Bret Easton Ellis' thoughts on female directors

What are your thoughts on women directors?

>There's something about the medium of film itself that I think requires the male gaze.

What would that be?

>We're watching, and we're aroused by looking, whereas I don't think women respond that way to films, just because of how they're built.

You don't think they have an overt level of arousal?

>[They have one] that's not so stimulated by the visual. I think, to a degree, all the women I named aren't particularly visual directors. You could argue that Lost in Translation is beautiful, but is that [cinematographer Lance Acord]? I don't know. Regardless of the business aspect of things, is there a reason that there isn't a female Hitchcock or a female Scorsese or a female Spielberg? I don't know. I think it's a medium that really is built for the male gaze and for a male sensibility. I mean, the best art is made under not an indifference to, but a neutrality [toward] the kind of emotionalism that I think can be a trap for women directors. But I have to get over it, you're right, because so far this year, two of my favorite movies were made by women, Fish Tank and The Runaways. I've got to start rethinking that, although I have to say that a lot of the big studio movies I saw last year that were directed by women were far worse than the sh***y big-budget studio movies that were directed by men.

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if he adds Novels, Science, Philosophy and Art he may have something

I'm a woman and he sounds pretty based. Unfortunately feminists will go nuts over his comments and say he's a white privileged shitlord.

He should probably think about The Matrix though, one of the best films ever made.

Directed by men.


And it was well done, user.

They both identified as men at the time they made it.

They were still men when they made The Matrix

Publically dude, they've said that they hid their shit inside before transitioning. Lana was on low dose female hormones at the time before fully coming out.

I think it's largely true. Women, on the whole, are more attuned to principle and rationalism while men are more attuned to experience and idealism. The entire idea of taking something and breaking preconceptions of it to make something new, or just exceptionalness in general, is more in line with the natural strengths of men. Women have the strength of being better at being mediocre, if that makes sense. Women are better at making by very well while men either transcend or crash and burn. It's something you see in school, science, art, business, just about everything.

Well, alright I guess.
I still consider it a movie made by men.

>Women, on the whole, are more attuned to principle and rationalism
t. Lena Dunham

he's just pissed a women adapted his novel for a movie and it was better.

That's cause you're a faggot.

Principle, not ethics; rationalism, not perceptiveness

No, you're a faggot.

No, you're a faggot.

The guy may identify as a female but he/she still has the brain of a male.

I'm not gonna lie, and I'm not trying to ruffle feathers here, cause I really couldn't care less about what he thinks (or anyone), but does anyone else feel like he's just spitting out bullshit?

Like, his thoughts don't connect very well? Is he trolling? This is the guy who wrote American Psycho. He's trolling.

>while men either transcend or crash and burn
Brendan "The Just" Fraser is an example of the latter
>brace for butthurt redditcuck posting instagram pics

Uh no, literally transgenderism is having the brain of the opposite sex.

It is a mental illness. He was born male but believes/identifies as a female

You ARE the FAGGOT. Not up for debate.

Damn, you're a retard.

It doesnt matter what they identify as, they are still men with minds molded by thousands of years of evolution

Women are fucking retards with Golden Labrador brains.

Homie is going to get slammed by feminists for this. RIP

You ARE the FAGGOT. Not up for debate.

I don't think he's trolling. I think his ego is so bloated he just believes whatever he spits out at the moment to be correct and sensible.

Truly great times to live in

But women are highly represented in photography, and I think (although I'm not sure) that there are more female cinematographers than female directors.

he's borderline contrarian and reactionary to modern gender/social politics. he hates SJWs and rails against political correctness at every opportunity, mostly through his podcast which every episode starts with a 15 minute screed against milennials.

He usually has more salient points to make than "women don't have a sensual or visual eye" though. This interview was from 6 years ago and I bet he doesn't hold the same view.

He's genuinely crazy. He regularly tries to start Twitter fights with David Foster Wallace even though Wallace has been dead for years.


>He's genuinely crazy.

Is American Psycho a biopic? Is Patrick Bateman a self insert?

Its how you explain men make up the majority of great artists and inventors and serial killers

women haven't been given the same opportunities or airtime because of a self-sustaining bias that presumes men are more important, thus they're given more focus and the cycle continues.

Then when women try to do something mainstream, manbabbies freak out.

You got me.

>The Runaways
great taste.

The artists thing isn't true anymore, though. I don't know about inventors. There have been many female inventors, however.

Serial killers is a testosteron thing, I guess.


Ellis is not only a retard but he's also a shit writer.

And he's a disgusting pleb. The Runaways was one of his faves of the year when it came out. Yuck.

But it wasn't.

>Women, on the whole, are more attuned to principle and rationalism
you fucking serious m8

Why is he retarded? It is the truth. We need to stop enabling people who are mentally disturbed by slicing off their fucking genitals.

We don't take a kid with ADHD and strap them to beds so they have to stay still.

mental illness is not allowing someone to do what they want with their bodies because you feel icky about it.

yeah this. I hate tattoos but I'm not going force people not to get them.

>he hates SJWs and rails against political correctness at every opportunity
>mostly through his podcast which every episode starts with a 15 minute screed against millennials.

I keep wondering if David Rubin or Milo Yiannopolus will ever make an appearance on his show

>that hello snowflakes intro on Brett's penultimate podcast weeks ago

Also, tale of tales was a pretty decent film, I'm glad he talked about it on there

Maybe David's ghost is in his house mocking him constantly and he thinks the only way to get rid of David is to start a twitter fight?

But hes gay
So will his whiteness overide his gayness?

It does for a lot of feminazis. They fucking hate white men. Gay or straight.

I think he's an overrated faggot coasting on the cult following of American Psycho

Pahluniak shits on this homo

it's only a matter of time since he loves to surround himself with Yes-men. He's a little like Maher in that way I don't even agree with him most of the time but at least he makes his points with intelligence and clarity.

Armond White is gay and he's one of the most outspoken conservatives in publishing.

>Women are better at making by very well while men either transcend or crash and burn
you have something there, man

No, it isn't. What you're referring to is intolerance.

Believing you are a gender you weren't born as is a mental illness.

they are both awful writers for young men who read very little

Too smart for Sup Forums

>Armond and Brett

I'd like to see it. Even if they are both reactionary trolls, both of them are well spoken and verbose enough to make interesting points and at least clarify why they think the way they do

as a /lit/-tard this guy is right

the book and the movie are both shit

I have been on Sup Forums over a decade and that goes in the top ten dumb as fuck comments I have ever read.

Self-mutilation and body hatred is a healthy attribute? Don't be a idiot. Trans people are mentally disturbed. No further proof needed then the unproportional rate of suicide they exhibit after the transition, or the desire to go back to their original sex that many claim.

Also being "mentally disturbed" isn't a big deal. PTSD, ADD, ADHD, and all that shit just needs proper meds and therapy. I would say a trans mind would be more akin to autism or schizophrenia though but even those can be treated.

Equating tattoos to gender reassignment. TOPLEL

Go back to your Lolita general in lit.

>The Matrix, one of the best films ever made.
oh please, go make me a sandwich u idiot

gender as being discussed today is mostly the result of decades of social construct. It's fluid, but society has accrued rules that make it seem rigid. Barbies, the color pink, ponies, for instance: all considered female even though there is no reason a male can't be equally drawn to such things.

If you don't feel an affinity to your gender, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to pursue your intuition or turn your back on your birth gender completely.

The only thing stopping those people: folks like you who think sexual organs should dictate behaviour.

bruh Pahluniak peaked with Survivor
everything after that has been just shock value teen pandering shit.
He has been chasing the Fight Club dragon for a decade.

and I say that as a fan

Haunted is literally the best 2spooky4u book of all time




would you call mastectomies self-mutilation? what about circumcision. nigga please, surgeries alter the human body all the time. Gender reassignment isn't even purely cosmetic: it's a psychiatric necessity for some people. if someone wants to do that to their bodies you don't have the right to police them or call it mutilation when to them it's a corrective.

Pimozide 2mg/day

this clown
Removing tumors or even removal for fear of cancer returning ≠ hacking off genitals in perfect working order simply because you FEEL weird
Give the false equivalency a rest

>psychiatric necessity
L O L back to tumblr

>if someone wants to do that to their bodies you don't have the right to police them or call it mutilation when to them it's a corrective.
Pic fucking related

This b a good post

>L O L back to tumblr
oh, you're 14. well that explains a lot.

They're both pretty bad

are you actually praising Palahniuk while criticizing Nabokov?

how retarded are you?

Time for pouting

>time for meme webms

>sexual interest as being discussed today is mostly the result of decades of social construct. It's fluid, but society has accrued rules that make it seem rigid. pedophilia, incest, and zoophilia, for instance: all considered sexually morose even though there is no reason a sane person can't be equally drawn to such things.
>If you don't feel an affinity to your age or species, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to pursue your intuition or turn your back on your species or age.
>The only thing stopping those people: folks like you who think systemic, societal bigotry against persons of incest should dictate behavior.


Have a vagina, a uterus, fallopian tubes, and produce eggs for fertilization and reproduction of the human species.

Quit with the pretentious bullshit.

>Women are more rational than men and less idealistic than men
>Women are better at making by very well while men either transcend or crash and burn.
You're a comedian

That isn't a meme, that is real life.

Is his podcast good? I like him as an author

So we're just going to keep pretending that women don't check guys out too, eh? No such thing as a Female Gaze! Just like how women can't be sexist, right?

>I'm a Nabocuck fan

yeah it's great and I don't even agree with his zealous politics. His riffs on art are worth hearing,.

just keep in mind he's more into opposing the bad stuff than celebrating the good stuff. It gets a bit rant-y.

People that say men and women are equal are deluding themselves. Men have created and done everything. All women did was talk.

it's alright, the first 20 mins are great when it's just him shitposting about whatever, the guests usually are only as interesting as they want to be though, some of them are fun to listen to(kanye, tarantino) others are just boring

t. man who hasn't done anything except talk.

>I don't even agree with his zealous politics

he's a middle of the road liberal, whats so zealous about his politics?

He can come off as a little pretentious, but I enjoy what him and his guests discuss. Especially his podcast with Marilyn Manson

that civil rights/equality movements within Hollywood don't have a fundamental purpose for existing. I think raising visibility of minorities and imposing quotas matters and can be effective in the creation of better art. He doesn't.

post tits or get out

>Women, on the whole, are more attuned to principle and rationalism

The evidence clearly demonstrates the exact opposite.

Men are far more willing to make decisions that discriminate against themselves, if it benefits society as a whole.

Women are far more willing to make decisions that benefit themselves at the expense of society as a whole.

Police, firefighting, military, even business, have all been made worse because females refuse to discriminate against themselves for the benefit of society. That's why standards of performance, and the quality of service, has been lowered over the past 40 years.

Eliis is a world renowned troll. He constantly says shit just to get a rise out of people. He's been like that his entire life. Doesn't mean he's never serious and he's completely right in this instance. The world's greatest artists are and have always been men.

in what world does preferring things typically attributed by society to females as a male make you not feel an affinity to your gender?
Everything you listed is(thankfully) not exclusive to any gender, despite your use of societal constructs as a boogeyman

Last i checked, I'm allowed to like ponies without secretly wanting to be a woman and without being branded a ponce.

That being said, I'll happily indulge people in their fantasies but i'm reserving the right to be critical on the entire subject

Lastly, no matter how hard men like to think they're women, it won't change the obvious physical differences between the two genders, excluding the sexual organs.

>I think raising visibility of minorities and imposing quotas matters and can be effective in the creation of better art.
>imposing quotas
>better art

>Lastly, no matter how hard men like to think they're women, it won't change the obvious physical differences between the two genders
sigh. you desperately need to watch more trap porn.

Most of the art I have enjoyed in 20 years was done by males. You can't even pull of any discrimination card since the advent of Internet art can spread further.

Women just aren't cut up for making art.

well yeah: more voices, more minds, more variety = better art.

equal outcome = equal opportunity; the post

>experience art made only by males
>"only males make good art!"

>bret easton ellis
on a more important note, did his character, patrick bateman, REALLY kill them Sup Forums?