This is not a comedy as much as is is a lighthearted art house drama that happens to be comedic...

This is not a comedy as much as is is a lighthearted art house drama that happens to be comedic. I'll commit murder over this.

You're not wrong.

I also don't find it to be particularly funny anyways.

If I find out somebody irl doesn't like Napoleon Dynamite, I completely stop talking to them. Nobody needs that type of person around.

That's fine, I probably didn't want to be your friend anyways. Cunt.

It's a completely different type of humor than anything ever created. Even "similar" movies like Nacho Libre are much more aimed at making a larger audience laugh. I personally find it hilarious, but I never claimed to be normal.

>Implying I'd be losing anything by not befriending plebs who don't appreciate based Napoleon

>It's a completely different type of humor than anything ever created.
It's really not.


It aged horribly, but it was REALLY funny at the time. The haters are underage and weren't socially aware when it came out.

It's non-sequiturs and cringe humor. There's nothing revolutionary about it.

Except that it's far more subtle than 99% of comedic movies. It's more weird than funny, and it doesn't rely on standard comedic timing to force you into a pavlovian laughing fit.

What do you mean it aged horribly? Easily one of the top classic films of the last decade+

This is definitely an interesting movie. I always found it just sort of a joy to watch rather than it being just laugh out loud funny.

Exactly; it nails the bittersweet oddly comforting vibe

What's cringe about two brothers slap boxing? That's just light hearted and funny.

Yeah! It's like instead of all the jokes being yelled and having obvious punchlines, the audience is supposed to laugh at subtle things like how the characters are awkward! I never thought of it this way but this really is an arthouse film in the sense that it legitimizes my tastes which are the sole foundation of my self worth! Thanks! OP!

Why so triggered, user?

I got a B- on my paper and the teacher made me stay after school until i missed the bus :((

I thought it was pretty sad desuu

At least uncle Rico can bring the big orange best to pick you up though

It is sad, in a kind of surreal way, but the very end is a nice comfy happy ending without dripping sappiness

90 minute rick roll

*Rico roll

I'm always captivated by the scene where he lets his toy bounce along the fucking road outside the bus window.

It's so surreal.

Most soothing movie I've ever seen. This movie is what achieving Nirvana must feel like.