What's his alignment?

What's his alignment?

alignments are for fags.

Sup Forums

Chaotic neutral.

Chaotic good/neutral

He was chaotic neutral, but he is going to become a holy warrior of God and fight the Mountain in a battle to redeem the soul of Westeros.


He used to be chaotic neutral, now he's chaotic good.


eat shit dwarf

Is that neckbeard real?

FUCK ALIGNMENTS!!! Now I'll take two chickens.


>murdering children

Alignments are intended for a very classical fantasy setting.

With very clear cut "good vs. evil".

ASOIAF is about humans (and some other shit) and their inperfections.

The hound is a cold bastard, who fell in love with Sands, espaced after the black water bay incident and essentially isnt Clegane anymore.

He went from a "evil" lackey, to a total nihilist opportunist.

>classic fantasy
>clear cut morality
Tolkien's work is fairly classic, and that's miles more morally complex than ASOIAF

>morally complex

>character is on a path of redemption

how isn't his work morally complex? He deals with the nature of evil along with christian morality, his characters have clear moral conflicts and meanings. Just because there is good and evil in his world, doesn't mean it's simplistic.

Chaotic Neutral, like most characters on that edgy show.

>Giant evil Lord in a massive tower with an army of vicious, snarling, orcs and Urukhai.
>Morally complex

>I've only read LOTR

>he's actually serious

Yeah... No way man. It's as simple as it gets.

>giant army of walking dead wannabes

>morally complex

lawful fuck-you

>He didn't read the books

why can't these things be used to represent complex ideas about the nature of evil? Sauron isn't a one-dimensional villain, he's used to represent the depths someone can fall to

>every character is a power-obsessed smug faggot
>mature and morally complex

I think ASOIAF/GoT would have been better if there were more plotlines out of the noble society.

That doesn't mean ASoaIF is better than LotR as a whole, but it's more morally complex. Just look at Jaime's character, for example.

>every character is a power-obsessed smug faggot
Well thanks D&D for that. In the books it's another story.

>a very grown up child who only cares about his dick
>his character is one-dimentional

>morally complex

Jaime is one of the few complex characters in ASOIF, Tolkien has Frodo, Sam, Boromir, Saruman and plenty of others.

i read the first one but it was boring desu so i stopped

Is it? I've read book 1-4 (had to force myself to end the 4th), and I don't see that much of a difference.

Lord Pureheart confirmed, will be head of religion under Queen Dany


>morally complex

hehe he he you farted

Tolkien isn't morally complex. The closest we get is some characters being tempted by the ring, but even then you just know the evil ones gotta do evulz stuff and the good ones, like Frodo, would never be seduced by it.

frodo gets seduced by it at the end you mong, god had to intervene to destroy it

How is Tolkien morally complex? Are you all fucking retarded? You have the evil irredeemably bad guys, and the gold-hearted can't do wrong guys. Oh wait Boromir wants the ring for a couple of minutes, you're right

Asoiaf and lotr weren't meant to be compared, but while we are at it, GRRM BTFO Tolkien a long time ago.

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

>The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Tolkien model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.

None of the characters are irredeemable. Tolkien was a catholic, it would be completely against catholic theology.
All this does is show a complete misinterpretation of Tolkien's work. Tolkien was inspired by medieval cultural elements, so of course it is going to have a very medieval narrative. Not to mention, that I think a war veteran who lost almost all his friends in world war I is going to know a little bit more about what war is actually like than GRRM. Tolkien shows the effects of war upon people, without resorting to 'brutal' and 'gritty' elements like GRRM does.

I want ALL illiterate faggots to stop writing bullshit

>writing realism is now more patrician than symbolic fantasy

literally the PLEBBEST position ever

Why aren't there any black male characters in Game Of Thrones? Is that fat white guy racist?

Read The Silmarillion.

Tolkien knew how complicated a war can be in terms of morality, he fought in WW1 ffs.

there's jalabhar zho, I remember Sansa finds him scary because he's so dark lol

Episode 8 is leaked

no shit

>fat guy who can't even finish his books thinks he knows more about war than a guy who fought in the Somme in 1916 and studied English history and languages


get your head outta Sibel Kekilli's ass and start writing, fatass

WWI was fought over rich peoples' faffing about and millions of peasants paid for it.

Chaotic neutral

Game of Thrones posts go in the /got/ general thread. Use the catalog to find it if it isn't on the front page when you open Sup Forums.

>GRRM suggesting there is anything wrong with genociding non humans

>guy who sat in a trench taking orders like a good goy and getting shell shocked and charging machine guns suddenly learns about strategy, politics, and tactics

He experienced it first hand THEN spend decades studying history and warfare.

When do torrents for the latest GoT episode come out?

Tonight or tomorrow?

>>morally complex
you neckbeards are always good for a laugh
i bet you think star wars is a masterpiece, too.

Chaotic evil with a softspot for lolis

They are already out. Episode leaked, user. But the torrents generally come out 1,5 hours-ish after the episode.

He started as Chaotic Evil, became Chaotic Neutral is will die as Chaotic Good

Not an argument, dumb frogposter

you mad Sup Forumsesmoker?

fat pink mast knows nothing of war

His alignment is Sandor Clegane

Awesome, thanks. I just marathoned the show up until this point. This is the first time I've had to wait for an episode and it sucks.

But I was starting to recognize characters and see spoilers without having watched the show so I pretty much had to start watching it.

Well trolled m'friend


Not an argument, nor will it ever be an argument.

>Kennelmaster Gramps saves Daddy Lannister using his trained dogs.
>Daddy Lannister comes up with idea men could be trained like ferocious attack dogs.
>Trained like a dog from birth to be a killer
>Nickname is "The Hound"
>Loyal and will do whatever is commanded.Self-loathing to no end.
>Does the right thing when not taking orders.
>Gets tired of being kicked around, goes AWOL
>Ransoms/Protects Arya
>Left out to die like a stray dog.
>Survives; nursed back to health by man of faith who had similar experiences.
>Finds peace for a short time, Man who saved him becomes of martyr for his beliefs.
>Hound hunts down murderers....like a Hound.

He's extremely cynical about knighthood. Seeing them as trained killers. Ironically more knightly than any current Kingsguard when not following orders.

You're not very good at character study, famalam. This is some basic shit.