North, DnD cucks are making Sansa the Queen of the North, that's why they had her at the meeting with the houses of the North, she's going to be a really strong and independant wymin while Jon will be her lap dog doing the work and fighting, Rickon will die


>rightful king

When will this meme end ?

Brienne is a hugely hypocritical character

Acting like she conducts herself through honor and oaths but consistently gets personally involved with literally everyone she comes into contact with to the extent where she is not able to do anything of value for anyone


He literally was

Stannis was like 20 when Renly was born. So no.

No, Renly should've been king. Nobody wanted Stannis the autist as their king.

Robert usurped the throne. The only true kings would be Danny and Jon. The entire series is just a footnote in history when the targs reminded everyone why theyre the rulers

>human kings

No, Vyseris was and then Dany when he died.