4 GoT threads on the front page including a general

>4 GoT threads on the front page including a general
>1 political thread
>1 what did he mean by this thread
>1 frogposter thread
>1 capeshit thread
>1 dr who general
>0 fresh, quality threads

Sup Forums is shit

shit meta thread cuck

What's this "front page" nonsense you speak of?

This is correct. Sup Forums-tier

Haha stop le commenting this fact ur leik contributing or something

You know whats worse?
usually a shooting slows this board down to its old pace and yesterday it didn't
a new episode of game of thrones makes this board move fast as fuck and it didn't

this can literally mean only one thing
e3 is making this board move slowly right now which confirms the Sup Forums invasion is real


pot meet nigger

Holy shit. Didn't think of it this way before. Damn. The cancer runs even deeper than I thought.

>Grrr! All of these shitty threads on my Sup Forums! Oh I have an idea! How about I post an equally shit, bitchy thread on here! That'll fix things!

You are such a bitch. Fuck off and start an actual quality thread instead of being a bitch ass about it.

>Fuck off and start an actual quality thread instead of being a bitch ass about it.
Why? It'll take away room from your flavor of the week meme spam

Oh look it's the same shit response

Let's never complain about garbage kids like you are posting

I do. And what happens? 13 replies, 30 if I'm really lucky but that only happens when I make it "post film that fits x criteria" rather than actual discussion on a specific film or films.

Think about it my friend.
even when the mod/janitor is here babysitting the fuck out of the board(like right now) threads still 404 after 30-40 minutes, but not today

why? all the invaders have gone home for e3

>Purposefully going to a place that's shit

And we can't do anything about it because posters who actually care about quality and discussion are a minority here. What a shame.

What's so wrong with frogposting.

we'll kill them

See now they've made a reference to something Sup Forums always complains about and now they're coming back

How do we save Sup Forums if the janitor doesn't like us?

THIS. the fact that we get hourly warcraft shill threads proves it


Gas yourself game of normies fag