Eternal /got/ general

>You conniving motherfucker, you cheeky little cunt.. I've been elbow deep in that fat bitch's gaping cunt for the last 12 hours, trying to figure out if she were really going into labor or she just enjoyed the company while taking a huge painful shit. THEN YOURE GONNA KILL HER? JUST LIKE THAT? fuck you m8, "HURR DURR LOOK AT ME IM A BIG BOY NOW WITH MY BIG BOY PANTS" whats babby's gonna say? "LOOK AT ME IM LORD BOLTON NOW"? What? you thought Karstark here will go "WOAH RAMSAY IS PRETTY BASED! I WOULDNT WANT TO PICK A FIGHT WITH THIS PERSON"? fucking leech, I was in there, A DOZEN HOURS! DOZEN, trying to get the stench off my nose coming from that fucking disgusting snatch, FUCK YOU RAMSAY

Other urls found in this thread:

>de gay

Azor Jon

Why was his storyline trés butcheré?

kekburns represent

was is the secret of qyburn and cercei?

dank memes

Highgarden master plan happening next week.

Are we hype yet?

Giggly buzzed Missandei a cute.


burn all of the septs. Which will end up more or less buring all of kingslanding with it.

is this someone trying to be funny?

the wildfire or Tyrion located

daily reminder the show will never try to ruse you again. There are no more underhanded schemes. Everything is as it is.

The Mountain vs 20 good men vs 62 Bear men


How will the Theon and Tyrion reunion go?

>some people think emilia clarke is a good actor


The Mountain
Nigga is dead already
And he ain't a whight, so fire might not even be a problem for him

DABID surely forgot they ever met and they will act accordingly.



if you dont think so you're sexist

I doubt she's an actor m8

>Inb4 dragon burns all of the ships next week

>One eunuch goes one arrives lmao XDDDD
>Do you know any joke??

Reminder that Qyburn knew about the wildfire the whole time and is going to help Cersei blow up the Sept

Tyrion just asked creepy maester guy to make him some. And then a couple of days later he took him to an abandon buildings basement where there was a comical amount of the stuff.

So either he made a dickload of wildfire in just a couple of days, or creepy maester was in on the mad kings plot and just gave Tyrion one of his stashes. He just keeps them secret so no one blows up the city and he can't get rid of them on his own.

Yes I did repost it from ten minutes ago because the old thread is dying

I need the picture of Tyrion and Vaerys with the spuro heads making no Benis :DDD jokes

That scene between Radmure and Jaime was fucking based.

Doctors are supposed to take their job very seriously and treat the human body as a machine to be fixed. Pycelle is a sack of shit that uses his position to entertain his dick.

>even reddit thinks the writing is shit

Remember when people thought this was jacquen

or it was a pigs blood bladder

or syrio was gonna save her

Most of those people still think the show isn't badly written.


another cock joke scene

another bad men meme scene

will they ever recover?

is this the end ?




this episode was for adults

>creepy maester
wasnt that a pyromancer or alchemist? not a maester AFAIk

Inb4 Sup Forums now argues that the writing is good to be contrarians to the evil reddit boogeyman

In that case, we should immediately start praising the episode, or else we will be reddit-tier.

>"Dabid, what if what if DABID?!"
>"Dabid what is it?"
>"What is we bring wildfire back, those retards in front of the tv have already forgotten about it!"

you guys are literally retards

>Episode 8 is out
>STILL not even a preview of the Season 6 soundtrack or any of the track names

This is taking the piss

He's a big guy

>hey i give u food and good clothes ok
>but i put your kid on trebuchet if u dont surender ok XD

>no blackfish death scene
>replaced by 5 minutes of tyrion cringe
>reddit tier hound dialogue
>plot is going nowhere
>character arcs non-existent

this season has been utter dogshit.

Every single scene that doesn't involve Ser Robert Strong or last night's Lightning Lord just makes GoT worse and worse.

>knew there would be syrio
>waiting for salt in /asoiaf/
>deafening silence
>mfw someone literally posts "LSH was confirmed this episode"

Worst episode of the season, probably of the whole show. I know the writers had wrap subplots up before the battles in eps 9 and 10 but Jesus Christ
>Peaceful gravedigger undone in one fell swoop
>incompetent faceless men
>lol Jaime loves incest
>my lord my lord, blackfish is a retard
>Grey Worm loves Missandei filler
>Deus ex daenerys uses dragon like he's an Uber

i liked the song that played when coldhands saved bran and meera
shit was dank


What was the point of Aryas plot again? What a waste of time in pentos. Or was it to learn to fight in the dark for 2 seasons

hey /got/, post the picture.

you know the one

radmure was very good in this episode (atleast his actor)

i love mountain brutality

Next week is bastardbowl, you faggot.
KL burning is ep 10. Here's to hpoing that Cersei plays fiddle.

So, the reason for his continued fatness is Planetos' inherent magic?

kek all that effort he put into that poster

a split is occurring, the plebs of /gameofthrones/ are figuring it out but the autists of /asoiaf/ are still trying to support the writing

doktor mengele

Here you go

Knights of vale will show up last minute and turn the tide.

Whats the point of watching the episode if you already know whats going to happen?


Yeah I thought that track was pretty good too

new king in the north confirmed.

There are people in the threads complaining that people who are upset are never going to be happy and should just accept the show and stop looking for things to be mad about kek

>replaced by 5 minutes of tyrion cringe
This shit so god awful
Whenever you hear wine being poured in, you know it's gonna be shit
Same goes for Arya scenes
I have never thought I'd say this, but what about Bran's story, at least that is pretty good nowadays

>meant to say no syrio


>tfw Stannis is gonna show up with 100k men at the bastardbowl

what men?

stupidity never ceases to amaze and amuse me

He's a Tully and she's a Frey, nice try though.

think about all the resources that little completely unnecessary scene takes, all the people, money, hours of work

It hasn't been entirely shit though, we saw a good diversity of braavosi life and some real humanity from jaime and brienne. Things tend to be exaggerated here, the writing is on par with most modern series.

Who cares when she got tits and ass?

good men


why is Winterfell such a shithole? After thousands of years the greatest fort in the North is mostly ruins and isn't even flagged with stone? No wonder they lost the war.

Arya will kill Frey

Arya will meet Jon and Sansa after Jon fucks ramdays smelly boypussi

Arya will kill more Bolton and Frey men

Arya will meet up with Gendry

They will fuck

>Tully + Frey = Stark

is she for real. is this some kind of shia meta humour

It's like people in these threads have different opinions

Shocking I know

he's not a doctor though? He's a maester. He might have had some working experience when he was younger, but I'm sure he hasn't practiced in a long time.


Isn't he a tully


Will Alfie Allen's acting do a nosedive in terms of quality after he's been forced into the worst plotline in the show and forced to act with the worst overactors in the show?

Or will his acting actually improve the Dany Storyline a little?

even Coco the gorilla would understand the show

Jesus fucking normie christ

Being this stupid should be a crime.

Yep. Best part of the episode. Arya plot was retarded, Mehreen joking was ze kringe.

when is stannis coming back

>implying he's not getting randomly killed


>implying that doesnt make him realistic

Will Margaery die ?

Winterfell, at least in the books, is a graveyard where the spirit of the Great Other was sealed underground by Bran the Builder. That's why it is called Winter FELL.
The castle and everything was built years later after the crypts.

But i guess GRRM didn't tell Dumb&Dumber about THAT.

>cleganeb owl is cancelled
>we need more danny and briennes scenes

if he keep up his usual level, he will simply make the others look awful by contrast, and the scenes will be weakened

Tully =/= Stark

you mongoloid