What director do you trust the most...

What director do you trust the most? Like when you hear their name attached to a project you just get the feeling that it is going to be good.

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Edgar Wright


This, Richard Linklater, or Wes Anderson.

I'm a pleb of the highest caliber and I literally couldn't give a single fuck.

>Edgar Wright

Agreed. I'm going to through in Alfonso Cuarón

Del Taco



Denis Villeneuve

all good choices.


He made 2 awful movies, but he's still my mann


Step aside.


Quentin Tarentino

go away abatap, Avatar 2 is still years away



Cohen Bros.

>Cohen Bros.

The even if it's bad, it'll still be kind of good choice.

Exactly. It's like pizza. Even if it's sub-par, you'll still have an alright time.

Guillermo del Toro.

I have a whole separate bookmark category for stuff he tweets.


Edgar Wright
Daniel Trachtenberg
Rian Johnson
Alfonso Cuarón
Guillermo del Toro (pls no bully)

nowadays The Coens, PTA, Jim Jarmusch, Todd Haynes, Kelly Reichardt, and Denis Villeneuve

few years back you could have added Soderbergh and Scorsese to the list but one's retired and one's fallen off

JJ Abrams

not even meming. He makes really good popcorn flicks.

Mission Impossible III was his magnum opus.

Honestly, Wes Anderson. I'll give any of his movies a chance, I've liked them all so far.

David Cronenberg, even his shit movies are interesting at least.

That cunt literally single handedly ruined 10 Cloverfield Lane (by making it "10 Cloverfield Lane" to begin with, but also by shoving in some anti-white men propaganda).

>JJ Abrams

I agree despite, for some reason, not wanting to. If he was around 30 years earlier he'd be acclaimed like Speilberg I think.

Didn't direct that one.

This desu

Soderbergh is coming back

Yes, is he did it would be even worse. He was however the reason why the ending was so shit and so anti-Goodman.

Christopher Nolan

>shaun of the dead
decent comedy, worth a look
>hot fuzz
>scott pilgrim
>world's end
shaun 0.5

Wolf of Wall Street is one of Scorsese's absolute best though

decent picks otherwise, Reichardt seems incapable of making anything bad.

Villeneuve on the other hand is a hack outside of Enemy.

my list would include Malick, Linklater, Weerasethakul, Lonergan, and Wiseman

>>hot fuzz
Stopped reading there

Lubitsch, Hawks, Keaton, Chaplin, Ophüls

I think he's done with film dude, he's doing TV now
hopefully he gets that Sot-Weed Factor miniseries though, Soderbergh adapting John Barth sounds amazing

I found Wolf of Wallstreet to be a boring retread of his early crime forumla. I wouldn't even put Wolf in his top 20

>my list would include Malick, Linklater, Weerasethakul, Lonergan, and Wiseman
I'm a big fan of Linklater when he's on his A game but he's really hit or miss for me. Malick went over the edge a long time ago imo, haven't dug anything of his in years. Wiseman as in the documentarian? - good shit. weeerskajsrkla and longnnwenfeng sorry too patrish for me I aint know who these fellas are

Zach Snyder
Jeff Nichols

PTA perhaps

This is a guarantee of rewatchability. The more recent of his films may not be as deep but they definitely entertain severalfold.

martin scorsese, I liked pretty much everything by him, even new york, new york was decent


David Fincher
Paul Thomas Anderson
Martin Scorsese
Nicolas Winding Refn
Zack Snyder
Christopher Nolan



Abel Ferrara

Damn bro, you expressed your opinions hard on this one. Spitting hot fire. Savage.

Coen bros.
Based Jim
Quentin Tortellini
Matt Stone and Trey Parker

Scorsese for my whole life. I don't care what you fuckers say.


David Fincher
Paul Thomas Anderson
Nicolas Winding Refn
Zack Snyder
Christopher Nolan
Quintin Tarantino

Apichatpong Weerasethakul

I actually thought this was a joke name at first.

Andrei Tarkovsky. I've seen Stalker, Solaris, and Adrei Rublev, and each one blew me away.

Wasn't particularly impressed with Boonme's Past Lives, what else is good?

Go back to imdb


Everything else