Any other fans of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) here on Sup Forums?

A movie often derided by Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike, it remains one of my all-time favorite movies. Not my favorite ST movie, mind you, but certainly the most beautiful, blessed with an amazing soundtrack and dazzling visuals. Sweeping, epic, majestic. A gorgeous slice of science fiction cinema.

Anyone else here feel the love for this film?

Other urls found in this thread:

Decker was a pedophile.

>The Motionless Picture

>normalfags have taken over this site
Absolutely. I sure love old women and consensual sex.

I think of all the Star Trek movies it's the one that feels most like the series.

Why is this little nigrus a meme?He's too jewy to be the Bat.

Uh, excuse me, but could you please fuck off? We're trying to talk Star Trek here.

Agreed. Funny how the most highly regarded (Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, First Contact) don't really encapsulate what their respective series were about. I love TMP though, it's my second favorite after TSfS

we should just delete the file of these pedo threads and keep the thread up.

Yes, If they had just screened both parts of The Best Of Both Worlds in theaters then I'd easily have called that the best Star Trek movie. Not that I dislike the others, in particular 1, 2, 3 & 6 but they always have to tone down the social allegory in favor of more explosions so the average John Q. Movie-Watcher will buy a ticket.

Forgive my ignorance, but where was the social allegory in BoBW?

The Borg represent a dependence on technology that can ensare us such as it did to Picard but also leave us vulnerable in unforeseen ways as when Data used their sleep command sub-routine to destroy them.

A real world example would be say... the Sony PSN hacks.

You're reaching more than Cochrane's statue.

haha ok ok maybe there's no allegory in best of Both Worlds but I'd have still preferred that to Picard machine gunning in first contact, ignoring orders for milf pussy in Insurrection or riding around in a dune buggy in Nemesis.

Eh, I wouldn't say so.

The size of Vger and the score that accompanied the Enterprise as it contacted and entered it was pretty intense.

To broadly generalize:
Wrath of Khan: Action
Voyage Home: Comedy
First Contact: Action

They're weren't wholly un-Trek feeling or anything but they weren't really representative of the shows they were based on. The exploration and ideas that were featured in The Motion Picture seemed more in spirit to what Star Trek really is.

"Commander-unit, tell me about your sexual organs."

>Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Where Nomad Has Gone Before

TMP and Khan were played straight

everything after that feels too smarmy

TMP is a pleb test. Great film.

I know the guy who wrote it. My parents got to be on set. It is a film dear to me.

I'd argue that Wrath of Khan is pretty firmly in the spirit of the less campy episodes of TOS, just minus the shoestring budget, time constraints and content concerns and that The Voyage Home is that same kind of movie based on a campy episode. TOS is a bit schizophrenic.

Fuck, how did I miss this David Mazouz thread?

Oh well, into the garbage you go with all the other ones, cunt.

Did you mom play the space vagina?