What is the best DBZ movie? and why is it return of cooler?

What is the best DBZ movie? and why is it return of cooler?

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The first Broli movie is pretty badass.

>character's name is Cooler
>his son's name is Freezer
This is the best Anime has to offer.

Bio Broly is good for a laugh or two. Also not the sacred tree or whatever one

Is that the one with the Deftones on the soundtrack?

actually they are brothers and the fathers name is "King Cold" pretty cool huh?

i couldn't get past 10 minutes of this shit because the animation was such an eyesore

was this shit actually released in theaters?

>return of cooler

I think thats the one before this one, revenge of cooler. Also has disrurbed and drowning pool

in Japan yes, and the animation is dope you faggot

Leave this board and don't talk to me or my sons ever again

it literally looks like a 10 year old with downs drew it
crayon shin chan has better character modeling

What's with the barrage of mouthbreathing retards in their 40's who both still watch anime and can't find the anime board? Are we being raided?
Listen: there's a board for this shit. You can post this there, nothing's stopping you. I'll even link you so you don't get lost:

that is pretty... cool

Sup Forums is known to have THE best discussions of DBZ on the internet. Sup Forums gets triggered by Dragon Ball as you have been triggered.

Because, he was just Cooler.

The best one was The World's Strongest. Felt the most like DBZ.

My man! Even Roshi got a chance to shine

>The World's Strongest

This one is underrated, cool ending and great villain

I really like Tree of Might and Worlds Strongest.

>Goku vs Ice throwing Biowarrior and Electric tentacle Biowarrior.

So good

>Also Bojack Unbound just for this scene because Tien is my favorite character and it was awesome seeing him deck Trunks in the face.

I recognize that bulge!

>Sup Forums is known to have THE best discussions of DBZ on the internet

Super Android 13, because Vegeta and Trunks got to actually do something.

this thread except your posts

do you have samples from the entire rest of the internet to render your conclusion valid, or are you just pretending that you don't need to provide premises?

Nah man this is one of the shitty crop along with the 1st broly movie

Literally 3-5 big threads in the last couple of hours about evangelion, DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh etc.

Sup Forums is new spot for mainstream anime discussion

The History of Trunks is pretty great but if you're not including TV specials then I guess I'd go with Cooler's Revenge.

Full disclosure: I haven't seen Battle of Gods or Resurrection 'F'.

BoG is good if you're not triggered by humor at the expense of drama.

RoF is good if you're not triggered by fun at the expense of logic.

>Sup Forums is the rest of the internet


i really liked lord slug because of the ending


This is garbage

It's got to be Return of F

Power creep at its finest

SSJGSSJ Goku vs Golden God Frieza overseen by even more powerful gods


time manipulation brought the movie down for me