Favorite Horror Sequels

Return of the living Dead part 2
Friday the 13th part 5
A nightmare on elm street part 2 Freddy's revenge
Halloween 3 season of the witch
The Texas chainsaw massacre part 2
Day of the Dead
Creepshow 2
Army of Darkness
Child's play 2
Hellraiser 2
Scream 2

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Apparently the cast of return of the living dead part 2 shit all over the director for it flopping.

meanwhile, it's one of the best zombie movies ever oozing with atmosphere, even as a comedy.

fuck those actor faggots

Scream 4 is my actually my favourite of the sequel

I'm also mad they changed the soundtrack on the DVD.
Still waiting for the Blu-ray with the original music.

I like 3 almost as much as 1 for some reason.

Yeah i liked 3.

>actually liking Freddy's Revenge

Yeah i know I'm going to get shit for it but its not a bad sequel IMO.

it's just that every movie you posted is a good sequel except that one. It's not scary, it's not funny, the only memorable thing about it is the homo subtext for people who are into that sort of thing.

It also shits all over the formula/rules that the other movies follow, Freddy popping out into the real world to crash a party? Seriously?

Anyway I still give you kudos for mentioning F13 Part V, which is criminally underrated

>F13 Part V is underrated

So is A nightmare on elm street part 2 Freddy's revenge

>So is A nightmare on elm street part 2 Freddy's revenge
Eh, to each his own

I've only seen it once and hated it, but you've convinced me to give it another go. I'll rewatch it tomorrow

what is it you like about it?

I saw it before ROTLD1 when I was a kid, so I've always been fond of it. The tarman and zombies coming out of the graves scared me and then the zombies started doing pratfalls and it confused the shit out of me.

I thought FR had the scariest Freddy desu. The red eyes, the brain scene.

>some poor fisher is going to hook that slimey bastard somewhere down the river

I liked that it was going in a different direction with the series much like Halloween 3 a new line of story's and killers or killer

Leperchaun 2 is an underrated one.

I like Wishmaster more IMO i like1, 2 is okey the rest suck.


Is that all? I mean trying a new direction is nice and all, but talk about damning with faint praise

>Day of the Dead

Do people actually prefer this one to dawn of the dead, granted the effects are better and it might even be bit scarier but Dawn is overall a better movie in my eyes. Some really fun scenes in the mall+ some great one liners and the opening sequence is great.

I saw the first one and it was awesome I'll check out the sequel sometome.

There is no sense in choosing one over the other.
They are both amazing movies.

Italians used to be spectacular when it came to horror, what happened?

Dawn of the Dead is a classic don't get me wrong, i just like Day more because its at the very end of humanity and the people that are isolated are going crazy.

I love how Day focuses on the human, psychological reaction to a zombie apocalypse and cabin fever, depression etc instead of just a group of people trying to survive which is every zombie movie ever

Times just changed, everyone became more jaded and horror became so mainstream that jump scares are king while interesting visuals and mysterious plots have become passe

It has it's moments.

Agree. Scariest Freddy imo.

I'm in the same boat. I loved Dawn, don't have any gripes with it, but Day just had something about it. The spacious cafeteria with only 10 or so people still alive in the bunker provoked a cozy feeling. They were living comfortably (as much as you could with the world torn apart) with a good system of keeping things going, but impatience and the stress of that daily life caused that to all break down. It also did the female lead perfectly; there wasn't a forced "Women are strong too guys!" message or feeling about it.


>Friday the 13th part 5 (Starring Juwanna Mann)
Easily my favorite Jason movie.
>Halloween 3 season of the witch
Fantastic, fun movie.
>Return of the living Dead part 2
Didn't know a sequel existed, but if it's half as good as the first (which stars Juwanna Mann), it should be cool.

Lep 3 takes the cake for the Lep series; best comedy. 4 (also starring Juwanna Mann) and 2 are fun. 5 is something strange and special.

it was the best seqal behind in tha hood

I prefer Day as well. Captain Rhodes is one of the all time great characters.

>Captain Rhodes is one of the all time great characters.


Amy of Darkness
Evil Dead II
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Friday the 13th: Jason Lives
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Scream 2
Halloween II