Why did he give in?

Why did he give in?

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Wish I could suck that.


Are white dicks really that small or was that just one of the jokes?

Shouldn't you be selling weed, collecting welfare, and eating fried chicken?

Honest question, I seriously wasn't sure.

Any skills beside muh dick?

Media portrays it this way, but it's more varied than black=big white=small

its probably because the boxers are restricting it

This, I'm a 7x6, and I'm white.

I'm also a bald manlet 26 year old virgin, oh well.


Is that considered big for a white guy? Jesus Christ, it's worse than I though, LOL

>he fell for the big black dick hoax

top kek

Niggers are useless in everything

lol whitebois beat the fuck out in yet another thread

this our site now motherfuckers

Can we talk about the movie please?

Studies have routinely shown black men are bigger. Average in the Congo for example is 7.2 inches, while in the UK the average is only 5 inches. Our dicks are bigger, deal with it.


>He came to Sup Forums to talk about a movie
You're the real idiot here

he gave in because he actually fell in love with a woman

it ended up not being about sex at all

>implying that isn't from a study of self-reported sizes

Try using an actual study and not some fucking clickbait website next time, slick.

Could be a curvy one like mine.

I'll deal with another man's penis alright.

No homo

Who cares?

It's not as though a big dick instantly attracts all women everywhere. You still have to not be a dogshit human being, which it's likely you aren't considering.

look at west african countries size, thats where american niggers were purchased from

Big dick will almost always score you a one night stand. If you want things like marriage, responsibility, etc. you will need more than a big cock. ie, if you wanna be a meal ticket for a chick and not just some hot cock she enjoys then brags to her friends at work about the next day.

>had african girlfriend
>she said the rumours werent true and that i had a massive dick


>Big dick will almost always score you a one night stand
So you're in the habit of whipping your dick out? Good job mate.
Protip: dick size is better for keeping someone on that it is drawing them to you in the first place

If your dick is over 8 inches, flashing it to a girl online will almost guarantee you a date and at least one night of sex. But yeah, if you want to keep her long term, you will need a big wallet to match. Most guys are fine just pumping and dumping though.

>My girlfriend liked to say stuff to placate my bleeding insecurity

Lol why is is full hard-on so small?

My dick is 8 inches and I'm both of the people you responded to chump.

>muh dik

Good for you, but I said OVER 8 inches, moron. Thanks to the pervasiveness of porn, most women consider 8 to be average.

Only people in this thread bragging about their dicks are white guys. See

>most women look at porn
>that 1 inch difference means every woman would pass
>implying im enough of a degenerate to show strangers my dick in a desperat

>most women consider 8 to be average.

this is hilariously untrue

e attempt at sex*
You mean 1 guy, the rest is this one pathetic basketball american

t. 3 incher

t. virgin

>pretending that's small so people will think you have a big dick

I've done that before

>most women consider 8 to be average

most women are shit at judging size and think 6 = 8

>this is hilariously untrue

The sad irony is, only sluts know what average is supposed to be and actively seek out men in the 6 to 7 range. They are experienced enough to know how much a 10 inch dick can hurt. Virgins on the other hand, show them a picture of a porn star and ask them if his dick is about average, then show a true average dick and ask if it looks small. You might be surprised by the results.

get a load of this cuck

niggers measure thing in "muh dik" units
kek embarrassing
>avg. white dud - i have 5 cars
>avg. black dud - i got muh dik

>avg. white dud - i have 1 kid
>avg. black dud - i got muh dik


>mfw those big nigger dicks came from many years of slavery breeding

>avg. white dud - i have 1 kid
>avg. black dud - i got muh dik

Not unusual to see black men with 10+ kids, so that's not really an achievement either.


I don't know why everyone that lies about their dick tends to say it's "around 7 inches". I guess they think if they say it's any bigger than that then people won't believe them.

Studies show that male negroes will rub themselves at a white female so that she will be able to feel his enormous phallus. This in turn will make the white female almost begging for sexual intercourse

Because the female slave masters wanted them that way. Wasn't at all unusual for the mistress of the plantation to head down to the slave quarters at night to get bred by her bulls.

>open thread
>talking about nigger dick

Just let the thread die and don't respond to bad bait you fucking imbeciles

I don't even understand how a woman can make fun of a cock, she doesn't even have one.

And you later wonder why you can't function in society when all you do is talk about nigger dicks, bbcs and bulls.

Fucking kill yourselves scum.

>implying you aren't a porn addict like 90% of us and haven't seen countless dicks in all shapes, sizes, and colors

>beaner dad (such a beaner that he left) and white mother
>Latino lust minus the stink gene
>over 8 inches and thick but never believed any girl that's told me it's big until I was with a nympho milf with real experience
I always thought I had an average dong and wanted bigger, same as everyone, but was comfortable with it. I can't imagine having an actual small one though, like there's absolutely nothing you can do to change it. Is that the reason so many dudes go to the gym and lift weights for their "gains"? Because they can't gain any more manhood?

>I'm a fat slob wetback: the post

Minus fat, yes. Out of shape and unhealthy for sure, but not fat.

>most women consider 8 to be average.

haha, no. im sleeping with my best friend at the moment and she says im above average. im 6.3 inches long at the most. shes been with half a dozen other guys.

>I'm 6.3 at most
How to identify someone with a small dick: they use a "." or "and a half" in their measurement

haha, no. theres huge difference between 5 and 5, or 6 and 7. that's true of height, though.

stay virgin

What's the huge difference between 5 and 5, Terrence Howard?

What a faggot seriously you're a faggot..... so am I and I would suck it too.

>generalizing an entire continent based on a single country
Seems like a flawed approach, the figures for different european countries varies a lot I don't see why Africa would be any different.