Celebrity lookalike

So, a lot of my friends tell me I look famous, but I can't tell who they're talking about. They always say that it's on the tip their tongues.
Any ideas, Sup Forums?

You look like a closet homosexual who does a lot of cocaine.

Evan Peters?

So David Lynch?
Hm. Maybe. I think I look better than that guy though.

You look like someone, especially in that photo, who is really eager to suck a big cock.

You kinda remind me of Anthony Michael Hall, if he overdosed on coke.

That's kind of rude.
What's with all the coke stuff?

Maybe those other pics just had bad angles


You look like someone that does coke.

Why do you dress like a nigger/Justin Bieber

John Simm maybe

user, you actually have a pretty interesting face. Kind of a crooked nose, juicy lips with the whole big puffy eyes thing and arched eyebrows. That pointed chin works well and your huge ears give you a elven look that can even work in a sci-fi movie.

You should seriously consider being an actor actually.

Quicksilver after snorting 6 pounds of cocsine.

a skinny don vito with his lazy eye

You look like you have aids and snort a lot of coke

You're obviously just trying to make some guy you don't like look stupid.

Time stamp or fuck off.

Look just like the kid from RoboCop2.


i'd say bones mccoy but not much tho...

you look like a boring european 20 year old

Diet Ron Weasley


BACK to /soc/ i know you posted there before. faggot