Is she 'tistic?

is she 'tistic?

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Why is everyone in that pic giving compliments to the dog

>kebab lips
no thank you

I miss my dog.

I also miss mine.

thread theme

Had to put mine down last year, it was 15.

She's primo waifubait, that's for sure.

>You'll never get to slur JIFF Chunky peanut butter off of Daddario's genitalia then sleep on her feet while she naps post-climax.

Just kill me now.

i like her

>tfw no friday night at home with Daddario, rubbing her feet on the sofa, she becomes drowsy and falls asleep on your chest as you lay there just smelling her hair

For a minute there I thought she was jerking off the dog, thank god it wasn't this.



does it matter

Mine 15 years too, had to do the same almost one year ago.

so in your fantasy, you kidnap, restrain, and drug her

then all you do is rub her feet and smell her hair?


>Tfw my dog is going deaf
>Tfw she can't jump on my bed anymore

The worst part is not only is she gloriously beautiful; she actually seems like a total fucking sweetheart and generally good, loveable person.

eh no, in this realistic scenario it's consentual


>going to make her eat all of the eggs
>too late, she does it on her own
best waifu


"drowsy" was an interesting word choice then

Yeah...thank god...

is english not your first language

>literal 10/10
>is a notorious meme lover

no one really deserves her, right?

Sounds like someone's never cuddled with a qt

If you scratch their back, give them a footrub, gently stroke her head or spoon them their comfy levels reach critical and they fall asleep right away. They're like cats.

"Drowsy" has a very particular connotation.

If your first exposure to the word was through television advertisements for prescription drugs, I suppose it would.

maybe to you, freak

touchee touchee

are you 12 years old?



>If you scratch their back, give them a footrub, gently stroke her head or spoon them their comfy levels reach critical and they fall asleep right away. They're like cats